EZgains's picture
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(TNE) Testosterone No Ester


Hey guys I've been hearing a lot about TNE lately and wanted some input from some vets or more experienced users than me. Input on the pro/s/con's. Expected sides, and recommended dose. Also looking for a better understanding of how long before TNE kicks in and how short of a half life it generally has.

From what I've heard and researched on my own it seems to be super great for weak muscle groups or just weak days in general. I also have understanding that it is not intended to be used daily nor more than a couple times a week?

I have a couple cycle's under my belt, test e and c, and sus. Dbol, Tbol, Winny. Aromasin, Arimidex, Nolvadex and Clomid are all things that I consider myself to be familiar with.

I've been off now for almost 10 months and have sustained considerable results from my previous cycles. The next cycle is going to be test e and winstrol. I plan on keeping this one real basic, not trying to get too crazy but just looking to get that extra bulge and cut coming into the spring summer months. Im adding the TNE upon recommendation from my friends, and curiosity of effects/results.

Thoughts guys?


Coach Ford's picture

Hello, can someone share a good leaning out vascular stack with T-bol? A good suggestion so far from a friend of mine in the IFBB is the following:


Eagles 2013's picture

Agreed. I find the older I get the more difficulty I have tolerating even one oral unless it's very mild. I've never had severe issues like jaundice, but I will start losing my appetite and getting sluggish after more than two weeks onba decent dose of a potent oral ( for example 50+mg drol daily). For this reason I use them much less frequently and usually go two weeks on two weeks off when I do.

JamesW's picture

Just remember if you do get some this time of the year it will likely crash in the post... ( depends where in the world you live I suppose but worth considering. )

Bulkdaddy's picture

I take it before a girl comes over lol

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daksmack's picture

I would hold off. Your a little going to mess with base esters IMO.

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GYM SUPPS's picture

Hello Sir,

Just to clarify synthetic Testosterone hormone is synthetic Testosterone hormone, ester is attached to it to make it convenient for different purposes but once it gets in to your blood it is the same old Testosterone hormone. If you are on TRT for example, you will choose a Test with longer ester just because it more convenient to inject it weekly as it stays in you blood longer, if you need a quick Test boost you will choose quick acting ester but whichever one you choose, it is still going to be the same hormone once it gets in to your blood.
Without going too much in to the detail of whether or not you should be using hormones in a first place but just to clarify again for a resistance training athlete who has made a decision to become an enhanced athlete, it is important to keep their hormone levels stable throughout the cycle period so the longer esters is a good and convenient choice unless you love the pain of needles on a daily basis.
Looks like you are trying to over complicate the things or expecting some miracle to happen but save yourself time and money, do not bother.
Only time I can really see the use of this substance would be powerlifters competition but even then I am not sure if it is really worth it.
Hope this helps


IrishMack's picture

Exactly, I see it used heavily in powerlifting but not every day or as a pre workout. I tried it once for a meet and i concentrated more on the pain I was in from the shot and I missed a few easy lifts. I tossed the rest in the trash and just use poppers now.

GrowMore's picture

If you do go against the advice of the community keep an eye out on your BP.

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kibby's picture

"That extra bulge and cut" you speek of will be none existent if your deit and training is lacking.

I'm curious Why you think TNE will provide you with different results than any other test??

TEN is nothing to mess around with. this compound if put into a cycle would need 3 pins a day minimum and would have you up and down like yoyo

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stairmaster's picture

In the past I often used it pre wo cause it gave me always good motivation but I hated the horrible burning during the injection! For a regular cycle I would never take it cause pinning twice daily is not my thing...

With your stats I wouldn't recommand you to take tne or anything else.

Better you start a right diet!

Bearded_muscle's picture

I agree with the guys below. T.N.E. is for seasoned vets who’ve mastered their physique and anabolics and are really just refining and polishing their physique or performance.

That being said, I’ll also tell you why, which is more what I think you were looking for. T.N.E. hits your system hard and fast, usually under an hour. What happens when we have any drug that floods our system like this is an increase in all effects, positive and negative. You’ll see more hair loss, more acne, more aromatization, more aggression, a greater impact on lipid profiles and organ health. Whenever you extend the release of a drug with an ester it makes the effects much lighter on the body, sides are reduced. That goes for most all drugs, hit 1 iu of growth six times a day and then hit six iu’s once a day and see which gives greater water retention and CTS.
Basically if you can get by without it, which you know you can, don’t use it. It’s just unnecessary.

KMC's picture

About EZgains
Age: 25
Height: 6
Weight: 230lb

You're 25,..........

If a pro told you, getting castrated would get you better gains,.......... would you do it ??

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IrishMack's picture

Can I excpect to get half the benefits if I only castrate one testicle?

KMC's picture


It's an all or nothing type deal.

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shiva4's picture

To be direct with you, TNE is a compound for advanced level users, "a couple of cycles" does not put you even near that realm.

stairmaster's picture

I fully agree with u, good statement!

Calrizzian's picture

I was about to get in to a long winded explanation as to why he shouldn’t and blah blah blah.... some times, and most of the time, short and to the point is best


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KMC's picture


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