robertopaulson's picture
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-9 255lbs shredded!


My first post.....

I'm new to this forum, and honestly, I don't give a fuck about what kind of response I receive. I already make over 500k between life insurance and clothing/supplement lines so I'm set! I have two reasons for writing this post. The first reason is to explain to all of you "normal" people that even wealthy people and bodybuilders use ugl sources. The second reason is to call out all of you fake fucks!

Most of you post on here acting like you know what you're talking about, while you really don't know shit, but no one calls you out. So I'm here to call you out.

If you haven't been in the game for at least 5 years and haven't run at least 10 compounds, don't voice your worthless fucking opinion. No one wants to hear it. Do not post about something you haven't personally used at least three times. If you used it twice and got the same result, it could be a coincidence. Three times? Probably not. If you've had extremely inconsistent results from one particular compound, don't post about it. It probably wasn't the same compound each time. If your diet/training is inconsistent, I don't want to hear about your cycle because you're a lazy cock sucker.

And to all of you fucks who will agree with what I just said, fuck 95% of you, because you fall in to the afore mentioned categories as well. So fuck you! Little bitch ass pansies. Literally anyone can become a world class bodybuilder or powerlifter, but most people are just fucking pussies and don't want to listen to people who are better than them.

Much love,
Fuck you bitches

JUICEBOX0331's picture

I wish this Roberto was back already, this place needs a little entertainment.

Do not post about something you haven't personally used at least three times

Im guessing hes only sucked 2 dicks, thats why he set the bar at 3 so he can convince himself he's not gay.

doublebicep's picture

Someone just had their period.

Mrcoolbeans's picture

Lol why wasn't this just deleted already. no pics. trouble starter.... no reason for this post.

xlpete's picture

well, that's a deep subject and normally there is nothing but scum at the bottom of it. last time I checked bb and powerlifters are a family on its own. I can only assume that is total for all three lifts go as follows:
bench135 with a lockout spot
dead lift 150. sorry straight legged pull up
squat 95 wait the kinda squat where the torso actually is parallel to the ground not the thighs, for a grand total of nada

BigDaddy66's picture

I guess his yearly income makes him a higher authority on everything in life. What a pretentious, douchebag, dick licker!! I'm calling bullshit I bet he's a cashier at Walmart, and drives a prius.

allaboutdemgains's picture

I was so disappointed when he said fuck you all too gosh darn it I was hoping to glean life's mystery from this marvelous douchebag, oh well. Honestly homie your dad should have just made you a blowjob.

In a promo × 2
Catalyst's picture

I don't give a fuck about what kind of response I receive. I already make over 500k

Judging by the immaturity and lack of intelligence shown in this post I sincerely doubt that.

Generator's picture

His name was Robert Paulsen and he wrote that ?

whiteNcrispy's picture

I think Bitch Tits describes this one better.

antclay01's picture

Dame what a long ass rant about nothing. The truth is no one wants to hear anything u have to say. Any one that has to carry on about what they have and others don't is a sad sorry individual. Be careful karma a bitch you'll wake up one day and find yourself in the gutter.

MedDx's picture

I just saw it this morning and wondered why no one had replied...then i saw DPs post about losing 24 hrs...

MedDx's picture

Literally anyone can become a world class bodybuilder or powerlifter

This is an incorrect opinion...i would like to know why you think anyone can be a world class BB or Powerlifter?

MedDx's picture lifestyle isnt as easy as it sounds, or looks... Smile

After i posted in this forum, i had second thoughts thinkin maybe i shouldnt acknowledge the OP and thought about how you have said in the past that posts like this are only calling for i know some of the replies got lost...

MedDx's picture


You have a piss-poor attitude that needs adjusting. This site may be a steroid review site, but its much more than that...its a community that helps people. So, get off your high-horse, change your heart and thank God for what all He has allowed you to accomplish!

Pericu's picture

Definitely on Tren right now....

vhman's picture

Another teenager...

MedDx's picture

There are so many pricks that roll up in here and punch the button wanting service like "they be at Sonic, or sumthin"...the truth is the only thing "they be runnin" is their

Reality hits hard when our replies do make them writhe, while their blood boils thinking what to type next!! Smile

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