Sheitlipz93's picture
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2 Dbol bottles by Elixir (10mgX100 pills)


So, to start off, Mercernary (owner of Ms-Shop) keeps his communication stable. I had no issues in inquiring about the items I was looking to purchase. Prices on the website were more than reasonable. Mercenary was running a promo where BioTeKK's Tren and a myriad of other oils were on sale for 20(uk Pounds). Well, I had the money and I already knew what I wanted to do, so I went for it.

T/A was quick, package came from the UK within 10 days to the US. That was was insane especially during this covid season. Upon opening the package, I observed 4 BioTekk Tren Acetate Vials and 2 bottles of Elixir DBol.

I received this package in August of this year. The Elixir Dbol would expire in approximately two years from now. Elixir is a legit brand I've known about for sometime now.

Ordered from: 
Mercenary's picture

Read this previous discussion and if you are still not satisfied then by all means, theres no more we can do and we will make up for it at our loss...

Sheitlipz93's picture

I've already spoke to mercenary about this shipment. I understand shit happens. However, after trying various methods to get the solutions mixed again, I had no luck.

Mercenary is an awesome dude and his communication with me was just above and beyond my expectation. I've gotten the orals from him, and I know they're fine, but as for this gear...idk man. I can remix them, they remain caked to the sides from within the vile.

Some advised it was crashed, and I tried to reverse it, but it didn't work. Not going to sit here and cry about it, I just wanted the community's opinion on the matter and how to go from there. I've never seen gear like this, therefore I needed guidance as to how to proceed.

I'd gladly take this post down, but I'm still trying to figure out how we both can make this right. He advised a refund.

Sheitlipz93's picture

Just sent you a FR. Seriously thank you for the help. I've got further questions about this needed heat. I don't want the vials to bust. I'll pm you.

Mercenary's picture

Let me clarify one thing guys, ive had this issue with our Tren before on here and yet the guy has never been happier, the Tren looks that colour due to a cooking method that was used so it may crach during transport but its completely clean stuff... its completely fine to use and will not harm you in any way and it will be the best god dam tren you will ever use.

Having said that if you dont trust us as a source or dont trust what I am saying, then please contact me directly, I have never ignored anyone, had anyone off or neglected any issue ever in my life. I put my customers first and abit of communication from my customers would be much appreciated. I will happily refund anyone that thinks I am lying as long as they post it back to an address of my choice...

In terms of the expiry dates on biotekk labs on the labels, its just a label, it was printed 2/3 year ago. We were forced to shut shop for a full year since and then forced to shut shop recently due to covid so we havent gone through the thousands of labels that were bought up front and the stuff that gets sent out is a month or two old max! so everything has a shelf life of a 2/3 years on them.

Again any issues please contact us...

Sheitlipz93's picture

Honestly, I don't know. There are some advising that this may be water based than oil based. Regardless, I wouldn't try to use this...I'm just a little loss as to why he thought sending almost expired gear was okay.

Mercenary's picture

bro this isnt expired gear, the labels are just coming to the end of the expiry but the labels where bought in the thousands a couple of years ago. Every batch is a month or two old we had to shut shop for a year during 2018 with no sales and recently had to shut again for 6 months with no sales due to covid

Mercenary's picture

Let me clarify, you did reach out once already and I understand your concern...

Please look at previous discussions...

stairmaster's picture

I'd never pin that "tren". Dbol from Elixir has normally a bit different sticker. Maybe this are new?

Sheitlipz93's picture

The box has the silver sticker. I know exactly what you're talking about. I've bought another thing of Dbol just to be sure though. I'm posting these pictures so newbies, much like myself, understand the importance of researching and asking questions.

I'm actually pretty surprised how the majority of this community agree with my thought process. I've got a lot to learn, and being f***ed over is something I'll try to not let happen again.

Dudeman24's picture

Maybe it’s tren base ?

stairmaster's picture

X2 but very bad brewed base bro, lol

Juggernaut_13's picture

I was thinking that earlier when I was looking at it that it looks more like a water based suspension then oil definitely. I don’t think they carry a tren base that I can think of but it’s possible. Like I said merc has always been on point with his business so I’m sure he will address this and make it right.

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Juggernaut_13's picture

I just got a couple bottles Of the BioTekk tren a and it’s the same way 4 bottles and it looks like cloudy water thin as f! I used quite a few of the BioTekk stuff in the past and I’ve always been happy with it but this tren is unacceptable. I’ll be uploading my pics this evening hopefully merc does something to make this right!

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Sheitlipz93's picture

Jesus, hopefully mercenary does. The fact he advised that this was okay to inject is frightening. I truly hope no one in this community actually did. I'll reach out to him, PM me when you do as well.


ECinfidel's picture

I think I figured out why it was on sale. Lol

Mercenary's picture

All of our stuff have been on sale for well over a year lol its not the first time our stuff is constantly on sale and we are constantly doing the same deals on the ads... anyway I will resolve the matter I have nothing more to say about the issue

Sheitlipz93's picture

The elixir is legit, but the tren has been thrown out at this time already am ordering some from Noexcuse and have inquired about their expiration dates.

The sales definitely were too good to be true.

This all just taught me to really ask questions before purchasing before hand. If the sources get pissy about the questions being asked, dip out and find another source that won't be so sketchy about your inquiries. I knew th game I played, I lost lol. Just keep yourselves safe and informed.

ECinfidel's picture

Nailed it

steroidmen's picture

I think it's not tren but apricot jam lol

In a promo × 1
Sheitlipz93's picture

Adding pictures I think is one of the best features here. Allows me to discuss the issues I've been dealing with more efficiently. Gonna cut my loss and get another thing of Tren. It's dumb, sure, but I knew the game i was playing with those damn prices lol.

Am not taking This stuff. Didn't it seem off to you?

Ccaccia's picture

yes definately not good regardless of whether its still ok.
they ran out of lebels?? sure they did
to be honest it looks like total garbage to me
tren sides are bad enough now you have to worry about this crap
sorry not a good look..

Sheitlipz93's picture

I agree man lol. Not worth chancing on bunk gear. Show isn't for another year.