V0411's picture
  • 398

+ 7 Hard year, still standing.


Well it's been one hell of a year. I was motivated by @DeeMan and @smurfdude1234567 to post. And thinking about it i shouldn't be embarrassed because I do look ok, but it's the fight I've been fighting that makes me proud from being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and ptsd, to loosing my job because of the economy, a suicide attempt and the death of my sister. But I'm still standing, this is what makes me proud. I was 220 and 25% bodyfat back in August because of the depression I went into but I turned shit around and told life to suck my little Chinese micro weiner. Here's to 2025 let's kick some ass god dammit!!!! Currently just running 300mg a week of test e.

Solid.metal.gear's picture

That's awesome dude. I have found the gym helps relieve the stresses of daily life. It's a good avenue for me to channel addiction. Keep up the good work bro

MEXVOL's picture

Looking good bro,everybody start like you not feel embarrassed bro keep.it +1

smurfdude1234567's picture

Hellllllz yeah! Told you brother man!

If someone says shit just shrug it off anyways lol! Each of our journeys and stories are our OWN! Those people’s accomplishments and goals are NOT the same as ours and that’s completely normal!

Keep it up!


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Sithx66's picture

Seen some ink on your fingers on your GK post I was wondering what they were hahaha. I’m tatted from the finger nail up!

Congrats on your journey and pushing through all the shit life threw at you! 2025 is your year, grab that bitch by the hair and fuck her senseless.

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V0411's picture

Bind runes, I'm norse pagan.

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Sithx66's picture

How tall are you? Now I gotta work out my arms 2x week. Putting me to shame!

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V0411's picture

5'8.5", i can build decent sized biceps, I always have a problem with triceps.

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DeeMan's picture

I noticed that with a lot of folks. Remember though triceps is majority of arm size.Arnold had issues building his triceps also but his biceps in my opinion are probably the best ever

V0411's picture

Oh definetly, I think my problem is i just do t work the long head enough

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DeeMan's picture

Better start working it lol

Sithx66's picture

I’m 5’8 also. I fucking struggle with biceps but tris blow the fuck up. I have that tricep dip with a fuckin flat top bi. It irks my soul.

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DeeMan's picture

Brothers it's all a struggle regardless who you are. Tall or short lol. That's why when we strengthen our weak points busting our ass, it makes it that much more special

Sithx66's picture

Yes it is!

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V0411's picture

What workouts do you do for the different biceps heads. How many times a week do you train them.

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Sithx66's picture

Progress was slow since I was doing chest/bi. Then back/tri. I love to do heavy weights followed by drop sets so I realized by the time I got to the next muscle group I was burnt out. I decided to give arms there own day. This has helped significantly. I’ve also dropped the weight and have been really focusing on muscle contraction and slowing down the reps. I work out at home and I only have dumbbells so I really only do dumbbell curls and hammer curls. I start with seated curls and will switch to standing curls for those forced reps. When I get to drop sets I’ll switch to single arm curls.

Edit: I’ll be hitting arms 2x a week for a month then rotate to chest 2x a week for a month. I’ll go back and forth on that for a while as I feel they are lagging hard

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V0411's picture

I definetly reccomend chest tri and bicep back, spaced out by 2 days before working them again. Switch between volume and strength training on each day. That's what I've found works as well is finding workouts that put emphasis on the long head one day and the short head the next. That's just me though. Also I never did it before but I've come to like concentration curls. Definitely get gym access when you can but in the meantime good on you for at least doing something at home boss.

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Sithx66's picture

I do everything at home I have a power rack barbells and bumper plates. Dumbbells with standard plates that go up to 60lbs. I’m looking to get a row machine, leg curl machine, and bi/tri machine this coming year. I’ve been sticking to the main 3 but really want to move away from powerlifting and break into bodybuilding

I personally don’t like gyms bc people go there lmao. It’s infested with them! It also takes to much time to go and come back home. The gym isn’t too far but I’d much rather be able to just walk out to my backyard and get it done. It also takes less time away from my family. The kids and wifey can walk out back and say whatever or ask for whatever and I’m there. I also enjoy the kids being around when I work out. It’s something I hope they pick up on.

Edit: definitely gonna do the volume strength thing. Crazy how I’ve done that for bench/dead/squat and never thought to apply that to arms lol

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V0411's picture

I would love a home gym setup some day, need to buy a house first

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Sithx66's picture

I’m renting but luckily the backyard has plenty of space and a section of it is covered. Man if I buy a house first thing I’m doing is getting the wifey pregnant lmao

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smurfdude1234567's picture

Man me and V0 just talked about this today. Only part I hate about being 6’4 with a even longer wingspan is how hard it is to get real thick mass on the limbs to stick

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Sithx66's picture

I have a long torso long arms but I’m built wide. My arms look small compared to my back and chest. Like disproportionately. And my quads and calves but the rest of my body to shame! I have short legs but they are thick as fuck. I look like I skip arm day lmao

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V0411's picture

We sound the same haha, go through my pics I should have a lat spread from early in the year. I have short arms though so that helps with biceps for sure i feel.

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DeeMan's picture

Look at you...ya damn con artist. C'mon man you acted like you were just skin and bones. And nice tatts by the way. Like I said if you aren't talking down on folks you shouldn't worry. I would never down anyone who is busting their ass in the gym who is being positive and doing things right. That's just not me. I'm going to encourage. But we gotta be safe and I keep saying that for a reason, and Smurf knows that reason

smurfdude1234567's picture

Right! Lol we talk on another platform and he’s shown me progress pictures so I knew.

& that’s exactly what I was saying earlier my man. I don’t care if it’s a fucking walrus or 100lbs soaking wet getting blown away in the wind… if you’re THERE, putting in WORK, and making a SAFE EFFORT you have my applause and encouragement!

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V0411's picture

Im about to go nuts on a cycle, is it a smart choice probably not but the results should be insane. 8 weeks of test p, npp, mast p and if I tolerate it tren a. 75mg of each pinned eod. And 10-20mg of superdrol the last 2 weeks.

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Blck_panda's picture

Get it, currently on the same boat. Little victories my guy. Slowly but surely we will get to these cats level.

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