mauie's picture
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My bloods + complete biochemistry in details


Hey guys,

So I got my first results from bloods as an AS user. From doctors point of view I was told its quite fine, but I'm much more curious about your opinion as AS users. Are these values OK for my cycle? should I decrease or increase anything? Should I add something else to have my bloods even better? My libido and sexual desire is quite low, I was expect better while on testosterone to be honest...

I'm doing :
100mg Test P EoD
100mg Drostanolone P EoD
40mg Oxandrolone ED
12,5mg Exemastane EoD

Plus just a bit of theory, my GF starts talking about having a baby, in the future. Am I potent now? Will I be potent when preventing testicular artrophy, doing HCG during cycle? Or how long does it take to recover properly (being able to have a kid) after few cycles?

Thank you guys for any constructive feedback!

Ordered from: 
lundgren's picture


What brand do you use ?

If your goal are to have a baby, my opinion are :

Take only test for made a heathly level of free test and not high like this, some people use Clomid with TRT and another use HCG, but be careful of your oestrogen level with HCG.

HMG work great for helping LH / FSH too.

Your need to check your diet too, for helping LDL / HDL with food rich in essentials fat acids like mackerel / sardina , colza oil .... (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

So heathly free test + oestrogen + LDL / HDL with little extra for LH / FSH and your get for sure awesome baby

( ꈍᴗꈍ)

lundgren's picture

Good evening,

LDL are bad and HDL are good lipids, it's important for the heart, brain and other things like testosterone :-)
When your use lot test or some AAS, your bad lipids up a lot and the good are diminished a lot.

LH / FSH have a big impact on the sperme, so your need to stimulate this value, with high testosterone level injection it's not possible because high testosterone injec prevents the production of LH and FSH.

If your have the budget, HMG 75uis 3x/ week work very very well and another cycle more cheaper :
HCG 1500 ui's twice week / Clomid 50mg / day work very well too (but HMG are to me surely the best compound for stimulate LH+FSH) with only HCG first 4 weeks followed by 4 weeks of Clomid.

Jonwiggs8's picture

You Testosterone is high, which is good, and your estrogen isn't high and isn't too low, so that's perfect for muscle building. Your LDL sucks, but you are on gear and that just going to happen. All in all you look good and I'm not sure what you are looking to do. You could up your dosages some and not get out of wack.

In a promo × 1
Halsey's picture

Maybe I'm blind or just dumb. I dont even see his e2 number. His ldl is in range, it's his hdl that is low, which is pretty typical on gear.

Edit. I'd like to see your free T numbers and if someone could point out your e2 numbers.

Halsey's picture

I saw all 3 pages and looked at each page 5 times. Your bloods are a bit different than what I'm used to(usa). I always like to see total test, free test, album, shbg, and e2 at a minimum for hormones. Dont get me wrong the rest of the hormones are decent to have but of course your FSH and LH should be nil if your on gear without hcg.

I'm really interested in your e2 number for you libido issues. Mast + extrem could be causing your e2 to be too low. Overall your bloods look decent to me.