Sheitlipz93's picture
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+ 3 TEST / T4 FREE


Okay, so I talk about lab work being done a lot on here. I posted only my testosterone and T4 free here. There has been controversy with Noexcuse's gear being bunk or some called "salad oil." My physique and blood work say something far different. Gear obviously is pure, in fact, I think over dosed in some of the test vials I had administered upon thee lol.

The Bloodwork was taken after I have been off the cycle for a good month now. Testosterone is still high af, and reflected throughout my lab.

The cycle I completed:
- Test E (250mg) twice weekly (500mg total) 1wk - 12wk
- Deca (200mg) twice weekly (400mg total) 1wk - 12wk
- Dbol (40mg) ED 6wk-9wk (I'm a little bitch and got to scared to continue more than 3 weeks. Self preservation people ^_^

PCT already implemented.

What I learned from this beginner cycle is that a little truly does go a long way. Some guys get off by saying they're blast 1000s mg of test and etc. Well, only so much your body will use and your sides may not be worth it. 19nors, me specifically, impact my system hard (in a both good and bad way). I began lowering my deca mid way in cycle due to a prolactin spike, but that was handled with good knowledge and caber. GET YOUR CABER YOUNGLINGS. It ain't expensive.

Prolactin is low at the moment since I've been off Any thoughts?

Reminder: Please do not be antagonistic. If you don't like something, let's discuss it.

Also, Thank you NoExcuse.

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Sosa123's picture

I told you so ... You like it brother here??? Hit me up anytime

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Pinning85's picture

+1 for bloods

ECinfidel's picture

Like Sam stated, would've been nice to see your numbers at peak levels, but these numbers this far out certainly indicate that they were up there. +1 for testing/sharing.

Sheitlipz93's picture

Thank you.

eighty7's picture

My favorite is when they say the gear is bunk so give me me more or else I'll post a negative review.

Sheitlipz93's picture

That thread still baffles me. Every damn thing about it. Regardless, keep up the good work. Thanks again.

Sam I Am's picture

It’d be better to see these when your on cycle imo...
Glad you liked it though.

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Sheitlipz93's picture

Definitely, I'll get my lipid panels in tomorrow. Bloodwork is pretty much a way life for me now. Any idea why my test is remaining so high?

Sheitlipz93's picture


thanks brother