eastcoastmuscle's picture
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Hot flashes / burning up / Tren ?/ liver?


The last few days i have been having some bad hot flashes where my face gets all red and i feel like i am burning up, does anyone know if this is a side effect from Tren ace?? This is the first time i have run tren at a good dose and i never had this before in any other cycle so i dont know if Tren is the cause or if somethings going on with my liver or something.....

eastcoastmuscle's picture

So today is a little better , my body temp is probably around 110 instead of the 150 degress it felt like the last 2 days .... cut tren dose by half this morn to 50mg

Roid Noid's picture

Its acetate bro, cut your dose in half or more and go up till you get sides, pin ED for stable blood levvels. My suggestion start at 25mg/d and go up 5 to 10mg every third day until sides begin, this way you dont get stuck saying fuck this shit!

eastcoastmuscle's picture

Thanks, yea i am going to try cutting the dose to 25mg, hopefully these hot flashes will go away , they come and go every few hours, i look like i have a sun burn when it comes on and literally on fire .....

eastcoastmuscle's picture

I am about to throw the towel in on the tren already, tried going to sleep tonight , laying there my face is on fire burning up and heart beating a mile a minute, no chance of fallen asleep... this is somethin i could handle in my 20's not my 30's

livingthedream's picture

Do you have a "baseline" or pre-cycle BP reading? Are you monitoring it regularly?

eastcoastmuscle's picture

dont know exactly , but i am always borderline high

livingthedream's picture

Some of us (like more than 50%) will be affected at some point on the BP due to AAS use. The electronic monitors don't cost that much and are good to have for keeping this in check. Unless you truly know where you are with it, I do not recommend blindly taking BP medication. The homeopathic stuff should be fine but even then it is prudent to monitor regularly.

Shit, go to Walgreens/Walmar/etc and hop on the chair to get an idea when you think its high.

ac89's picture

Most of us on here cant use those bp machines at walmart. I swear those things weren't meant to fit an arm more that 12 inches around.

eastcoastmuscle's picture

Would taking BP medication be a bad idea when running a cycle? i am always a little bit high with my BP when i am not on a cycle , now i am starting to think that could be the problem

WashingtonsGreedy's picture

"don't take shit unless it is prescribed" very interesting...very interesting indeed.

ac89's picture

Are you taking any pre workout supps? I've noticed that occasionally certain ones will make my skin feel like its on fire not long after taking it. Just something to think about I don't know if thats it or not. I was also on deca and winny when I occasionally got that feeling.

eastcoastmuscle's picture

Only supps i am taking are milk thistle and liv 52...

eastcoastmuscle's picture

I do 40 min of cardio 4 days a week and i do drink alot of water... i am going to look into the hawthorne berry. thanks for the help.. ill update the post if things get worse or better. would hit some of you up with points if i could, i appriciate it

Beachbdygrl's picture

Also, you should look into CoQ10 or if you can find some Ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is the liquid form of CoQ10 and it works better because your body doesn't have to work to convert it.

GetBigNow's picture

WHen i did tren i got hot flushes to thats one of the sides of tren but i got alot of sides from tren

eastcoastmuscle's picture

Nate, i am Running tren ace 100 mg eod, and test prop 100 mg eod .... it just feels like i am getting overly hot , never felt that way before like my face is burning up and last night had some chills with it, but i am not sick... it comes and goes

sweatnosejackso's picture

Damn straight I was going to bring up the chills. I got them the first few days on prop.

eastcoastmuscle's picture

Any ideas for preventive measures to keep the blood pressure down?

eastcoastmuscle's picture

Thanks Nate , appriciate the help

eastcoastmuscle's picture

My face looks like i have a sunburn when its happening too , its crazy