giardap's picture
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+ 2 Sustanon - Dragon Pharma Sustanon 350


Real promo from Euro King - 5 vials. Super fast delivery considering where it is coming from.

This is not Sustanon!!!
There is a compound test on Euro King's page showing the make up of this product, I recommend reviewing it.

Undecided on what to compliment it with, looking towards NPP, Trestolone, 1-testcyp or else Tren, however I am likely to mix npp and tren on cycle, 6 weeks npp then 6 weeks tren, or else a complete sust/1-test cyp with an oral, or pulse through some ment, 2 weeks on 1 off 2 on and so on, with an oral at the tail end.... likely to also include an IGF compound
Much to be decided before running...

10 mL vial = 350 mg/mL
Cyp Enth and 50mg of prop

Likely to run NPP with this compound, and/or tren, but also considering pulsing2on1off Trestolone, or perhaps a 1-test cyp run alongside for dry gains
likely to inc a dht with the 19nors if i go that route
much to be decided

Ordered from: 
Livelife76's picture

This "warning" is unnecessary... dramatic to say the least.

How did you not notice this by now? EK posted it a few times now,, if you purchase them off the site it clearly shows the breakdown...

It's a Ugl, not a pharmacy. If I buy any blend from ugl, Bet I check the breakdown before I purchase.

It's free, just say fuckin thanks and carry on... all this bs is too much. Just trash it if you're that upset about it.

And no packaging material in pics - is from me, take that out n I'll make it a +

giardap's picture

Why is it necessary? Explain it to me... like I am a baby if you like...
But first, let me explain to you as you may have missed something ; I posted a gear pic (with no warning), there was no info on the bottle to say it is anything other than sustanon. I haven't used Dragon Pharma Sustanon 350 before, so how would I know the manufacturer is using a brand name wrongly? How would anyone? I certainly haven't read anything from EK, but if you say they have posted it, then I am glad to hear that. They now just need to disclaim it on their product page site, or at least pre-order. I think that would be fair

I went back to the product listing, and I can see a test report showing the compounds, which I agree is good and when you read it, lists the compounds found on the test. This is a good thing, but something I missed. If I missed it, others will too.

If you think my putting a warning on my DP Sus 350 is BS/unnecessary/dramatic - consider this.... I posted this as a sustanon pic originally with plans for a cycle that included shorter esters and pinning schedule.... the less informed hanging around might consider that something to also consider doing.... not good
You might pin ED, and plan your frontloading/AI/ around the shorter compounds, plan your HCG around the med/long compounds.... and get it all wrong
Perhaps you are a hyper aromatiser, or just dont like so much long esters in your system due to sides..... then you're going to hit a pretty confusing wall,...
Managing hormones inc estro etc, is difficult enough without this sort of thing.

The bubble wrap is mine, not from the order.

I love bubble wrap, it helps deal with the stress of posts like yours where people talk shit, pussy-neg or misinterpret a friendly warning to those who might miss something like this!!

Actually I will edit my post to Friendly warning, which it is

Livelife76's picture

Didn't talk shit or pussy meg.

I said you're being a bit dramatic (which you are)

Then I told you I negged you for packaging materiel (which isn't a pussy neg)

That's "your" bubble wrap? Right, I'm going with it's not and I'll let you take that neg,

So we are clear, I negged your dramatic ass.

And again, no packaging material allowed in pics.

And ED pins on sus? Yeah that's a no for me dog

Have a good one

giardap's picture

Yes, yes you did and still are. Good man, I will return the favour I am sure

So yes let's be clear, you are a pussy negger...... because you saw bubblewrap on my desk!

As for ED pins on Sust, hey enjoy your schedule if you do sust, whatever you're into
Me, I like my plasma levels nice and even.

Good man, well done again

Gymjunkie01's picture

Rules do state no packing materials in pics... I would advise to take down the pic and repost with out the material

Owes a Review × 1
giardap's picture

I've re-read the rules and I must have missed the rule on pics
Could you do me a favour and ping me a link, as if i've missed that I'm sure Ive missed others

I know you cant discuss shipping methods etc on source reviews, but am curious on how bubble wrap falls in here
please do point me in the right direction Gj


Gymjunkie01's picture

Mods posted it a couple of years ago about no packing material of any kind . I've searched for it but can't find it now but ask anyone that's been around a while . Just do yourself a favor repost the pic with out the material no sense in getting flamed brother

Owes a Review × 1
helloBrooklyn's picture

I agree, giardap. That's bullshit. Sustanon is test prop, test phenylprop, test isocaproate, and test decanoate in a 12%, 24%, 24%, 40% ratio, respectively. Anything else is not sust. It's a test blend, period. If DP is going to jack a trade name of a pharmaceutical company, at least make the product match the name.

giardap's picture

Its a fantastic promo, but absolutely an eye opener in terms of DP's labeling

Bearded_muscle's picture

Not euro kings fault, they listed the contents of this "sust" quite a while ago publicly to clear any confusion. Obviously not everyone saw this though. This is on dragon pharma. I agree, you can't take a trade name and sell a different product under it. Not to mention such a poorly designed one, I mean it's basically test E 300 since the cyp and enan esters are so similar in half life...

giardap's picture

The labeling is on DP for sure - it's mental, but it is dangerous too. If you started pinning this ed, as you should with sustanon, then you could hit a speedbump which aint good.
Suppliers need to take responsibility with what they shift though... At a minimum, their site absolutely should list a disclaimer, otherwise they are an equal part of such a problem.

helloBrooklyn's picture

Who pins sust ed? There's only 30 mgs of prop in it

giardap's picture

I do! and everybody should!

Prop isnt the only short ester in sustanon

ED pins is the only way, and if you are running a sust cycle any time soon, I'd recommend going ED, its a different ballgame when you get those plasma levels balanced nicely
Its a different beast altogether

Bearded_muscle's picture

Eod is also ok for prop. If you look at the metabolism curve from medical use it pretty much is stable 2 days after inject then drops completely

giardap's picture

EOD is ok for prop ester, and is ok for ace ester etc... however, it is not optimal and you have the stability theory wrong.

I am not sure what you are referring to by metabolism curve, but If you look at the pharmacokinetics of testosterone propionate and take a look at the blood plasma active half life displayed on a graph you can see that at the ~24 hours point, it drops off significantly. Therefore, peak plasma levels end at ~24 hours from the time of injection and drop off swiftly. Not; 2 days! Not even close.

Where people say it is ok to pin eod, it means they say it is ok to have blood plasma levels go from the associated peak to he trough for that schedule - however, what is more optimal, is keeping the trough, the floor of that plasma active lifecycle up as high as possible/as close as possible to the peak - this helps maintain anabolism, minimises sides as it is the spikes and drop off's that cause the body to see constant changes in hormone ratios, which it will then act to counter and return to homeostasis.

So... everyone is different and whatever you like you like... however it is absolutely irrefutable, that ED pins are best/most optimal for prop/similar short esters. It is a clinical and physiological fact.
The same fact applies to blends like (real) sustanon or tri-tren etc. etc.

helloBrooklyn's picture

By the time the levels of testosterone cleaved from the propionate ester start falling, the test cleaved from the phenylpropionate ester makes up for it. Ditto for PP followed by isocap, ditto for iso followed by deca. When Organon developed Sustanon, this was their exact intention. Creating a test blend that would allow for sustained release with infrequent injections. It was not designed for ed administrations.

giardap's picture

I think you are missing the point brutha
It is all about blood plasma levels with sust and not longevity of the longer ester per se
Have a look at this:
the dotted lines reflect a normal nmol range of test for men, upper being higher good. So lets say we are higher end good without AAS.
1. The sust hits peak levels at 24-48 hours, so lets say 24 hours
2. The levels drop right back down to normal after say 5.5 days, but thats not where we want to be and the shorter esters became redundant in that time frame
3. We probably want to maintain plasma levels at around the 75nmol high to 50nmol low for a lovely range that aint too big a gap between peak and trough, BUT it also has the trough well above normal
4. We hit the trough at approx 48 hours from 1st inj. So, we still have a 24-48 hour time to spike to peak plasma levels, depending on metabolism, so shot 1, say 24 hours = peak, shot 2 at 48 hours later (EOD) = peak plasma levels on day 3 but by day 3 we are already close to normal (the rise to peak is rapid enough, so I amnt factoring that here too much) and we should agree that's not good enough
(think a test E ester, would you like to go from peak to 0 every few days??? hello gyno! exageration for effect but you get the point)
So, what to do, well pull the inj frequency back 1 day,
inj, peak at 24 hours later, inj day 2, peak at 24 hours later, but from trough of... approx 50 nmol

However the thing to really note, with the blood plasma peaks/troughs, the initial spike of sust is compounded and the plasma levels go extremely high, higher than each individual compound. making the peak to normal all the more exaggerated.

I think once it is plotted like that it makes a particularly strong case for the benefits of ED shots. Its all about the blood serum levels and all about estro.

Bearded_muscle's picture

You're right about the plasma curve, I wasn't taking into account peak time. Looking at those graphs it looks like it's peaked for days one and two but looking closer it's climbing for the first 6 hours of day one and falling for the last six hours of day 2.
When it comes to ed pins of course that will always be best for every ester, but not necessary, especially when you've got some long esters in the mix to smooth it out.
Now that you know what you're working with, any changes you're gonna be making to your pin schedule given the blend?

giardap's picture

Depends really, for example, I am a high aromatiser, so bigger peaks and trough gap means more aromatisation for me and for anyone else who for example; held a relatively high bodyfat at any stage in recent years and have lots of aromatase enzyme.

Great question, and for the mwf'ers of sust its the same question. Go ed for benefits or else, consider the prop redundant. I will consider the prop redundant and just focus on the longer esters, so 2x weekly shots only. Good question.

kibby's picture

Sust ed pins is the advice given to me by a well respected member mate.

Fucking game changer +1

Owes a Review × 1
giardap's picture

Glad to hear it Kibby, thought I was going mad for a minute LOL

bigjrock's picture

I just got mine in today as well. These are different than the other bottles. The other pics say whats in them and these say test in a oily substance. I've never seen that before

giardap's picture

Yeah its a strange one, I ping'd Dragon Pharma about it and no reply unfortunately

Bearded_muscle's picture

Given it's a promo obviously you don't want to raise a fuss, but whoever designed this blend should know that they screwed the pooch on this one. Live and learn, but next time it'd be nice to see some test decanoate at least if not more esters.

giardap's picture

Fuck that, I will raise a fuss brother. I don't blame the source necessarily, but FFS calling something that's not sust, Sutanon, thats unforgivable in my opinion! There is an element of what the fcuk are people doing selling/promo'ing this stuff without letting people know too though....

I am waiting for Dragon Pharma to get back to me, I hope they do and I will give them a piece of my mind, via a strongly worded email haha

On a serious note, there could be folks jabbing a ml per day of this blend... thinking its something very different. That's not good.

euroking's picture

You do not like free gear I guess you have a trash you can put it there!

giardap's picture

Well that's a bit of a retard comment EuroKing! Or maybe you just don't give a crap about the health of your customers/promo customers/reviewers????

It'd be nice if the boys at Dragon Pharma actually put the compounds on the bottle wouldn't it?!
Or do you think that it's ok to supply something that is labelled in such a misleading way?!

You run fantastic promo's - there is no question of that, in fact I think your approach to promos is certainly the best I have seen on eroids and I respect that, unlike those who give away 5 pills to whore a review.
However, this is reasonably serious, given how it can impact the users of the product.

You should advise your supplier to correctly label his products. Would hate to see someone get hurt.

Dope's picture

This is not standard sust 200 mg cyp - 100 mg enan-50mg prop

Enjoy brother!



In a promo × 2
giardap's picture

You're shitting me?!?!?!?

If that's true its a disgrace, ill contact them now

Makwa's picture

Yea, kind of misleading calling it sust. I was aware of it before I got some from promo and am basically using it like high dosed test e and not sust. Basically test e/c with a little bit of prop thrown in.

Jameshobbis's picture

How would you pin this product buddy just curious? Mon,wed,Fri to get something out of the prop or just twice a week? As there's only a small amount of prop In the product

In a promo × 1
Makwa's picture

I'll be running this for my next cycle and will be doing it eod. This is mostly out of necessity because I never pin more than 2 ml in a shot. Probably good idea to pin eod anyway to take advantage of the prop. Probably could get away with MWF but I definitely wouldn't be pinning it only 2x/wk.

Jameshobbis's picture

Thanks for the help brother your the man!

In a promo × 1
giardap's picture

Flippin hell
That's madness
Oh well, thanks for pointing that out fellas, I really appreciate it

will edit my post with a warning!

euroking's picture

Shit you sound like a drama queen

giardap's picture

Really? Why is that?
Care to explain your childish comment??