HllwdBdBoy's picture
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What kind of bullshit Bizzaro world have I fallen into...


I'm not sure WTF has been happening but since I've been OFF (and not even hitting the gym due to injury) my world has been changing.
I have dropped to 190 and looking pretty "mortal" by all accounts yet ppl just can't help but to tell me how good I look. The neighbors are waving to me. Strangers want to chat with me. Even the eroids community have been commenting and PMing me with pleasantries. Hell, I'm even cutting it up with my arch nemeses ICT... WTF?! It can't be something in the juice cuz I'm OFF... Its not that I'm just a "pleasant guy" to be around cuz trust me, I'm NOT! Hmmm... Maybe end of days really is upon us?

RickRock1086's picture

Grab a bottle of Tren A and pin that shit ASAP it will change your world

PapaSwole's picture

Would you rather me hate you or love you lol pick it I love you with all my heart and will share my ice cream with you if you ask.nicely

Engineereddisaster's picture

Hllwd, you are special to us all and we are here for you through this journey of estrogen filled bliss!

Engineereddisaster's picture

I'm thinking a name change is in order to" hllwdgoodboy. "

HllwdBdBoy's picture

Maybe a tren cycle is what I need to make things right in my world

Undertaker's picture

Its the motorhead avi

Cheatnnature's picture

O shit hide yo kids hide yo wife!!!!

fast48's picture

So you were so big ya scared the shit outta everyone. Lol!

ac89's picture

Get that injury healed. Walking among mortals is no fun

ac89's picture

shits about to hit the fan. It's the calm before the storm dec 21 2012