Makwa's picture
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+ 2 Equipoise lean bulk


Current stats:
43yr old
175 lbs
11% BF

I have ran two previous cycles:
500mg Test E 12wks
400mg Test C 500mg 1-test Cyp 14 wks

If everything had gone as planned I would be in mid cycle prepping for my first NPC bodybuilding competion. Life took a turn when I had to have some unexpected surgury done a few months ago which basically left me bed ridden, so needless to say that competion and my pre-comp cycle have been put on hold until next year. I am currently working my way back into the gym and have put on 5 lbs of lean mass and dropped 2% BF over the last month since I started lifting again. I plan on working out for another 2 months so that my body is in peak shape again before starting this cycle. I should be in the single digit bodyfat when this cycle is started.

My long-term goal is to be at the top end of my weightclass for next year's competion. My weight class is middleweight so my target weight would be 176 lbs at around 4% BF. This works out to be about 185 lbs at about 10% BF. So my ultimate goal for this cycle would be to gain at least another 10lbs of lean body mass and keep my BF around 8-10%. Who knows, the way things are going right now I may be able to do this naturally over the next couple of months before I start this cycle. If that is the case this cycle may get scrapped and I'll re-evaluate my situation, but I do want to have things lined up and ready to go for this cycle if I feel it is necessary.

This cycle will be planned as a lean-bulk. My current BMR is 2500 cal/day. I have been recomping nicely with this caloric intake over the last month (added 5lbs lean mass and dropped almost 2% BF). To take advantage of the AAS while on cycle, I will use the following monthly progression for my caloric intake. At the start of every month while on cycle I will consume my base BMR for the first week. The following week I will up the calories by 250/day. The third week my calories will be 500 above BMR and the final week of the month my calories will be 750 above my BMR. Then the start of my second month I will readjust my calories to my new lean body mass and start the same progression over again at my new BMR. So it looks like this:

Week 1 BMR (2500 cal)
Week 2 2500 + 250 = 2750 cal/day
Week 3 2500 + 500 = 3000 cal/day
Week 4 2500 + 750 = 3250 cal/day
Week 5 recalculate BMR
week 6 New BMR + 250 cal/day
Week 7 New BMR + 500/day

I have found that following this type of caloric intake seems to produce the best lean gains for me. Protein will be a minimum of 1.5 grams/lb.

I am looking at keeping the test for this cycle around 500mg/wk. I will have arimidex on hand and have found out from my previos cycles that around week 5 if I take .25mg E3D I am good to go for E2 control. I haven't seen anything saying you need to run test/EQ at any type of certaiin ratio so if someone can make a good case for adjusting my test amount I am open to suggestion.

I am looking at running this cycle for a full 24 weeks to take advantage of the EQ. I am on TRT so I am not worried about a long cycle shutting me down. From what I have read it seems like a good starting dose for EQ for a first time is around 600mg/wk so that is what I am planning on. Once again I am open to suggestion if you feel this dose should be adjusted.

What are everyones thoughts on front-loading the EQ? Is it necessary if I am going to be running it for 24wks?

Any and all suggestions appreciated.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateEquipoiseArimidexProvironHGH
5500mg600mg.25mg E3D4iu
6500mg600mg.25mg E3D4iu
7500mg600mg.25mg E3D4iu
8500mg600mg.25mg E3D4iu
9500mg600mg.25mg E3D4iu
10500mg600mg.25mg E3D4iu
11500mg600mg.25mg E3D4iu
12500mg600mg.25mg E3D4iu
13250mg600mg.25mg E3D50mg ED4iu
14250mg600mg.25mg E3D50mg ED4iu
15250mg600mg.25mg E3D50mg ED4iu
16250mg600mg.25mg E3D50mg ED4iu
17250mg600mg.25mg E3D50mg ED4iu
18250mg600mg.25mg E3D50mg ED4iu
19250mg600mg.25mg E3D50mg ED4iu
20250mg600mg.25mg E3D50mg ED4iu
21TRT50mg ED4iu
Eccentric's picture

I realize this is a 10y old post. I am trying to put together a cycle for a bulk later this year after summer is over and found this while researching. I am a heavy aromatizer, I already have a bit of gyno from when I went through puberty and have not had surgery yet to have it removed. Usually a bulk cycle for me is 300-500mg of test e and 200-400mg of primo e, usually start low and taper up until the end. I want to throw in another compound this year and I am considering EQ and/or mast to run alongside my normal test/primo stack. I am curious what you might think about that? Is it worth adding in anything else when I know this cycle I normally run works for me?

freakmode2's picture

Man this looks like a killer cycle. How is everything coming along? do you notice any changes in your aggression or any sides yet? Hope this cycle does what you are looking for.

Makwa's picture

I haven't started this cycle yet. Still working with my doc to get my trt dosage all squared away. Bloods are to be drawn next week so if everything is dialed in with him I'll be starting this April 1. Still got a little tweaking to do on the cycle. I'm looking to drop the test down and add provi and cut the length back to 20 wks.

Makwa's picture

I was contemplating about doing that midway through the cycle and really trying to lean out before the summer. I am assuming I would just keep riding with the 600mg of EQ, or would I need to up that since I am lowering the total amount of androgens by cutting the test?

Makwa's picture

Thanks for all the advice everyone. The BP issues with EQ were very enlightening. That was something that slipped by me and I will definitely make sure I am incorporating all the natural approaches to control it before starting this cycle . My girlfriend is an EMT so I will have her monitor my BP on a regular basis. I have never gave blood before, but it looks like I will be this cycle.

AS for the cycle, I think I am going to keep the amounts of the compounds the same as what I posted above. I am going to cut the cycle down to 20 weeks and give the frontloading a try at 1200mg/wk for the first two weeks.

dbombs's picture

Good advice on here...I've run several EQ compounds; in fact, it's been my favorite compound. The first few were identical to what you proposed above and I had solid gains and a slightly higher BF than you are currently at. I recently ran a cycle with 900mg/week but I think any higher than 600 is unnecessary for your 1st few runs. As others have said, less is almost always more.

I did my last run with a frontload and I really enjoyed it. I noticed the effects of the EQ kick in a few weeks earlier. As j223 mentioned, a standard EQ bold cycle usually takes around 8 weeks to "kick in", the frontload will accelerate this. Although this is only your 3rd cycle, I don't see much downside to you using a frontload of 1,200 mg/wk for the first two weeks. Doing so will also ensure you don't need a cycle longer than 20 weeks; you can probably get away with 16 but let your body, vitals (i.e BP), and blood work be your guide.

I take one baby aspirin every day when on EQ and monitor my bp very regularly. Donating blood 2-3 times during a 20 week cycle will only help as well. Good luck with your cycle!

Dickkhead's picture

Before I would commit to 24 weeks, I would reassess at 20 where just about anything that EQ is gonna provide will have happened. Sorry to hear about your injury bro. I agree with your perspective on not dipping below 600 mg / wk on the EQ. That would be the floor. EQ works for most of us and does support a quality slow build of lean mass and as u lower the BF it produces a very nice lookiing vascularity as well. So, this is your off season and I think u are being conservative here. And, in the end, it's all about diet as you know anyways.

U are aware that EQ builds red blood cells and on a full run u will need to manage the excess of that (many of us donate blood on a regular basis to control it) and with that, please don't remotely underestimate BP problems as well. Of course, try the natural approaches first for BP but keep in the back of your mind that those of us that sometimes run into health issues from steroids - it isn't the chemicals directly that cause organ problems - it's BP. I have a fancy schmancy BP monitor in the house and I always write this - if you walk in the gym before u even touch a weight and folk are complimenting u on your "tan" and u haven't been tanning? LOL That's BP, bro.

gettnBIGnOC's picture

++++ what he said!
Personally I think all bb'ers (and especially us here) should have a BP monitor at home. They are just too inexpensive NOT to have one considering the benefit of the knowledge. Cheap ones are in the $35+ range and you can get some pretty sophisticated home models around $100. Whichever option you go with, it honestly should be just calculated into the cost of your next cycle if you don't already have one.

IrishMack's picture

Interestingly enough; I am currently running an EQ cycle at 350mg a week. I'm currently on week 4 and lost 5 pounds and vascular is up big time. The actual minimum EQ to use and gain is 300mg a week. A better dose is 400. 500 is extremely well and in my opinion the top dog especially if you are less then 15% BF.

j223's picture

That really depends on the quality of the gear. I've ran extremely high quality EQ at 400mg per week and had outstanding gains. I've also had it at 900mg of low quality EQ and it felt weaker than the 400mg of the other brand.
600mg in general is a good dose for eq. In my opinion anything less is a waste UNLESS it's top notch EQ. Most EQ tests around 60-70% purity anything above is rare plus the ester is so long that injecting 600mg is not necessarily 600mg of drug you are getting.
I say 500-600mg is a good dose to use EQ, again unless you know for a fact your EQ is high quality. It's a very mild compound many people don't even feel it until week 8.

IrishMack's picture

And the only way to know it is top notch is to buy vet grade; which is only 50mg per ml and takes like 10ml's per week; imagine those days lol.

vhman's picture

I'm glad to hear that. I'm a big proponent of going low and getting the most out of your compounds. +1

vhman's picture

A couple of questions: Why EQ at 600 and why 24 weeks? "Usually" EQ is run a bit higher (not necessarily suggesting that). Twenty four weeks is super long and can cause some issues (BP issues, especially for us in our 40's).

Makwa's picture

This is my first time running EQ so I wanted to keep my dose on the lower end. For the most part, it seemed like 600 mg was about as low as you should go but still gain the benefits from the compound.

I chose to go with a 24 wks run since everything I read says EQ takes along time to kick in and the longer you can run it for the better the gains will be. BP definitely seems like it could be an issue so I will certainly keep an eye on it. Taking a baby aspirin might be a good idea if I run this cycle. If the consensus is to shorten the cycle, maybe 20 weeks might be better for first run. I just figured since I didn't have to worry about shutdown afterwards since I am TRT that the longer I ran it the better.

vhman's picture

I'm all for lower doses. 600 mg may work for you and I think it's worth a shot. Generally 20 weeks are standard for getting the most out of your EQ. BP was never a concern for me until I got into my 40's. I am TRT as well and even my TRT dose elevates my BP now. 81mg aspirin helps, but it won't control it if it starts to go up significantly, which is a real possibility with running EQ (increased RBC). There are many "remedies" that help, but I would make sure you can go to the doctor and get on BP meds if it is necessary.