remag's picture
  • 23

+ 1 Remagacomp


Basically I would like to cut back on my fat, and try to increase my legs (yes they are chicken size). Grow more muscle all over and learn how to pose. Just realized how crappy these pics are, sorry about that!

Also, yes I used to weight 320 lbs, so take it easy on my pics.

Time to wreck shit, and turn this recomp around!!!!

EBC Before Pic: 
Height (before EBC): 
Weight (before EBC): 
Body Fat (before EBC): 
Ugh 15?
ECB Wrapper: 
HydeMind's picture

Welcome to the EBC bro, good luck!

remag's picture

TY sir. Hard work. Can't walk from ass to grass oh well. GROW TIME LEGS

HydeMind's picture

Deads and squats bro.. I used to hate deads but I've been forcing myself to do them regularly for the past year now and have noticed a lot of thickness in my upper quads as a result.

remag's picture

Yeah, walking around last two days looking like I got the prop leg... Can't walk. Love it.


HydeMind's picture

Haha right! I had a chick in one of my classes ask why I was walking weird, I told her I went heavy on the leg day. That and I had just injected 2mls of gear into my quad

iheartyou's picture

Good luck ;-)

remag's picture

Thank you sir!

iheartyou's picture

That's the second time today I've been called sir ^~^ lol.

remag's picture

Sorry I was on my phone, and you can't really see avatar's on it well. BUT that's not excuse, I so sorry... LOTS OF <3

iheartyou's picture

lol,,,,,,It's not a problem honestly ;)

remag's picture

Eating on the plan, had a baaaaaaaaad decision. Was offered cheeseburger then sex, just so I would stray. HARD TIMES HARD TIMES.

remag's picture

1 week in, and feeling like a champ. Gonna make these chicken legs look completely different. Even if I have to walk around for 12 weeks like I just got raped in the shower.

iheartyou's picture

You'll do great feeding these chicken legs....if not, someone always loves a chicken leg Blum 3

remag's picture

This is true. Really. It pisses me off. I should have the fat bastard legs / calfs. But I don't. I have the sticks of an 130lb 15 year old.

Dunno how that works out. Damn genetics.

iheartyou's picture

edit - duplicate

iheartyou's picture

They really don't look that me ;-)

remag's picture

Thank you ma'am. Smile

HydeMind's picture

Yeah man they aren't bad at all.

remag's picture

Thanks. But they will grow.

remag's picture

Why my body gotta be so darn sore? :(*****

Yes, I find myself randomly crying all the time. LOL

HydeMind's picture

haha up your glutamine

remag's picture

It's funny how things change. I've read a lot about how glutamine is bunk. But yeah, I need to start supplementing it. The trace amount in my protein / pre workout probably isn't enough. A lot of my soreness is from my back / legs. I tweaked my back 4 months ago and laid off of deadlifts squats and I'm punishing them now. So newbie soreness.

Grow time though!

HydeMind's picture

I've definitely noticed my bodies ability to recover PWO increasing with my intake of glutmine. It also is one of the fuels used by your immune system so its important to keeping us AAS users healthy.

remag's picture

What better to do on a Friday night, than to trash shoulders bi / tri then enjoy a nice juicy steak afterwards? It wasn't easy asking my girl permission to come on over to the dark side. But it's gotta mean something when she's fully willing to back me up 100% and to crush the gym with me! Just gonna say it simply enough

Changes are a comin brotha!! Watch out now

remag's picture

Nothing better than national chest day... I swear some people wanna sit on a bench for 56 minutes doing their routine, da hell you gotta do that takes that long. Lift heavy and get the hell out of my way.


Happy eroid'ing

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