Smalldawg11's picture
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Plant based diet or vegan diet on cycle!!


Hey guys, I primarily eat a diet consisting of carbs protein and vegetables. My wife wants to go vegan and I agreed to try it for two weeks while off cycle. My question is, does anyone have any experience or thoughts about eating vegan while on cycle? Is it even possible to make gains?

Mrcoolbeans's picture

Whatever you do. Don't become one of the vegans that brags on how much protein he gets in a day like 150 grams lol and his entire macros look like 150 fat / 350carbs / 150 protein..... getting good and a fair amount of protein is going to be hard while keeping your other macros in check. If your 180 lbs get at least 200 protein. Good luck man lol

Smalldawg11's picture

I agree with you. After experimenting. I found I was starving all the time. I gave up about a week and a half in. I'm used to eating much more. I'm gonna stick with a variety of meats and carbs and dairy. I can't see making gains while on cycle eating a plant based diet.

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giardap's picture

Personally, I would use the time to reset insulin sensitivity and ditch the carbs, load the fats, find some low carb protein/amino sources that are acceptable

Caeser's picture


Then I'll say, Vegan bodybuilders & Vegan athletes do exist. You'll need to supplement with vitamin B12 most certainly, possibly vitamin D... and possibly some additional Vitamins/Minerals. Do your homework. Definitely get blood work...

The idea/philosophy that vegetarian/vegan is a "healthier" option for humans and the environment = is false, do the homework...
organic farming & grass-fed, buying in-season, buying local produce, etc. = Is the healthier option for humans + environment...

With that said, I will certainly say that many cultures don't eat enough Vegetables... you really can't eat too much vegetables/fruits. The debate lies in proteins & carbohydrates... Now when you go 100% plant-based protein you are putting yourself behind the 8-ball as it relates to performance based needs. You will not achieve optimal performance on plant-based proteins... you can perform; and you'll achieve high-performance when adding AAS... but you'll never reach full potential.

helloBrooklyn's picture

Look what happened to Colin Kaepernick after he went vegan. Be careful.

AmericanDream's picture

There are several professional physique competitors out there and I suggest looking them up as several have videos on youtube where these athletes explain their diet and philosophy. It is possible to make gains, I know from experience as at times I go vegan and never seem to sacrifice muscle while cutting fat and ridding the body of toxins. Just found a great video where a new pro physique competitor explains his diet. Hit up youtube and check out Enhanced Athletes interview of Nimai Delgado for some insight into this topic. Good Luck.

Jayzgainz's picture

Read up on whole protiens. Dairy, meats things like that are whole/complete protiens suitable for building muscle. Also Ezekiel bread is a whole protien and quinoa. Anyway, rice is not but when you combine it with beans now you have all the aminos you need or hummus with a pita etc... we get these usually by eating our chicken and fish but when they arent there any longer we have to combine foods to get what we need. Those foods alone are still great for you, just food for though. Good luck brother, I eat veg regularly because my youngest son has pku and cannot breakown protien from food so we have gotten good at cooking veggie recipies. Well my wife has mostly. Enjoy

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TrenAllDay's picture

Only possible if you combine it with crossfit

Smalldawg11's picture

Lol. I see where your going with that

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TrenAllDay's picture

Haha. I have no idea other wise

Smalldawg11's picture

I watched a documentary recently on plant based diets and I agree to a certain extent, but at the same time I don't envy there physique lol

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