flexo's picture
  • 25

+ 2 summer ebc bulk


I'm 222. I'd like to see 245but realistically 235 would be nice. My goal is to pack on as much leg meat as possible. First and foremost I'm going to enjoy the whole process , even the hard work. I would like to see noticeable definition of each individual muscle group but a general bulk will be the focus. Thanks and hello from Philly.

EBC Before Pic: 
Height (before EBC): 
6ft 2in
Weight (before EBC): 
222 lbs
Body Fat (before EBC): 
EBC After Pic: 
Height (after EBC): 
6 feet 2 inches
Weight (after EBC): 
Body Fat (after EBC): 
ECB Wrapper: 
EBC: Summer 2012
Scoobydooo's picture

Good luck bro.

flexo's picture

Thanks Scoob and g'luck to you too. Even if we dont take first place it'll still feel like winning if we can hit our goals.

Therion's picture

Thats some bad Gyno you got there, i would get that seen to ASAP!

flexo's picture

you meant too as in also douchenozzle dont fukin comment shit, wheres your pics? clearly you have no fukin clue what bad gyno is , its been there since puberty , unlike you yes I can afford a real doctor and have real insurance. besides they only a lil puffy cause your mom and sister cant keepm out their mouths. Yup they're mouthy lil bitches just like you.

flexo's picture

Look man eroids is a site for knowledge sharing and positive re enforcement. I would expect better communication from someone thats 47. Something along the lines of "Hey man these are my fav products or try this brand it works for me". Welcome to eroids I hope you learn alot about roids and communicating in the 21st century. Cant wait to see pics of your sexy nips, so getm up big guy.

subs33's picture

Try and get pics rotated..Maybe get with a MOD..Who you repping? Im shure your intelligent enough to know to run adex.. I never have, but I am now. I feel so much different. I dont cry at childrens cartoons anymore..lol Anyways I would think you would be cool with a simple test cycle and adex or aromasin and eating every 2 hours or so, each meal consisting of 40-60g protien..Eating clean.

The comment down below, i cant agree with im not a doctor so dont take anything i say seriouly i comment on.. I cant agree cause I cant feel if the area is tender..no hommo anyways, ya that could be just how your built. But, If something is out of wake..(bloods) (sides). Maybe you should rethink.you know youself better than any of us meatheads..lol

Remember keep it clean and intelligent and I woulnt dought seeing you in the top three at the end..

subs33's picture

P.S. i know that trick. rotated pics make ya look thicker..lol amyway your back and arms are thick and full..Concentrate on dumbell flys. lower, flat and inclined. And squats...along with regular routine. I have bird legs..Im training at home right now only cause im a paranoid fuker..But my outside gym since "95" is calling..Ill train thier for the last phase of my program..

The front pose with both arm down and flexin, compliments you. See if a mod will let you redo befor pics in front off a sold surfice. If not no worries.

flexo's picture

Thanks for the advice bro and pleased to meet ya. I had a bit of a hard tit at 14 and the doc said let it go if it gets bigger we cut it out. It shrunk and I have no lumps not even little ones under there. I did adex last cycle ayr ago and my joints dried so Ive been running proviron and letro but not sure of the letro quality, I'm gettin adex again but will just run less, half the reason I aas is the joint lube. Stupid knee surgery and a sweet sexy teener drove into the back of me at 40MPH. So dry joints are no option.

I know the pics suck but i didnt know what ebc was until 8pm and had to getr done by midnite. My birdies will be my focus I would trade all my shit for legs like some of these guys.

thanks for the positive comment
Keepin fingers crossed to rep a fantastic domestic

subs33's picture

Thats cool..Im running adex for the first time. Im concerned about estro robing my test..However, i dont want to loose gains because low estro..im feeling on top of the world right now, and im running adex at .25mg e3d, but I increased to .5mg e3d only 2 days ago..Only cause in running Test suspension for 3 weeks..then ill drop to .25mg e3d when done..

Im concerned about joints drying out..Ive had it before from hdrol..i dont need that shit right now..the only way to tell is bloods but i cant afford to do a blood test every time i adjust a dose of adex..I also have to take into consideration the quality of the product itself..so, im goin based on sides both good and bad..im feelin good now..and gettin pumped. No, bad sides

How long until your joints dried out????

flexo's picture

Hey bro I apologise for abrubtly stoppin our convo, nuthin personal just had to get my estro down, it was makin me a crabby ol'hot flashy bitcharoony. Got me some aro from a highly recommended peptide source and now I feel great again.

Heres where I went wrong. Had letro from ayr ago never used it and thought ," well I got it if I need it but I doubt I will". That was always the case with 500mg wk test or so but runnin closer to agram and , heres the tittie swellin truth, I ordered dbol and they came late. Of course I started eatin them 50mg goodies anyway. Turns out, not such agood idea mid cycle.

To answer the adex question, I really think it was acombo of the winny and adex.

Your update pics look sic bro. How'd ya like the tne , never tried that or masterone.

I can tell you the tren I have has sweated alot of fat from me but I,m aloooong way from catchin up to you.

fast48's picture

Final pix due Saturday Oct 13

fast48's picture

Hella added mass! Great work bro!! Leaned out as well

flexo's picture

Thanks fast, Owe it to my wifes cookin and good gear, I work too much and have a2year old. Of course you know you always wish you tried harder in the end. Im at least pointed in the right direction now. I Go but i need to go wAy more often to the gym.

fast48's picture

Family first! I remember how hard it was when mine were lil too. Definitly going right direction. Great lifetime journey!

flexo's picture

Thanks for having an ebc , the ebc and community are great motivaters. I learned alot and know where to focus harder next time.
Although I'm not as far along as I'd like to be, at least I'm not the fast food eating, beer drinking fatty I was about 4months ago.

I would like to thank hulk for the fantastic products and service.

And my wife for taking an interest in learning how to cook healthy and doing it often.

Sorry my pics are a day late , been working too much but thought I would post regardless.

nitrogains's picture

Congrats on a fine job done. Your traps are insane!

flexo's picture

Thank you for the kind words, I owe the left trap to my girl for sure. I am right handed so I hold my self up with.my left while I rub her down with my right. You can tell she's a keeper, my left trap gets plenty of exercise. My abs are equally unbalanced do to the same but who am i to complain.

bosuj's picture

god dam your huge and sweaty! is that from working out or working on your girl haha

Owes a Review × 1
flexo's picture

the sweat is from my gurl going ok flex, no wait hang on, ok flex, . . until she figured out the camera

thanks for the kind response

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