ColloquialCucumber's picture
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Spring EBC 2k13, first run


I'm looking to gain a little bit a weight and mostly lose fat and gain strength. I think its pretty obvious I look a lot better from the back than from the front, so hoping to see some better ab and arm development specifically. That's not to say I won't be going hard on my back obviously, "A thick back gets dem hoez in teh sack", as Chris Jones would say. My best DL set is 365x8 and I'm hoping to improve my estimated 1rm by at least 50lbs. My back and legs are my strong points. I just kinda prefer eating big and lifting big in the compound stuff, going to pay more attention to diet and filling in the details with isolation work.

I have a little bit of pre-existing gyno from pre-pubertal days, so I will be using arimidex. My only cycle history is a 3 week run with 10mg superdrol. Cycle will be 500mg test e/wk for 10 weeks in addition to however much superdrol I feel I'm able to tolerate. Might just be 10mg for 2 weeks, might be for 4-6, I'll see how it feels.

Test was from the now defunct Shops-Mart.

I'm hoping to finish this cycle around the same weight or marginally higher but with lower bodyfat and stronger in squat/bench/press/deadlift/weighted chinups.

Pose of choice = back double bicep.

EBC Before Pic: 
Height (before EBC): 
Weight (before EBC): 
Body Fat (before EBC): 
ECB Wrapper: 
Gorillafit's picture

Bro, you should redo those pics, a little closer, and legs in each shot.
Back looks freaky thick man! Good Luck!

iheartyou's picture

Yep I agree, pics are coming up very small. All the best though ;-)

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