Roidbazaar's picture
Roidbazaar 133

category count / average (6 months)
Overall 98.9474% 38 Quality 98.4211% 38 Delivery 96.8421% 38 Service 97.3684% 38 Pricing 97.3684% 38
guitarplayer1's picture
Owes a Review! x 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Gave these guys a try. Very pleased that I did.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Phizer Aromasin x5
AstraZeneca Arimadex x5

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Both communication and support were excellent! There was a snag with the process and RB was consistent with keeping timely emails. In the end everything worked out great.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

First pack was lost. Never received a love letter. Pack was reshaped immediately once tracking showed pack was not delivered.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Highly recommended shop for ancillaries. Unfortunately I have no experience with there anabolics.

I recommend shopping here!
Iron_mack's picture
My overall experience

This review is for Lilly Humas (72).
Ordered here for the first time.

Products, effectiveness and results

Lilly Humas (72 IU)

Customer service

Excellent communication. Always responds within 24 hrs.

Shipping and Delivery

2 weeks to door step. Discreet and secure packaging.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Keep up the good job RB.
Will surely order again.

I recommend shopping here!
Ludacrib's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

One of the best suppliers out there!!!

Products, effectiveness and results

10x Test E (Dragon Pharma)
5x T3 (pharma grade)

Customer service

Very good communication! There was twice an issue with the pharma grade T3 and the customs but they reshipped my product twice
On the second time they also gave 2 Dragon Pharma T3 as compensation gift

Shipping and Delivery

Very discreet and good packaging

Price to performance
Additional comments

This will be my go to supplier for the near future

I recommend shopping here!
Phantom78's picture
My overall experience

RoidBazaar is the ultimate store!

Products, effectiveness and results

Dragon Pharma Trenbolone 200 E x5
Dragon Pharma Oral Tren x3

Customer service

It was awesome they are very friendly, humble and professional

Shipping and Delivery

The package was perfectly safe, no damage, it came in a nice little box super stealthy and the time it took to arrive was less than 2 weeks.

Price to performance
Additional comments

My overall experience has been perfect to good to be true RoidBazaar is awesome super friendly and seriously have legit juice!! I’ve changed drastically in only 3months and I feel awesome like an alpha male,, everything has been a great experience I wanted to post my before and after photos but I don’t know how to , if I find out how to I will surely post them so that people here can see in a way what to expect, my progress, and that the products work awesome!

I recommend shopping here!
4CC's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

This is my new go to supplier.

Products, effectiveness and results

TestP: Dragon pharma EU
T3: Dragon pharma EU
Cialis: Dragon pharma EU
Winstrol: Dragon pharma EU

Customer service

Affordable prices and highly professional support and communication.

Shipping and Delivery

Everything arrived safe. No pills crushed no vials leaking. TA less than 2 weeks.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Reliable, professional and a great supplier.

I recommend shopping here!
Rhino002's picture
My overall experience

Best supplier. This review is for DP Anavar.

Products, effectiveness and results

DP 10 mg Anavar x 300 tabs

Customer service

Great communication, Great support.

Shipping and Delivery

Never had an issue with T/A or packaging.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Hands down my favorite supplier from now on.

I recommend shopping here!
Heavyliftingg's picture
+ 2
My overall experience

Review for the 72 iu huma pens.

Products, effectiveness and results

72 iu huma pens

Customer service

We had little communication but it was solid and professional.

Shipping and Delivery

1-1/2 week and pack was ready for pickup. Discreet and tight packaging.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I highly recommend.

I recommend shopping here!
sull4242's picture
My overall experience

Great transaction, gear smooth as butter, all expectations met on my end...

Products, effectiveness and results

(5) EQ 500 - Dragon Pharma
(5) Testosterone Suspension 100 - Dragon Pharma
(5) Masteron 200 - Dragon Pharma
(5) Testosterone Propionate 100 - Dragon Pharma
(5) Winstrol 50 - Dragon Pharma

(3) Anavar 10mg 100 tabs - Para Pharma

Customer service

Customer support was spot on, payment was easy!

Shipping and Delivery

The packaging was discrete and arrived extremely quickly. This order was the fastest order I have ever received from any provider. Anavar arrived in a week and the Dragon Pharma gear in about 2.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Super reliable provider, easy to transact with, looking forward to future business!

I recommend shopping here!
77montedave's picture
My overall experience

Took a few days to ship but when it did they emailed a tracking number right away. Always replied to messages and great prices

Products, effectiveness and results

Test e dragon pharma

Customer service


Shipping and Delivery


Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
MonsterZ's picture
My overall experience

I am writing this review after testing these guys for the first time. After reading bunch of reviews I went to the site. Most of the brands were familiar but the ones which attracted me was pharma grade section. To make things easy i put a test order of pharma grade anapolan and arimidex one pack each.

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service

The communication was more than enough for me. All answers were clearly understandable very helpful and to the point. Prices were very reasonable with large offered discounts.

Shipping and Delivery

It was a small test order which came carefully wrapped and took less than 10 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I will call them as worthy reliable suppliers based on my experience. I will place the next order from them and update that experience as well.

I recommend shopping here!
Saoirse's picture
My overall experience

Awesome communication, fast delivery, and top notch service!

Products, effectiveness and results

Dragon Var, Dbol, Clomid,and Proviron

Customer service

I had no problems with communication. Was well informed on status of items after payment.

Shipping and Delivery

Package came discreet and within 10-12 working days.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Def will order again.

I recommend shopping here!
maxidos's picture
My overall experience

great support, fast delivery ! great stuff guys.

Products, effectiveness and results

bold, test 250, deca, win

Customer service


Shipping and Delivery

packaging was really good.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Shoko's picture
+ 3
My overall experience

14 week bulk cycle review of pharma tren e, sustanon, anadrol, arimidex and eq.

Products, effectiveness and results

tren e, sustanon and eq were from dragon pharma
arimidex from pharma
anadrol from abdi ibrahim

Customer service

Received very very helpful advice and support. I ordered he gave me a discount. i was confused on payment first but with his support things were easy.

Shipping and Delivery

Packaging and t/a were A1.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Excellent source . I look forward to order again.

I recommend shopping here!
biggorilla's picture
My overall experience

This review will be for para pharma Cutting cycle.

Products, effectiveness and results

Para pharma TEST prop

Para pharma NPP

Para pharma Winstrol

Customer service

Communication was very effective with them. They provided all support and help.

Shipping and Delivery

Packaging was tight and safe. No cracking, leaking or breakage of vials. The total time shipped from EU to EU was 7 days.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I highly recommend them

I recommend shopping here!
jimbopv123's picture
My overall experience

MY GO TO!!!!

Products, effectiveness and results

5 x 72iu humatrope

Customer service

always answers promptly ! usually even same day

Shipping and Delivery

packaging was nice and discreet

Price to performance
Additional comments

will be back again!! =)

I recommend shopping here!
nostra's picture
My overall experience

In the beginning a been wrong and mad bud today I receive my notice the package it’s coming ! It’s in USA thank you roidbazar definitely I recommend this source by100% communication A++++ and everything really good service. I gonna put my next order hopefully one real source , thanks again to all personal from roidbazar .

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service

A+++ they are great

Shipping and Delivery

Good discret

Price to performance
Additional comments

In the beginning am Been mad bud the true is this source it’s real and the communications are better than any Oder source they are very profesional the package for USA take a little more time that the usual bud it’s about the mail procedure thanks roidbazar I recommended the source

I recommend shopping here!
PIN IT's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

I use this guy regularly for my gear needs.

Products, effectiveness and results

Dp primobolan (100mg/ml)

Customer service

Not needed but excellent communication and support when required.

Shipping and Delivery

Ta on this order was under 2 weeks !
Discreet and firmly bubble wrapped !

Price to performance
Additional comments

I see myself using again and again in the future !
I can surely vouch for !

I recommend shopping here!
seb3k3's picture
+ 3
My overall experience

My second review here for a top source with unbelievable prices on pharma grade growth hormone. After looking at the juicy prices on these growth hormones, i was highly skeptical. I read their growth hormone reviews but still couldn't believe how cheap could it be so gave it a chance. Now i feel lucky to have found this source and i always wanted to try pharma grade which became possible with this source.

Products, effectiveness and results

Pfizer genotropin pens

Customer service

OK so on communication side i was asking a little too much but every single email was answered and the normal time it took to answer was less than 12 hours.

Shipping and Delivery

I was patiently waiting for this pack and when it arrived my feelings were like a child bought his favorite toy. Completely safe and neatly packaged without anything visible or doubtful.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Next time i am going to try humatrope There is also big hype and prices are a little more cheaper but doesn't matter, i like to run real pharma grade gh from now on.

I recommend shopping here!
Ddub's picture
My overall experience

First order but surely not the last !!!

Products, effectiveness and results

Singani sustanon 1ml x 50
Para pharma nolva 50 tabs x 2

Customer service

Really great communication. Order went in smoothly paid through BTC and package got shipped the next day. Got tracking and all the updates without asking.

Shipping and Delivery

TA was as advertised. No issues with delivery and packaging.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Big sagher's picture
My overall experience

My trust is built and in total i have ordered 3 times from them. This review is for my second order of magnus pharma npp.

Products, effectiveness and results

Magnus pharma Npp

Customer service

Comm and support excellent just like before.

Shipping and Delivery

Excellent TA and packaging.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Recent order of Magnus boldenone also landed. High quality trustworthy source.

I recommend shopping here!
NickHollywood's picture
My overall experience

Excellent service, No issues, Timely delivery and communication and great products. Will be coming back

Products, effectiveness and results

Dragon Pharma Test Prop 100 and Tren A 100

Customer service

They sent constant updates on my order, no issues at all.

Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Letshope's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

OK so I just finished using dragon pharma test p mast p and winstrol. I ran it for 10 weeks except winstrol which I ran for 6 weeks.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test prop
Mast prop

Customer service

Support and communication has been very friendly and useful. I followed all the instructions yet we had couple of emails back and forth and he responded promptly to that.

Shipping and Delivery

Turnaround was normal as stated. Packaging was discreet.

Price to performance
Additional comments

After some great experience with them, I will definitely recommend them to anyone.

I recommend shopping here!
Little Jimmy's picture
My overall experience

Communication has been good . But having issues with getting my order. There on there 3rd attempt . First order is sitting in customs , second order (reship) the tracking info never showed it was even shipped . So further communication and getting now a third pack mailed . And the third pack is coming from a different country , and also isn't showing any tracking info. Confused as iv never used this source but used other sources and have had no issues or packs sit in customs . the good reviews for this source leaded me to order with positive hopes.... Will be almost two months now. Hope what I ordered gets here .

The source is communicating with me daily and doing there best to resolve. i will update once order lands .

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service


Shipping and Delivery

Wasint arrived yet

Price to performance
Additional comments
  • Little Jimmy » Would buy from again. They work and answer all questions and reply very provisionally. This source is ran top notch and hope it stays around and continues to do so.
  • [SRC] Roidbazaar » Hi brother, Just a short update. We received your payment at the 12th June. Order was shipped out immediately and the track number sent to you at the 14th. Then unfortunately the order was seized and we immediately conducted the reship. The reship track we sent you at the 18th July, but the package couldn’t be processed in the post office, as there were controls at the local post offices. The shipper then came back to us and informed us that these controls are ongoing, that’s why the supplier decided to send the reship pack from their alternative warehouse immediately. That’s why the tracking number of the reship pack was showing no information and that’s why you received now a new tracking number of the reship pack shipped from the alternative warehouse. So, all is fine, the shipping from there runs without problems, average delivery time in transit is even just 7 days. The tracking number is active now, all runs fine, you should have the reship pack in around 6-7 days. Please just know, that we proceed all orders as fast as possible to get out to be shipped, but seizures or controls in post offices are not in our hands. And our whole organization, including the shippers, just act with highest priority for their own and the safety of our customers. Again, all is running fine now. Thanks again for your understanding and cooperation. Best Regards
Basitgains's picture
My overall experience

On cycle support review!

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service

Not needed

Shipping and Delivery

Quick TA and discreet packaging

Price to performance
Additional comments

What else can I speak about these guys ! They are on top of their game. You just place an order and they'll make sure you get your goods on time discreetly packaged.

I recommend shopping here!
marvel_CJK's picture
My overall experience

this review is for my first experience with dragon pharma and first experience with roidbazaar.

Products, effectiveness and results

dragon pharma test prop 10 ml x 5

Customer service

all the support and communication was good.

Shipping and Delivery

t/a was very good and took 8 days to receive.

Price to performance
Additional comments

i have no complaint on communication,support, packaging, t/a and product quality. overall everything was like every legit supplier should do.

I recommend shopping here!
BootyGear's picture
My overall experience

Sorta took a shot in the dark with RB, but had seen them in the middle of the pack for top 10 vendors for some time so I went ahead and pulled the trigger.

Products, effectiveness and results

DP Tren A
DP Mast P
DP Proviron
DP Winstrol

Customer service

Communication - Good, little to none needed. Tracking was given in a timely manner.

Shipping and Delivery

Money picked up within 24hrs, T/A was 12 days total, packaging on point, nothing broken.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I feel like the products did what they were supposed to do but could possibly be under dosed or not of the purist quality. They get the job done but I feel like I'd have more piece of mind with either real pharma grade products or the highest quality UGL. DP is a good line, I would use DP again but I prefer other UGLs.

Thanks RB!

I recommend shopping here!
python32's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

They are surely number one for me on eroids. I have ordered several times and very happy. From customer service to products quality they are on top of their game.

Products, effectiveness and results

72 huma x 5
Letrozole x 1

Customer service

Always excellent.

Shipping and Delivery

10 days in total. Packaging is always discreet and not a single seizure till now.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I highly recommend and will always prefer them as my number one source.

I recommend shopping here!
DGetts's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

This was my first order with Roidbazaar so was not a large order. I wanted to find a quality supplier of HGH and their prices were very good, so wanted to see if they were legit.

Products, effectiveness and results

ARIMIDEX (pharma grade)

Customer service

I found communication and support very good. I contacted then direct via their website and also via email on multiple occasions and always got a quick reply answering all my questions. I found them very helpful actually which was a good first impression.

Shipping and Delivery

My order was very well packed and arrived with original boxes flat packed so that would save space. Everything arrived very quickly. (Within 7 days to UK)

Price to performance
Additional comments

All in all I couldn’t be happier to have found such a good source for HGH... I feel 100% confident in these guys and will be sticking with roidbazaar moving forward.

I recommend shopping here!