Nitti's picture
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Anyone have any experience with this? It sounds amazing to run a short estered EQ but what are the facts? We all know that EQ raises red blood cells more so than other androgens. SO I imagine Bold ace would be far more intense in that sense. Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and is your body's way of transporting oxygen to the tissue. EQ is also known for increasing the appetite which is a huge advantage to Bodybuilders! Does bold ace have this same effect? It is also widely accepted that EQ repairs connective tissue which is also a huge plus for bodybuilders during training. Does bold ace have this same attribute? The lean muscle gains, hardening effect, extreme vascularity, same as EQ? Anyone with any experience or knowledge of this compound, I look forward to your feedback! Thanks guys!

avery's picture

why does short ester eq sound amazing?
What makes you think Boldenone increases red blood cells much more so than other androgens?
ED injects for one of the weekest compounds out there sounds lame to me, but to each their own I guess.
I have read from people who have used it that it is one of the more painful compounds to inject, and therefore I have no interest.

Hicksie's picture

so does anybody actually have any experience with this compound or are we all still guessing lol? i just noticed it on ehealth myself i didnt even know there was an eq ace

ruski's picture

anyone even know the recommended dosage?

manbearpig's picture

it should probably be about the same as long ester eq but here is something to consider. the undecylate ester is so much heavier then an acetate ester. approx 472amu vs 345amu...

bold ace = approx 83% bold by weight
bold undec = approx 61% bold by weight

this just means that bold ace should be slightly more potent

ruski's picture

it could be around the same, but then it couldnt be also. think of prop and e. prop is much harsher. people shot 1-2-3 grams of long ester test. very rarely do people go over 700 mg of prop in a week.

negaburn9's picture

eq repairs tendons when test in under 200mg a week. i know ehealth has bold ace i may try it but the high RBC scare me.

Plisk's picture

I imagine it would be exactly the same as the longer ester version, just slightly more pronounced and quicker effects from the more stable blood levels.

Nitti's picture

Well you're definitely right in those terms, but if you look at test prop next to test cyp, they react a little bit different. Naturally test is test but the dose of 100mg of prop injected ED has a bit more intensity than cyp @ 700mg/week right? I'm wondering if there is a noticable difference between Bold ace and Bold Undecyclate. And what are the risks of having elevated red bthere any? I figured if anyone knew it would be you or tread

datman's picture

Im interested to hear the answer to this one as well!! the only thing ive heard about it can cause flu like symptoms with some people, whether it is true or not is another story. and i hear the pip is very intense..