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Arimidex 1mg by AstraZeneca


This is a wonderful product that come from the pharmacy and come is foil strips. There are 28 pills per box. These are very strong and I do NOT recommend that you take these everyday unless you have had your blood drawn and your estrogen is SEVERELY out of wack, even then 1mg everyday is usually QAY TOO MUCH!! If you are on high doses you most likely can get away with just taking .5mg twice a week or if you feel you are beginning to get serious side like gyno or you are holding severe water retention, maybe take 1mg twice a week, then go back to. 5 mg twice a week. After a week or so you could probably go down to just .5mg 1 time a week. This also depends on the doses you are taking and if you are getting your blood tests done like you should be. You do NOT want high estrogen bc of the horrible side effects, but you also DO NOT WANT ZERO estrogen, bc if you have 0 estrogen you will not put on muscle and your bedroom activities will be null and void!!!!!

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HGHDaddy's picture

looks good.