caramail8's picture
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+ 2 Strength log



See below programme - previous numbers for bench/deadlift/squat/log press before injuring my knee and elbow before Summer:

1RM - Deadlift 250kg / Squat 190kg / Bench 150kg /Log Press 100kg 

Been in this actual preparation for 5 weeks already.

Starting weight: 86kg 
Actual weight: 83.4kg

My goal is to get to the same numbers and possibly looking into strongman comp down the line as I’m enjoying the aul log pressing. Keep wanting size and strength but need to keep weight down if I want to compete and have a chance at winning.

Right now just slowly getting back and lifting heavier again after a long break off due to injuries.


375mg TestC Dragon Pharma from
300mg TrenE200 ParaPharma from
I was using oral winstrol for couple of weeks but I drop it out because my joint were hurting a bit when I started adding weight.
Let´s see how the cycle goes. probably for the last 3-4 weeks I may add npp.
PCT will be until week 18th, not just until 17th as indicated in the table.
3 ml pinned once per week

So far I didn't need AI. I have it in hand just in case it´s needed.

Training programme F1:

Mon: Push (Shoulders/Chest/Triceps)
Tue: Legs (Hamstrings/Calves) 
Thu: Pull (Back/Biceps)
Fri: Legs (Quads/Calves)
Bench press 3x5
Log press 3x5
CGBP 3x5
Inc DB 3x12
Side laterals 3x15-20
Cable pushdowns 3x12
Deadlifts 3x3
Thrusters 3x10
Lying leg curls 3x15
Nordic curls 3xfailure
Toe press (calves) 3x20
TBar rows 4x8
Weighted chins 3x10
Seal rows 3x10
Facepull 3x12
Barbell curls 3x12
Hammer curls 3x12
Squats 3x5
Lunges (bodyweight mobility work) 3x15
Leg press 3x10-15
Machine hack squat 4x8
Leg extension 3x15 (single leg)
Standing calve machine 3x20 

Meal 1: 100g porridge, whey protein, peanut butter
Meal 2: 5 large eggs, 2 wheaten bread
Meal 3: 150g chicken, 100g rice, avocado, cheese, wholemeal wrap
Meal 4: whey protein, milk, agave, peanut butter, banana – PWO smoothie
Meal 5: chicken breast, veggies, and source of carbs (potato,rice,pasta)
Meal 6: Protein bar/peanut butter

WeekTestosterone CTrenbolone EOral Winstrol
237530050 ED
337530050 ED
robb's picture

You seem serious about this lifestyle so props their.
You have some great advice below, dropping winny being one.

Keep up good work you have going on ++

press1's picture

Bud if you want to hit a new serious Bench PR you need to stop doing the log press, CGBP, dumbell press's and press downs and just concentrate on working up to a heavy max/single each session followed by 2 to 3 sets of doubles and triples to failure. Train it twice a week, then do your usual squat and deadlift work.

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Bulkdaddy's picture

You need to do some negative with bench... put some weight on there you can’t do. With a spot of course and slowly bring it down but get your spot to help you up with it. Do a few of those and weight tends to become lighter. You’ll also need to pump some reps in there and not all heavy lifting. You’ll increase your max that way.

Owes a Review × 2
press1's picture

If you want to increase your max you need to be working with doubles and triples of at least 90% of your 1RM. Doing the odd rep set can help with endurance and grinding but overall will make you too sore for frequent heavy lifting. A solid ideal goal for where you are at atm though is 315 for 6 - that's the first port of call.

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press1's picture

Out of interest mate are you trying to increase bench primarily in this session or just them all overall?

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press1's picture

First off bud get rid of that damn winny, all the stuff does is dry out your joints, cause cramps from dehydration and cause injuries. I've done my time with tren and whilst it does reap big strength gains over long periods of time it is very dehydrating again and not really suitable for this type of training - with it being killer on any type of cardiovascular work. Much better would be Test 500mg/wk and Deca 500mg/wk with a proper strength based oral such as Dbol or Anadrol.

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JonPhan's picture

Great info <3

press1's picture

Its funny man as when I first start on an NPP run I'm hard-on's galore Lol Great info ++

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levelup's picture

Yup...winni and tren are hell on connective tissue...usually resulting in injury where max strength is the overall goal. Right on the money with test/deca/drol

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