thebuilder's picture
  • 18

+ 1 Resting Heart Rate


Hey everyone,

are there certain steroids/peds that increase your RHR outside of normal ranges (not including clen). right now my RHR is at 80 which isn't awful, but isnt the best (normal ranges are 60-100). planning out next run and don't want it to go too high.

Also, what do y'all consider normal RHR for you?

Halsey's picture

big cardio junkie here, when in top running shape I averaged 48-52. Right now, concentrating on muscle growth and just maintaing cardio around 58-62.

Achak's picture

Mine is in the 70s to 80's. My friend who is a retired MLB player is in the low 50s to high 40s. I attribute his low RHR to the many years of rigorous cardio exercise.

Jim Layhey's picture

I have a low resting heart rate 44/50 When I sleep at the hospital every 6 weeks I set off alarms in my bed every night lmao they say I’m healthy tons of EKGs

Bulkdaddy's picture

Mines like 90

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MrTwitch's picture

I have noticed while on a Test-e cycle my heart rate has risen a bit. My normal RHR use to be 58/60 but now it’s around 68 (not much of a jump but enough for me to notice). I also noticed it seems to be higher when working out too to what it use to. I am partial to a can of red bull a day but that was always the case before being on cycle so it was the only thing I could put it down to being the reason for the rise.

You’re definitely best looking at everything you do differently on cycle to see if there is any variation to just the steroids being added.

Bill G's picture

The exact middle of that equation is 80 . What would the best be from 60 to 100. ?

press1's picture

The more compounds and the more mg you run the higher your RHR will become. Also the thicker your blood becomes as you run more cycles it will increase it too. Temperature both bodily and atmosphere strongly affect it too. When I am running big cycles with no Tren I can often see 90 Bpm and believe it or not in the middle of summer on tren have seen it well over 100 - Not good! Take it as rule of thumb that tren increases it massively and any gear that causes high BP and water retention such as Dbol, Adrol will heavily affect numbers etc. Unless you are running a very mild cycle it will always be considerably higher as to not being on anything :-(

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thebuilder's picture

makes sense. i never thought about Dbol/Abombs due to water retention. my BP raised when I used those, but nothing out of the ordinary that was brought to concern

thebuilder's picture

harder not faster makes sense to me. thanks for the reply!