zorro2021's picture
  • 70

+ 5 Feeling stressed and tired


Have you ever felt so stressed out and tired for doing the same thing over and over again everyday? That’s me right now, I have a beautiful wife, 2 kids a 7year old and a 2 year old and one on the way so technically three, they all care about me and I feel like shit because I am not giving them time the deserve, i am always doing something, mostly working, I go to work in the morning, go pick up my son from school, stay home for about another hour and head back to work again, I also workout at night so by the time I come home they’re all sleeping, I just seat down and think F****K I have to do it again tomorrow. I feel like my kids are growing without me.
sometimes I take everything for granted and don’t realize how good I have it, I tell myself that everything I am doing is for the right reason but a I am also a little bit selfish, I could go on and on but you get the picture.
Just wanted to see if there are other people kinda of going through the same situation as well.
I guess I just needed to let it out :(


JackedRider's picture

Hey man I'm basically gling trough the same thing I always only get 3 hours of sleep but I'm getting tough it j keep telling myself these obstacles are just here to make us stronger and I just step over that obstacle and keep pushing. In my opinion from what I read you are doing the right thing you want to make sure your kids are safe, have a roof over their heads, food, education, toys, etc. Just look at the positive parts of this situation and maybe try some therapy that helped me. Find that light inside of you and it's gonna keep pushing you. Things will get better and I hope they got better by now. We are here for you man. Thank you for sharing this with us and letting it out it's always good to do this. Keep grinding man you're doing great you're not just anyone looking at you you're doing so much and still going so keep going don't give up. All love man!

JohnJuice's picture

I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. It's completely understandable to feel this way, especially with the demands of work and family responsibilities.

You are not alone in feeling this way, as many people struggle with finding a balance between work and family life. It's important to remember that it's okay to take a break and prioritize self-care, as this can help you recharge and be more present for your family.

It is important to prioritize vacations and plan them ahead to ensure that you are able to spend quality time with your family and alleviate the stress of daily routines. While work may be a necessary obligation, it is important to remember that the ultimate purpose of working is to provide for one's family. Therefore, family should always take priority over work obligations. Communicating with your family about the need for a work-life balance and finding ways to make time for them can also help reduce stress and increase overall satisfaction.
Been there..

press1's picture

How are things going for you now buddy? I hope things have settled down a bit and are more relaxed and enjoyable for you Yes 3

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simonmagus84's picture

I’m right there with you. Our kids are similar in age but I knew I wouldn’t be able to manage a third because my wife and I are at our limits now. I think life is a little more stressful given the circumstances of the digital age compared to previous times where we would let our kids go outside for hours on end with kids down the block and overall people were more of the community type. Now, it just seems like everything has amplified over the years given the complexities of the increasing influence of social media. I don’t feel life is going to get easier for the middle class so you and I have had our differences over the recent weeks but trust me I deeply relate to you on this and hope you keep managing. Good luck with the birth of your 3rd. This quote has helped me in the past when feeling like I can’t keep up with the next family

Catalyst's picture

It’s easy to get bogged down with the whole “same shit, different day” stuff. Sounds like you’re being a decent father, going out to work and having a little bit of time for yourself, (gym).

Gym time for me has always been my place to take out the stress and frustration. Much more of a positive then taking it out on people.

I think we all have little runs where it’s like that. Focus on the positives and take out the negatives on heavy stuff in the gym. Glass half full rather than half empty…..

Drock_357's picture

Ok so I’ve been gone awhile…is this the catalyst that eloquently beat me down about 8 yrs ago when I first joined here?..if so, I want to thank you …those first 6 months or so I learned a ton from you vets…

Catalyst's picture

It it was a positive, then yes, it was me. If not, I deny everything and run away ;)

press1's picture

HAHAHA Did he kick your Ass Drocky!!! Lool Yeh its the same guy

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Drock_357's picture

Yes he did p !…good to see you again bro!..I’m cruising the forums and busting your balls !….lol..
But I did learn a ton from him…and Makwa…I’m goin after him next!..lol..

press1's picture

I may have to speak to that WWF Wrestling wife of yours and get her to chokehold you Drock!!

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Drock_357's picture

Haha…I’m worth to much alive than dead for her to choke me out yet p!..but once that time comes I’m sure she will take me out !

bundlz's picture

Bro i whas feeling the same getting up 05am getting ready for work driving 1 hour to work with my work mates woeking 10 hours a day returning home fucked up exhausted then you get 2 max 3 hours time with them eat togheter shower them getting them ready for bed etc ... Then they go to sleep i hit the gym 20/ 22pm returning home eating sleeping even on my work i said fuck for what i need to do this im just a fucking number in a company so i searched the chef with the biggest mouth get him outta his cage. We got ik a fight he hit me i hitted him his nose whas broken Biggrin after that i got my C4 finishd work there now i work on my own i do what i want i start and quite when i want :::::We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery, for though others may free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind.”

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hogwild's picture

I was hitting the afternoon gym sessions several years ago and was having the same struggles. Flipped my sleep schedule and started hitting the am. Gym sessions, it sucked at first but I love it now and wouldn't go back to the after work pm. Sessions. Keep your head up brother those kids need ya!

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iFit's picture

That's sounds like a rut. Easy fix. Plan fun stuff. Quick day trips every month. A week vacation a few times a year. Whatever you can fit in your schedule. For us, traveling together is our family thing and it keeps us bonded. We do 3 big adventure/experience trips a year and recently got the kids scuba certified so we do that together now too. It's fun for all of us. I come up with idea, present them to my Wife and Kids and we decide what to add to the agenda. My goal is to get them to see most of the world, most of the land aminals and sea creatures before they head out on their own. Keeps us all motivated during the normal work for me, school for them but we know the next fun thing is just around the corner.

Makwa's picture

Quality time spent with them may be more important than quantity.

SuperBrish's picture

Time for a vacation! I always feel like our family vacays sew us up real tight for a while afterwards. Also not sure what weekends look like for you but if you can try to dedicate more 1 on 1 with kids that may help also. We're starting tball soon so I been trying to get boys out for catch for an hour a week. Little stuff like that helps reinforce our relationship with them. It's tough and they really do grow up fast as everyone warns, so I know why you're feeling like this I think we all feel this way from time to time. Do what you can and don't beat yourself up, they will grow up knowing how hard you worked for them and learn to appreciate you and the time you spend together.

JakeKO's picture

I feel ya, Bro, but remember, all those hours you work your ass off is for them too. It’s normal for a REAL man to feel guilty about neglecting his family, because we love them more than anything in the world. But someone’s gotta pay the bills, your gym time is keeping you healthy so that you can actually handle your busy schedule.

Whenever you feel this way, just think about all the fking losers who don’t wanna work and go hang out with their boys or Goomar every day, and then you’ll realize what a great husband/father you really are.

Also remember, gear doesn’t just make you rage, it can mess with all your emotions.

Claudezilla's picture

You are most definitely not alone my brother this community is here for you and we all get down sometimes anyone who claims otherwise is full of shit and lying to themselves…..hang in there man and get actual (medical/physiological) help if you think you need it .

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zorro2021's picture

Thanks buddy,
I think I worry too much about tomorrow and sometimes I forget to live the present. It really helps to let it out and share it with you guys.

FatBoy26's picture

I’ve been stuck in the past and fearful of the future. You know what happens…. The world Carries on with out you. We’re either getting better or worse. There is no neutral.

Take a measure of peace that everyone on hear has felt this way at some point. Today is all that we have. We are men. We’re meant to be battle tested. I’ll guarantee you’ll be able to take 10 times the suffering and still get life right. It’s only over if we quit. Don’t stop grinding don’t stop moving ….. see you at work

FatBoy26's picture

I’m certainly not ignorant of the fact you have to make time for family. But it’s them you’re doing this for.

FatBoy26's picture

You’ve just described a very normal life my man. Life is hard it’s supposed to be that way. Depending on what you do for work or even as off day take your kids and show them what you do everyday, even from afar. . Say ‘ the lesson I’m teaching you is always provide for your family ‘. I do this everyday so we can have the things we have.

We each have two lives, the second one begins when we realize we only have one.

I would prefer to be stressed everyday of my life than comfortable. You’ll go broke otherwise. Finically and spiritually. Seek discomfort every single day of life….. follow David Goggins ……

zorro2021's picture

Indeed brother -- everything I do is for them.
I really needed to hear everything you just said bro.


FatBoy26's picture

Try it bro. Show them what you do and why. I can’t take credit. It’s an adaption from Micheal Jordan’s trainer Tim Grover. But I get it’s meaning

FatBoy26's picture

SHAOLIN MASTER Become Unshakeable | Shi Heng Yi ……. Leader of the EU Shaolin temple Germany. It’s extremely enlightening. About stability.

I find motivational stuff only works in that moment. Having Principles which you do and keeping promises to yourself last a life time.


Legion of Doom's picture

Great advice well said.

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