an81983's picture
  • -9

-1 First cycle layout.


Hey all so I have an idea for a routine which I would like to run by.

Test e only cycle

Weeks 1 - 8 = Test e - 2ml - ew
Arimdex - 5ml - e. O. D (subject to
Weeks 5 - 8 = test e - 2ml - ew
Hcg - 100i.u - ew
Arimidex - 5ml - e. O. D

Pct to run 1 week after last jab.

Week 10- 11 = clomid - 50ml tabs - e.d
Nolvadex - 25mg tabs - e.d
Weeks 12 - 13 = clmid - 25mg - e. D
Nolvadex - 25mg tabs - e. D


Pre workout.

3000 calories a day diet.

Workout will be full body split 5 days a week. With 2 kettle bell classes a week.

I know I will burn a lot of calories during the kettle bells sessions but I can make up for it by eating. And the strength gains from them I can't loose out on.

Any advice would be welcomed. I need more research on my pct to be honest. Will clomid and nolva be enough. Do I need Hcg. If I was to do such a thing that is.

yourcarguy's picture

I'd rock
5/7k calories daily
1ml sus250/300 x 1ml T.enth250/300 weekly

Ninja's picture

You say you are in the process of research, great to hear. However, where and what are you researching? Because your cycle layout doesn't look like it's from this site. I'd suggest looking at the forums here for newbies as a starting point.

yourcarguy's picture

What's your goals from the cycle?

Makwa's picture

Weight: 60kg
Height: 5.10
Body Fat: I Don't Know!

I recommend you just start eating first.

an81983's picture

yes im just doing my research first, i dont want to be one of thoose idots who just dives in.

the plan is to get a routine going for 6 months then strat new goals and then do a cycle. i will spend this whole time doing my research and then hit it with perfection. thank you for your advice.

Frdmn's picture

Going to need a bit more clarity before I can give feedback.
What’s your Test E dosed at? 250mg per ML?
5ml of arimidex? Do you mean 0.5mg?
General rule of thumb don’t take an AI until you experience estrogen sides. It’s very easy to crash your estrogen and trust me you don’t want to do that.

Testosterone Enanthate is a longer acting ester and should be ran for a minimum of 12 to 16 weeks to get the most out of it.

100ius of HCG is not even close to enough, you need to do 250ius twice a week.
Also you should wait 2 weeks after your last shot of test to start your PCT.

Owes a Review × 3
an81983's picture

oh i found arimidex tabs at 1mg a tab so i know the dosage will be done by testing

EliteDucky's picture

id leave the arimidex out unless you start feeling the sides i did my first 2 cycles just test and didnt need it but then when i started adding deca i needed it now and again. your body tells you a million things if you listen to it .

0.5mg eod was too much for me it crashed my estro completley and tht felt worse so just be careful read the signs pal

In a promo × 1
an81983's picture

ok cool so i still have a lot of research to do thank you. i get the hint.

do you think hcg is essential if it is a small cycle.

yes the test is dosed at 250mg per 1 ml, that is my understanding. so that is two 100ml jabs that gives me 500ml of test e.

the last time i did a cycle was for two months and got solid results. three months is a lot of strain isnt it. my understanding is that because test e is long ester i just start the pct later. 10 days or 2 weeks seems to be the common thing.

i will be updating this as i do my research. thank you for the advice.

at least now i know that people here will actually reply.