Bassnectar's picture
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Planned next cycle


So just wanted to lay down a foundation of my proposed next cycle. I'm playing around with HCG and Aromasin in the next go round so what I put is not definite. Same goes with all the hormones. Currently sitting at 220 with 8-9% body fat, aiming to "naturally" get to 210-215 7-6% body fat before starting my next cycle. And by the way, I react very, very well to Tren (no sides) that is the only reason I have it in here but I do not mind dropping it at all. Blood work will be taken before, during and after cycle, and blood pressure will be monitored very closely for precaution.

Test Cyp or Sustanon up in the air!

WeekTest CypEQ CypTren EMast ECaberAromasinHCGClomidNolvaHMG
1500mg M/W/F800mg M/W/F800mg M/W/F500mg M/W/F.5mg x26.25 EOD
2500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD
3500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD
4500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD
5500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD
6500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD250IU x2
7500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD250IU x2
8500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD250IU x2
9500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD250IU x2
10500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD250IU x2
11500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD250IU x2
12500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD250IU x2
13500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD250IU x2
14500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD250IU x2
15500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD250IU x2
16500mg800mg800mg500mg.5mg x26.25 EOD250IU x2
17.25mg x26.25 EOD85IU ED
18.25mg x26.25 EOD85IU ED
19.25mg x26.25 EOD
206.25 EOD2000IU EOD(300mg first day) 150mg ED(80mg First Day) 40mg ED
216.25 EOD2000IU EOD100mg ED40mg ED
226.25 EOD50mg ED20mg ED
236.25 EOD50mg ED20mg ED
Warthor's picture

Start the aromasin and HCG since day 1. Why are you waiting is just do not make any sense...
aromatization and shutdown start as soon as you inject exogenous aas... It makes no sense to wait...

Drop the aromasin during PCT It's damn useless...
Yes aromasin help to increase Testosterone but it do it by diminish E2 and SHBG, However when you are on nolvadex and clomid the receptor of E2 are completely blocked(that's why they work to increase LH/FSH)
So dropping your E2 more will only make you have difficulty to keep it hard and have dry and painful joint.
And your SHBG is already supose to be fucking low because high testosterone lower SHBG and when you have over 7 times the testostewrone you should normally have your SHBG is pretty low...

300mg clomid!!! GODDAMMIT! Absolutely no need to, I understand the frontload Idea but with a half life this short its useless to waste so much. and still 150mg is really high, if you ened that much is because your source is way underdosed.

Same thing apply to nolvadex, 80mg is a very high dose... 40 will be plenty... To recover from a heavy cycle like this you are better to increase the time you are on PCT instead of increasing the dose of clomid/nolva...

do 6 weeks of PCT instead of high dose...

IMO equipoise is a waste when used with tren... Tren WAY overpower EQ... Anyway that's your choice.

Plus, to limit the progestin side I would diminish the sustanon to 100-200mg/week. Will greatly reduce the side of tren, but with all the cabergoline you take you should be fine.

good luck.

j223's picture

Start the aromasin and HCG since day 1. Why are you waiting is just do not make any sense...
aromatization and shutdown start as soon as you inject exogenous aas... It makes no sense to wait...

I strongly disagree. First of all estrogen takes a while to build up and his prop dose is very low. Also Extended use of HCG is also a terrible idea because after a while your body gets used to it and you not only start getting diminishing returns but it's benefits disappear and you are actually doing more harm than help. Do a little reading about HCG abuse and LH desensitization, it's not a good thing and the opposite of what we are using it for.

do 6 weeks of PCT instead of high dose

Another bad idea. Ever heard of clomid desensitization? Too much clomid for extended use is not a good thing.

IMO equipoise is a waste when used with tren

You are terribly wrong here. EQ and Tren go together beautifully. Very synergistic and many people enjoy the combo. It's a tried and true stack and has been around forever. Many benefits are seen when EQ is added.

Plus, to limit the progestin side I would diminish the sustanon to 100-200mg/week.

Not necessary. The extra test is good for growth and should help maintain a good ratio of test to tren. Many people (myself included) prefer a moderate dose of test along with tren. Not everyone prefers low test with tren. Also he's taking caber and AI so that is not needed.

Warthor's picture

Aromasin also takes a time to build up, and he use Prop plus sustanon who have short ester in it. So Estrogen will build up VERY fast.

Long term use of HCG is count in years not in weeks and 500ui/week is very low dose.
However, when testicle are shutdown for too long it could make them insenistive to LH AND HCG.
I got a friend who must take over 2000UI/weeks because he has been shutdown for a years, Only a years and he have 2000ui to takes...
Yes, the testiscle get used to, however they get faster use to being shutdown.

Another thing the desensitization like you say, is with a LONGTERM use, not 2 week more...

If he like EQ/tren go ahead. But for lot of people EQ is a complete waste no matter with what it is used...
If it fit your needs, go ahead and have fun with it.

Like above, some prefer low test with tren, easier side to manage, but if you are not prone to side effect, you can increase the dose. everyone is different, you feel good with moderate dose, go ahead.

And I personnaly prefer pramil over cabergoline, Pramil do the same as caber with more other beneficial stuff, But cabergoline do his job perfectly.

j223's picture

Agreed on the prami. I'm using prami 0.4mg ed.

He's also not using eq hes using bold cyp which is slightly quicker acting. Most people that don't like EQ don't use it long enough or high enough dose.

HCG desensitization occurs rapidly. Personally I do not use it for longer than 4 weeks at a time. Typically I run 4 weeks on 3 weeks off with HCG and see best results doing that.

The aromasin beginning later is ultimately up top the OP. If he notices estrogen sides earlier I'm sure he will start earlier. Unless he is ultra sensitive to estrogen he should be fine.

Bassnectar's picture

There, made it into a BOSS cycle lol

j223's picture

Nice!! You are going to get JACKED.

Haha I can't run masteron (hairloss) but I'm sure that will keep you looking and feeling like a god being added to this cycle

j223's picture

running same exact cycle except with adex. Perfect