RIPPED02's picture
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+ 2 20 week Contest Prep Cycle


20 Week Contest prep cycle for national qualifier, THOUGHTS?

Weeks 1-16 EQ 600mg/wk
Weeks 1-12 Test E 750mg/wk
Weeks 1-4 DBOL 50mg/Day

Took 12.5 Arimedex EOD throughout the cycle

Weeks 12-20 Test P 800 mg/wk
Weeks 12-20 Tren A 400mg/wk
Weeks 15-20 Mast 400mg/wk
Weeks 12-20 Var 50mg/Day

Bulkdaddy's picture

To long to be running those short esters… That pinning ED gets old..

Owes a Review × 2
kdebless's picture

Why is Mast started so early?

Bulkdaddy's picture

That’s not early… I’d run it through out the cycle with everything else.

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RIPPED02's picture

Because of water retention, which it always gives me. I switch compounds to more fast acting short esters that work well with me and keep water retention to a minimum. You have to pin more often but I always feel better on the prop and when added with the tren and mast, you can see your body improving weekly. I can run the short esters a lot closer to the day of the show without any issues.

RIPPED02's picture

Pinning eod does SUCK!!! I rotate shoulders, glutes, thighs.

RIPPED02's picture

Thanks for the feedback man. I'll do what you said with the Prop for sure. On anti estro, I meant to say Aromasin at that dose but Adex at a low dose would be great as you mentioned. I like the Var because winni makes my joints ache to damn much plus I'm weary of it since I'm trying to build back muscle after a pec tear.
Thanks again and good luck on your show brother.

RIPPED02's picture

Got it, thanks

RIPPED02's picture

Thanks brother, you too

RangerVet's picture

"Recently tore my pec tendon. Complete rupture and had to surgery to repair. I've used Godt240 in the past with great results. This is the first time to use for actual rehab and healing. I'm 3 weeks post op and started with 4 iu daily divided am/pm, also using 250mg Test Enan and 300mg Deca weekly"
Well he won't be doing anything for a long while if he tore his pec

Eu_labs's picture

Use winstrol or halo 4 weeks before the stage and u can cut the var out...
Hgh ??

I would add t-3 and some eca or clen 4-6 weeks before the stage...

dimi4p's picture

That’s a lot of staff there man, would be no nice to see the pictures of you, just to see if we can justify all this

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RangerVet's picture

Do you have to run anavar at week 12 to 20? If your 9 percent bf at 240 twenty weeks out then sounds like your really there already. Run it for last 4 weeks into show maybe? Maybe 800 of test prop could be weaned down by week 16 to idk 50 a day. 350 of test prop is plenty hell 250 might let you look better by contest. Understand your tren, mast. Makwa knows more than a dictionary so have you run similar Cycles?

RIPPED02's picture

Thanks for the info man. Thinking I'm definitely gonna cut back on the Prop starting 4 weeks from show. I never hold any water on prop and was hoping to come in full.

Makwa's picture

Ran any cycles similar to this?
20wks for prep? What kind of condition are you in now?
Looks to me like you are trying to bulk and then cut, at least from the looks of the compounds you have set up here.

RIPPED02's picture

Now I'm thinking about switching from the EQ after 8 weeks and running NPP for the duration. I've never ran NPP before, so what do you think? Lower water retention?

RIPPED02's picture

Exacly, filling out at first then when we start cutting calories and carb cycling more I change the compounds. Sitting at 9% 240 right now.

JARHEAD2's picture

Looks to me like you are trying to bulk and then cut


stairmaster's picture
  • stats?
  • exact goals?
  • actual pics!
  • actual cycle?
  • prior cycle/s?
  • first comp?
  • diet?
  • bloods? (prl, e2, all other values...)
RIPPED02's picture

Been cycling for 10+ years. Currently have been off cycle for 6 months. Physical last week and everything came back good. Will be my second show, Masters Classic. Diet will start first week of March along with cycle. Currently eating around 2800-3000 calories/day will drop to 2600 cal when starting cut. Protein- 362gr.
Fat- 54Gr., Carbs- 164gr.
Plan on filling out then shredding it up.

JARHEAD2's picture


JARHEAD2's picture

That’s the best advice you could give?

JARHEAD2's picture

Just for future reference brother, if you don’t know the cycle history or stats of the person posting the best advice is to put the entire cycle on hold. It’s definitely not safe for some of these people who post these high dose & multiple dose cycles if they’re a beginner with AAS or they’ve never run these compounds. We try to give the safest advice we can give bro.

RangerVet's picture

Nobody is going to help you if you don't answer the questions. Show us or good luck with that. Your liver will love all that stuff. Your cycle needs changed
. So what you gonna do?

JARHEAD2's picture

Age: 35
Height: 72"
Weight: 240

I see a few thing I don’t like, but first of all help us help you & fill in the gaps of your stats & background & a pic would really help.

Jbtb2116's picture

Thats a lot of gear and for a while. Also i think you mean aromasin and not adex LOL. What other cycles have you done? Also what class? And your stats?

RIPPED02's picture

lo, sorry bout that. You're right , I definitely meant aromasin, don't want to shut down

Robman040's picture

12.5 mg of arimidex every orher day, huh?

stairmaster's picture

He means aro for sure!

mrbones's picture

Okay, im kinda new and kinda slow. Just a couple questions come to mind. Current weight, bf, what category are you competing in? Diet wise whats your plan begining middle end? Do you have super testicles ? Cause i think you should add some hcg in there ha ha:). Lastly if your going to compete with the big dogs i would go to win. Which means some quality hgh / pep over the next 5-6 months. Im sure other will have tons more stuff but thats all i can think of right now. Also why a constant dose of certain things. Think about ramping up your suvstances. Food for thought.

RangerVet's picture

How can we help you of you don't show us pics or tell us your bf? Your goals? Prior cycles? Years of use? Be more specific so we can all try to help

IrishWOLFhound's picture

X1000 its impossible to give advice without having more info

Cummin apart's picture

X2, that’s a long cycle!
I want to know previous cycles and aas experiences to condone a cycle that long
A picture is worth a thousand words!

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