Olive's picture
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+ 3 Hello, I'm new


Hi everyone, I'm Olive!
I'm new to this site but not to the life. My friend have told me about this place for years, my husband was even a member here some years ago before he passed.
I can't claim to be a gym bunny, I've only used very mild anabolics such as anavar and peptides like ghrp.
I guess I'll tell you a bit about me and my late husband. We met in the same place I last spoke to him, in a hospital. I filled his prescription for antibiotics and he asked me to check if his instructions were fine, he handed them to me and he ran out of there like a shy little kid. The instructions was his phone number, which I threw away! 2 months later I was getting over a break up with a shit noodle and he seen me in a restaurant, alone, he struck up a conversation and asked why I didn't call, I said I thought he was cute but I was in a shitty relationship at the time and I didn't want to get in to anything now. So he took me out as a friend and before I knew it, we were in love. He introduced me to the gym, at first he showed me how to work all the machines and then wrote workouts. After a while we would go together, split up and do our own workouts. I would wait for him at the smoothie bar for an hour after I finished and then we would walk out together, it was our happy place and our little routine. I didn't know about steroids until he got his second infection, I was so mad, and very uneducated about steroids. He showed me how he was making them for him and his friends and I went from mad to livid! He met me in a compound pharmacy and he's making this crap in a bathroom sink! After a few days I calmed down and decided to make everything for him, and his friends out of genuine concern. This went on for years, we attended body building competitions together, he received his card that he talked so much about and then one day, just like that, he was gone. I was waiting for him to pick me up from grocery shopping, he went to run an errand and he was hit by a drunk driver in the middle of the day. He fought for 3 days before he finally couldn't anymore. I had rocky road icecream, it was his cheat meal, I took it with me to the hospital hoping he would wake up, smile and eat his icecream. I held it until it went warm in my hands and the container started to buckle. It's been years now, I moved a Country away to run from the pain but eventually, but you can't outrun yourself so one day I went to face it head on. I went to the gym, started exercising and stayed there until my legs turned to jello and I couldn't cry anymore from the pain inside or out and then I went home and I ate the ice packed ice cream I had tried to eat 6 months before, it was the best worst icecream I've ever had. Pain is what gets me through the day now, I am not addicted to the gym, I'm addicted to the memories.
I came here expecting to say hello and now I'm pouring my life story out. I haven't really vented to anyone, I moved here with a friend who didn't get her visa renewed and had to return but I'm going to make a home here. I apologize for the long post.
/TLDR life is hard, be harder

Push50's picture


Flexxx's picture

Hmmm, a lot of info for a newbie introducing themselves. Buttttt, it could just be me being cautious. If not, welcome.

iFit's picture

Fine. I’ll risk being a jerk but you’re the second female to join in last few days and share waaaay to much personal info, always an x husband or boyfriend, and of course sounding vulnerable and a bit lonely on a forum filled with a lot of test. Maybe 10 females join a year, 9 fake and all start pretty much the same way you did. I’m just going to guess but next up is the half naked body shot and of course the booty shot. Maybe I’m wrong this time but….

Greg's picture

You think tron is over selling it?

IndianaBRICKIE's picture

This is definitely fucking tron lol

Owes a Review × 2
iFit's picture

Ha. I didn’t realize he was gone. Actually had me fooled because the post is in English, mostly.