tyler0628's picture
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Community suggestion? Karma related


Alright, so just seeing if this is a thing. How would yall feel if whenever someone gives you a +1 or -1 you can see what post it was just given for? Not who gave it to you, just which post.

I feel like it may be a good implementation, as we are here to help each other learn and grow, due to having the ability to see which post. If its positive feedback, then you can see that people are agreeing with you. If its negative, you can learn from the mistake?

Idk, i find myself receiving random karma points sometimes and i never feel like searching through everything ive posted to find where it was, would just make a handy tool for the people who are those kind to hold themselves to a standard. Maybe im just weird and like to know..

KMC's picture

I feel like it may be a good implementation, as we are here to help each other learn and grow, due to having the ability to see which post. If its positive feedback, then you can see that people are agreeing with you. If its negative, you can learn from the mistake?

It sounds like a perfect solution for those with a Karma Whore bent.
So instead of posting honest answers,............... you post answers to try and gain karma.

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tyler0628's picture

Now, see i knew this woupd be construed this way. Not really. I could honestly care less. It was more a suggestion to help.people learn. If a post os getting negative, we could either update that post with a better reply, or learn from our mistakes based off the feedback from said post. If you get alot of ups for a postx then it would be the opposite, encouraging good and honest informative answers.

Idk insaw it more as an abstract learning tool.

The only reason im on this website is for the community behind it. Its great having a community of people from all walks of the fitness world, to help each other learn and grow.

Sam I Am's picture

If you could care less you wouldn’t have posted this thread...
This sites been here longer than you.
Just enjoy it for what it is.

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tyler0628's picture

Fair enough. - didnt think of it that way. Smile i dont really.pay kuch attention as it is, ill just log in after a few days and itll have gone up or down, so... idk.