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Dresson4's picture
My overall experience

I've made two orders from Sunrisegirl for my animal testing needs. The first order included Drol-50s, Proviron, Clomid, and HCG, and everything went smoothly. The products arrived promptly, and I noticed an improvement in muscle pressure after administering them.

Products, effectiveness and results

The second order arrived promptly as well, and all the products were effective. The subjects showed good pumps and signs of Tren sweats, indicating positive results. The shutdown wasn't too severe, which was a relief.

Customer service

I found Sunrisegirl's customer service to be excellent. They were responsive and helpful throughout the ordering process. https://kinito.pet/

Shipping and Delivery

The products were delivered quickly and were well-packaged. I received them in good condition, and there were no issues with the delivery process.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I have nothing but praise for gear4gym. Their products are genuine, their service is excellent, and I have experienced amazing results in my research. Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my experience.

I recommend shopping here!
Cicoma's picture
My overall experience

I've placed two orders with Sunrisegirl for my animal testing.
Drol-50s, Proviron, Clomid, and HCG were first ordered. Apart from a small test I had lying around, everything proceeded perfectly. Two days after delivery, I got it. It seemed like more pressure was being applied to the affected muscle areas than it had previously.

Products, effectiveness and results

It arrived again two days after shipment, and everything appeared to be in good operating order. The shutdown wasn't too bad because the individual had good pumps and displayed symptoms of Tren sweats.

Customer service

Nonetheless, my animal subjects do seem to behave better when given the anadrol. The vascularity is starting to show

Shipping and Delivery

The subject had respectable pumps and showed signs of Tren sweats, so the shutdown wasn't too severe.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I have nothing but praise for gear4gym since their items are 100% genuine, their service was excellent from beginning to end, and I have experienced amazing results.

I recommend shopping here!
dclark80906's picture
My overall experience

I have placed two orders from this site. I am a US Soldier stationed overseas and both orders have made it to me in 3 weeks.

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments