BigBoy1's picture
  • 14

3rd week in I have reached a plateau!


Age 28
Height 1.78cm
Weight 80 kilos
Cycle (not including PCT)
Week 1-4 40mg dianabol ED
Week 1-12 Test cyp 600mg
Week 1-10 Deca 500mg
I'm not understanding why the first two weeks I put on 5 kilos but the third and a bit week I haven't put a gram on! Maybe I'm gaining muscle and loosing fat which is why the scales aren't showing any improvements but in all honestly it doesn't seem to be the case judging by my appearance. I have gain strengths nearly every gym session so I'm not sure what the problem is. Eating close to 4000 calories divided into 6-7 meals each day with about 170 grams of that being protein so I know my diest isn't the problem. Is it normal to see this? This is my first time using D-bol so I'm not sure if maybe the results start to die off around the 3rd week. Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks!

chester's picture

you have to become a eating machine up to 5800 cals a day and 250-300 grams pro.9-10 hrs sleep per day if you cant get that much take naps. if that dosent help then it could be training,do 12 reps mostly, drop sets, forced reps, and super sets, if that dosent work may your gear is bad.

BigBoy1's picture

Okay, I'l definitelyl up my protein intake! I thought that roughly 2 grams of protein per kilo of body weight was the norm but obviously not. Thanks for all the inputs much appreciated!

Gorillafit's picture

I'd say your weight peak is due to water saturation from the Dbol. Dbol will bring the weight on quick through water retention but your body will only hold so much. Don't forget when you drop the dbol you are gonna drop the water also and see a dip in weight. Increase the protein\cals like others have said. 1 gram\lb of BW is a minimum. 1.5-2 gram\lb of BW is what you will need to ADD lean mass. Take advantage of the water and strength the dbol is giving you now to work the muscles hard and move right into the test\deca surge. Good luck!

kstock1's picture

I'd say that maybe you're not eating enough for additional weight gain. Your metabolism, activity level (including brain activity), and current weight are probably eating up the 4000 calories you're taking in everyday (even though 4000 calories a day is a good amount for your current size). Try eating 5250 calories per day and up your high quality protein intake. Make sure you're eating directly (within 30 minutes) after your workout to prevent ketosis (weight loss, essentially). Keep doing protein with creatine after your workout, keep juiced, and keep drinking 11-14 8 ounce glasses of water per day. Keep lifting heavy too. Good work bro.

Multipurpose's picture

I agree with Rick. 170 grams of protein is not enough. Get closer to 400 grams a day.

RickRock1086's picture

400 grms of protein = 3 medium size chickens LOL Blum 3

RickRock1086's picture

Increase your protein intake(whole food protein not shakes) bruh, while you on AAS you need as much protein as you can give to your body. Let the mirror be the judge and don't worry too much about the scale. Remember Dbol will give lots of water retention to most of the users, may be you are not the case. And by the way increase your calorie intake as well if you wanna gain more weight!