BTRV's picture
  • 241

+ 7 Superdrol pump


600mg Test E, 1000mg EQ, 20mg Superdrol

I’ve been cruising on Test E and EQ for several months and recently added Superdrol and holy fuck these pumps are insane. I’m seriously considering making Para my number 1. Y’all have to try this shit.

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gorillafit28's picture

Man superdrol is my fave oral by far. I get better results off 10 mg than 20 tho kinda weird! Do yourself a favor next time and locate some inj sd and the results are greatly accelerated

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BTRV's picture

No doubt brother, I’ll definitely be using it again in the future.

Vegeta2632's picture

I love the superdrol! People wanna complain, but in personally think it's one of the best orals ever created. It can help mass people up and shred someone like crazy. Very potent compound for sure. Out of this world painful pumps too

BTRV's picture

It’s strong for sure. So far no weight gain, I’m almost a week in at 20mg. Strength is up, vascular, big pumps , major diuretic though. I’m losing water faster than I can drink it and I’m not taking an AI. Diet is the same, clean, no bread, high protein, medium carbs. It is starting to mess with my appetite though.

Dope's picture

Best sdrol for me and my favorite , i always get it from TeamRoids too

Looking beastly brother !




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BTRV's picture

Thanks guys. Has anyone experienced an AI type effect from SD? I’m dropping water like crazy and I don’t like it, I actually rely on it to cushion my bad joints. I’m digging the vascularity but damn I want some water back lol.

Dope's picture

Sdrol pull water inside muscle like crazy !! Is carb whore

Add 100 g carbs and see how you go

Eq converts to ai ! I see you doin 1000mg , maybe eq ai conversion together with sdrol give you this feeling



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BTRV's picture

I’m eating almost 400 carbs a day, and I’m still losing water. Lol

Dope's picture

Hahah i have fast metabolism like you , check my pics you see

I do 500-600 carbs on sdrol, more if tren in too LOL

Gogogo cookie monsta !!! :-D



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BTRV's picture

You ain’t right Dope lol.

dextetherdog's picture

Arms looking huge man, very impressive,+ from me