Knightmare_'s picture
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First Cycle (would love advice)


Hey guys i have finally decided to start my first cycle and i would love to get all of the advice possible on top of what i already know. I read alot on these forums and did alot of studying before making this decision even at age 25, so im aware of all the negatives.

Some info about me:

25 years old
Weight: 160lbs
Height: 5'8
Body Fat%: 15% give or take
Few years of training on and off (Lifted heavy and went hard in high school for football and hockey,Stopped for a while due to a bad rotator cuff injury that never fully healed.)
I go to the gym 4-5 times a week for 1-2 hours per session Lifting and i do MMA 3 times a week for 1 hour and i run 2 times a week.

I weigh 160 and i would like to weigh 145 with alot of speed and strength but that is a long run multi cycle task i feel so right now with this cycle i would like to atleast stay 150-155 and retain good muscle and vascularity and get that beach body before august hahaha.

I would love to be below 10% body fat but that seems like a high expectation for 1 cycle and especially for a first cycle.

I think that Test Cyp/Enanthate with Anavar and Proviron and maybe something else would get me those results but with a first cycle and no experience there is no way im throwing that cycle as my first or second.

Cycle 1:
So after TONS of reading i would like my first cycle to be a Testosterone Cypionate only cycle since i feel and have read that is the best cycle for starters to get into AAS and is easiest on your body. It was between the long acting esthers Cypionate and Enanthate but i decided to go with Cypionate due to reviews i read and the availabilty since im in the US. So here it goes

Week 1-12
Test Cyp 500mgs a week divided into 2 shots a week monday and thursday mornings.
Have ADEX on hand in case any estrogen problems arise

Week 12-14
Stop pinning and wait 2 weeks before starting PCT but keep the gym work up!

Week 14-16
Start taking Nolvadex and Clomid 40mg Nolva 100mg Clomid once a day for 2 weeks

Week 17-18
Continue taking Nolva and Clomid but at reduced rates of 20mg Nolva 50mg Clomid

That pretty much sums up my first cycle, i might also use Proviron somewhere in there to increase Libido and Vascularity but i do not know what doses and for how long so i would love some advice on that because i want to use it but not shut down my estrogen completely.

PLEASE leave all reviews and thumbs up or down and any advice you can even if it is to shit all over me for stupid stuff i said or might do. I would love some high karma mods or admins or experienced users to shine light on this cycle and my questions before i begin and to help and give advice anywhere it is needed.

ALSO im going to post this in the Cycles page soon and i will start my cycle in 1 week or 2 since i have everything i need and i will keep you all updated.

SenseiMiagi's picture

Steroids not necessary for these goals, in fact probably counterproductive. Dropping from 160 to 145 inmediately makes you stronger already than those that stay at 145 range year round. Cycling testosterone will not help you in this instance. Listen to the replies below, this is good advice.

cd1's picture

Post a picture and let's see if we can advise more

Knightmare_'s picture

When my girlfriend gets home i plan to. Going to take a few and should i put them here or in the cycle thread?

cd1's picture

Put them on the pics section under self photos and then cut and paste the link and post it here.

Knightmare_'s picture

Okay will do

Makwa's picture

160lbs and 15% BF... and you want to drop down to 145 lbs. You would be foolish to use steroids to do that. Totally unnecessary. That is all diet my friend. Drugs won't make the fat and weight come off any faster than a proper diet and workout routine and you won't have to worry about compromising your hpta and be screwed for the rest of your life.

Knightmare_'s picture

Yea your right, i have been training and have been really good with my diet but like i said previously with beta alanine creatine and multi vitamins and a great diet and workout routine i lost weight and body fat but i want to lose more weight and body fat and be and feel stronger then i already do. Like i said ive worked out a while felt my gains and strength but there comes that moment and time when your body can only do so much naturally and im sure 90% of this forum agrees with that statement.

cd1's picture

Anabolics are not for you right now is my answer...
One thing that stands out! Is your comment... A few years training on and off, you really need to be able to commit to a constant training program mixed with a diet to suit your goals for a good few years and see what your body can accomplish by itself as it sounds like you haven't really given it that sort of chance as of yet and as for age your just on boarder line but I won't touch on that subject and treat you like a kid.
Try to take my advice and I'm sure you will be amazed at how well you can progress as a natural guy first.

Knightmare_'s picture

Trained from 15-19 religiously then fucked my rotator cuff and shoulder and was on and off and now for the last 2 years ive been going steady again. My diet is pretty good lots of chicken fish and protein, and when i was on beta alanine creatine and multi vitamins only i was strong but i want more as in stronger and faster if that makes sense. I get where you are coming from though, i really do. Thank you for the advice!!!

cd1's picture

I'm gonna plus one for give a decent reply....that doesn't mean I'm condoning the use of anabolics

Makwa's picture

Commitment to training and diet is the name of the game here. You either commit to those for life otherwise forget about using any AAS.

rolltide3's picture

You either commit to those for life otherwise forget about using any AAS.

I like it great saying

cd1's picture

Hit the nail on the head there fella...some people think that anabolics will make you better than what you are and yea in away they are correct but what they fail to understand is that anabolics should be used when your own body has had a chance and time to accomplish what it can without being chemically assisted.

rolltide3's picture

What's your body fat. U want to lease 15 pounds and weight 145 pounds and u think steroids is the answer?

Knightmare_'s picture

Totally forgot to add that in and thats 1 of the biggest things hahaha thank you i will add that!

rolltide3's picture

I'm confused your a mma fighter. What weight class are u wanting to fight in? If it's 145 all u need is diet lose five ta ten pounds and then the last five pounds is an easy cut for u? Edit seen your body fat u added 15 percent bro all u need is clean up your diet u don't need steroids. Hell u weight 160 and have 15 percent body fat u don't even have much of a base built yet

Knightmare_'s picture

Well i want sub 10% body fat with alot of Vascularity and the speed and strength, Thats why its test cyp only cycle with maybe proviron added somewhere and i already lost 20 pounds i should have said that in there somewhere and it left me with a lot of extra body fat im trying to lose and turn what remains into muscle. I dieted and did a shit ton of cardio and had alot of protein but now im in this dillema.

rolltide3's picture

I know u don't want to hear this bro your lean mass is 135 pounds. U weighting in at 160 with 15 percent body fat u are no where near ready for steroids. Keep up this path of eating clean and training your ass off for a few years. Steroids doesn't turn fat into muscle I have no idea where u got that notion. All steroids do is enhance what u already have. U need to build a great base and max out your natural potential then consider aas. Your putting the cart before the horse here

Makwa's picture

BINGO rollt.

Knightmare_'s picture

Thank you for your advice

rolltide3's picture

Go post your diet up in the diet section I'll post a link one sec

Knightmare_'s picture

Okay will do and ill check out the link thank you, and i was not being sarcastic when i said thank you for your advice it helps seriously.

rolltide3's picture

I know bro that why I gave u a thumbs up. Keep an open mind during this and u will be surprised how well these guys can lead u to your goals Smile

Knightmare_'s picture

Yea i love these forums they have helped alot and i like to hear all the different advice and ill be posting some pics later.