MurderHornet2020's picture
  • 290

+ 7 The D-Bol Experience


Got to be the most fun I have ever had working out. The savagery and the burning in your muscles that typically screams at you to stop now pushes you to ask for more! It’s like nothing I have experienced and now I am in week 4. So sadly I must say goodbye soon.

I just wanted to share my headspace today during a PR.

So the set is overhead dumbbell press and I got 85s sitting on each quad ready to get blasted to the shoulder press starting position when my favorite part of court of the dragon hits on my headphones.

“In spite of all the hate behind his eyes,
I’ve seen that only one of us survives!”

The line drops the 85s are kicked up into their start position.

I sing along while putting my all into the first rep in an undertone more aken to a grunt

Rep 1
“I’m here to destroy you”

Rep 2
“I’m here to avenge”

Rep 3
“In the court of the dragon I descend.”

Music blasts on max volume a switch flips’

“I will get 6”

Rep 4
The weight is intense but I must get 6

Rep 5
Inner thoughts I’ll rip my shoulder out before I surrender this weight

Rep 6
Total euphoria I got 6 because I said I would get fucking 6

Wildling's picture

Dbol is still king for me... I know may aren't fans of it & think it is an outdated drug. How many mg are you running???

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press1's picture

Its because many don't like the old school look of being big and bulked, fuckin strong and red faced LMAO Being Lean for Instagram pictures is the cool thing - doesn't matter if you lift like a Faggot Lol

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Wildling's picture

Lmao so much truth to this…

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MurderHornet2020's picture

Like 37 mgs actually just come off down to the NPP and Sus

Wildling's picture

I just finished 30mg for 6 weeks…. It was so fucking good. It was ugl so not sure how well dosed they were… 30mg on blue hearts used to make my head spin. Maybe the blue hearts I had were shit lol… or I have evolved with age.

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press1's picture

Where I use to mess up is I never took BP meds years ago, so as soon as I'd take 40mg tabs I'd really feel the BP and HR rise - it would be a sign to me it was really good Dbol. Now I use Losartan I can take 50mg tabs and not even feel any different Lol Its the next day when training I feel the difference it makes in you. Must admit though I notice the estrogen rise a lot more these days, not a great feeling after a few days of it lol

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Wildling's picture

My BP stays around 130-140/70-80. Doc says that’s just my natural state. Who knows…

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MurderHornet2020's picture

The blood pressure must be why I walked up a small hill and was winded haha. Actually coming off I feel healthier but miss the feeling of being on it. That Ultima brand seems pretty good.

press1's picture

If thats OFF gear then you want to look into getting some BP meds sorted especially when you are on cycle bro, over 130 is high BP territory and you don't want to be in that area long term. Gotta think when you are lifting, especially big exercises like squats and deads/holding your breath and bracing then that number is gonna spike sky high for periods of time, thats when its gonna be bad for your heart and kidneys and when damage occurs.

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Wildling's picture

I'll talk to the doctor when I see him in a couple weeks.

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press1's picture

Don't look at them as an old overweight mans drug that you shouldn't need like I use to for years, look at them as a tool that will help you in training because as your BP comes down you are less out of breath, and so lifting becomes much easier, your sets will become better as you can oxygenate more blood through your lungs.

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RobertB80's picture

This makes me want to get back on dbol +1

Brolly6898's picture
MurderHornet2020's picture

Sex on D-Bol is kinda crazy haha

DeeMan's picture


Onetimehitta's picture

Let’s goooo!!

MurderHornet2020's picture

Get some!!!!!!

press1's picture

'Dirty Diana - Bol' is making a comeback LMAO Dance 4

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MurderHornet2020's picture

Lmfao I calling it Dirty Diana-Bol from now on.

Brolly6898's picture

The release of dopamine from the dbol has u motivated Smile

MurderHornet2020's picture

I keep thinking another week won’t be so bad haha.

Brolly6898's picture

Lol I've used dbol up too 12 weeks --

MurderHornet2020's picture

See I was looking for permission haha

press1's picture

You will be fine up to 8 weeks mate, its 4 weeks tops for Superdrol as thats some seriously nasty stuff.

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MurderHornet2020's picture

So I was doing squats yesterday and I got a lower back pump that locked my lower back out. Had some range of motion but it was borderline painful. I mean I squat with decent form and stay mostly upright. Is that the D-Bol? My pumps are insane. Any suggestions?

Brolly6898's picture

Bro let's not go there I'm on 20 mgs sdrol injectable with injectable dbol 50mgs
Caution- not for the amateur
or intermediate

MurderHornet2020's picture

Starting to get the feeling my cycle is pretty conservative at

38 MGS Dirty Diana-Bol Daily
400 mgs npp weekly
600 mgs test sus weekly

press1's picture

Yep we definitely need to bump that NPP and Test up pal LMAO

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MurderHornet2020's picture

Also how much of the d-bol is muscle growth and how much is intramuscular water at almost 4 weeks?

press1's picture

Probably about 50/50 mate - you have to treat it as its a fun drug during the time that you are on it. After 3 or 4 days off you tend to look in the mirror and think Damn - where did all my size go???!!! Lol Any compound that tends to produce quick, great results often disappears quickly too. Trenbolone is the same.

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MurderHornet2020's picture

I’m assuming most of my gains are the d-bol. But I look like a different dude on just this. Next cycle I want to up the dosages. No sides so far except an insane sex drive.

press1's picture

Same for me currently with the injectable Dbol, I tried the Superdrol version years ago but it sent me to sleep every time after injection Lol

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Brolly6898's picture

I wish I could sleep but the cut stack won't let me (tren)
Not even 15 i.u of hgh put me to sleep lol

AK80's picture

Hi Tech Pharmaceutical's SOMATOMAX will put you to sleep. Or melatonin, or the pink Benadryls or gas station gummies (THC-X, Delta 8, blah blah)

Brolly6898's picture

Got me blue dragon wax 94% thc

Brolly6898's picture

Bro I dab and rhat puts me to sleep the most 2 hrs ,wake up 1hr ,sleep 30 min wake 1 hr sleep 1hr

MurderHornet2020's picture

Does weed fuck with steroids. I still can’t tell. I try to not touch it on cycle or only on days I am super sore. Sometimes I wonder if it helps you chill out and lets your body relax for a good recovery other times I wonder if it’s making me lazy next day. And wax my guy that’s some strong shit. Like fourloco

Brolly6898's picture

Your funny that's what the bud dispensar told me your crazy homes 94%thc!
Now don't dab and drive I thought I was floating when driving

Brolly6898's picture

It's very productive for the Weightlifter makes me eat and sleep good
I just take 2 hits of the bong a d 2 hits of the wax
Eat a mini buffet at home and hear some u tube and pass out

MurderHornet2020's picture

Man I did dabs with my ex wife like 5 years ago. Had me melting into the couch and thinking I was in another universe haha.

MurderHornet2020's picture

Well in that case I’ll add some more time can’t beat the results might as well get more out of the cycle

press1's picture

@23Sparta has offered to donate his Liver if I have got it wrong in any way Lol

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23Sparta's picture

I have several for sale

JakeKO's picture

I got excited just reading this, LOL! Good for you, Bro!

MurderHornet2020's picture

Gym time!

steroidmen's picture

So many time I use dbol before training and only 5mg I always feel the same . I don't know it's may be test+deca ) but without dbol I can't feel it .

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MurderHornet2020's picture

Yeah ran a test only cycle a few times and you know as time went on I felt the aggression like week 6+ but it was subtle. Really had to turn it on for yourself but this shit is like beast as soon as the warm up sets are through not to mention the pump my gawd.

23Sparta's picture

Damn bro, you were locked in right there. Pretty fucking deep. I’m not too sure I get anywhere near that level of aggression in the gym. Maybe I need to switch up my music lol. 85s are solid, keep it up

MurderHornet2020's picture

Man it’s like 50/50 if the music hits me hard. But you right got to change that playlist every so often. What’s weird is you would think with Apple Music and all them songs you’d have something to listen to that’s new every day but I still rotate like the same 5 bands.

23Sparta's picture

I’m not a big fan of Apple Music, I’m about to switch back to YouTube. Seems like there’s more of what I like on there. Yeah I got my fav five as well, they’ll be a new drop, I’ll burn it out, and then it’s back to the waiting game