White Bolt's picture
White Bolt
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+ 2 Test 1385 on 150mg/w; Help needed


I am currently on 150mg/w Test C and HGH 4iu/d split 2iuAM/2iuPM. Been on this dose for a few months. Was shooting for a TRT dose but it seems I’ll have to lower my test to around 100mg/w to hit a normal reference range. I have not been using an AI as I wanted to see how much estrogen I converted on a “cruise” dose. I have always been a high converter. Will be adding in primobolan at 150mg/w to control E and doing bloods again in 6 weeks.

I donate blood every 8 weeks yet my RBC/hemoglobin/hemocrit are always sky high. I take iron supplements (6x pills of 65 mg (325 mg Ferrous Sulfate) throughout the day) as my ferritin levels were 12 a year ago (ref range 38-380), and now they are 82, so this iron therapy has helped with my anemia but my RBC/Hemo is always high in return — should I be donating whole blood twice as often at multiple banks?

Lastly, my total cholesterol and triglycerides are fine, but my LDL/HDL and the ratios are not the best. Is it time to get on statins?

Thanks for reading and any input on RBC/cholesterol control is welcomed.

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mujeriego's picture

How much cardio do you do? if you're not doing much then adding some in with a combination of steady state and true HIIT will fix a lot of these numbers as well.

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Jockstrap's picture

So primo is now an ai? Lol!

So its a cycle.....

White Bolt's picture

Yeah, man. Primo is the best AI around. Beats aromasin in and arimidex for me by far.

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Blck_panda's picture

Yup lol

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DeeMan's picture

Huh???!!! Lol

Badgoat1's picture

For your cholesterol id have to see your diet but eat leaner, add in some oats in the morning and some fiber gummies to lower the ldl and add some high omega 3 fish oil capsules to raise hdl. That helped me stay off statins and that's best especially if you plan on running orals. Statins already fuck up aloy of people's livers adding an oral on top is even worse

DCBG78's picture

That high RBC is probably more of a concern than the low ferritin. We’re you have symptoms from the low ferritin?

White Bolt's picture

Life was getting tough with my ferritin levels at 12. I was constantly tired and took naps every single day. Ever since I started taking iron it has been life changing. My quality of life has improved tremendously and I can go an entire day of activities without the need for a nap now.

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Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

Any iron supplements are going do Jack up your blood marks. Probably not something u want to take while on cycle

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YRB's picture

Citrus bergamot and ezetmibe if super worried will handle that

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Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

What are you saying to use that for? Cholesterol?

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YRB's picture

Citrus bergamot lowers ldl and raises hdl and ezetimble lowers ldl as well there legit pretty easy too get ahold of both.

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anvil's picture

Definitely best combo with cardarine. No issues after using those 3 together at all.

White Bolt's picture

Thanks for the supplement advice guys. I’ll give these a try

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Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

I was just talking in another thread and someone brought sunflower lecithin to my attention. Go do a quick research on that it counter almost every neg side being on gear causes. Now i have a few things i might have to get. Lol on top of more tren. Jk. Kinda

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smurfdude1234567's picture

Look up Lock n’ Load lol. It increases semen volume but is packed with sunflower lecithin. I love it and so do my buddies lol. It seems like a joke but it legit makes you cum like 30ml+ it’s a lot of pills daily but it’s a good blend that lets you glaze you girl like a fucking donut every hour. Also the orgasm is longer/more intense as there’s more burst/volume lol. Yeah Ik I’m a freak &?

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