Jonwiggs8's picture
  • 156

+ 2 Another perfect and SPEEDY delivery!


3 vials of 20ml 100mg Winstrol (XT Labs)
10 amps Maseron Enanthate (XT Labs)
1 bottle 60 tabs 40mcg Clenbuterol (XT Labs)

Ordered from: 
zorro2021's picture

The presentation of XT labs is top notch

juiceball8082's picture

You pin the winny yet?

Jonwiggs8's picture

Yes, just had first pin and it is very easy, smooth, and very little pip, especially when compared to the old Zambon amps. Might be bc this is microfiber? I dunno, but much smoother than the 50mg Zambon amps.

juiceball8082's picture

Nice. What size pin?

Jonwiggs8's picture

27 and it goes through easy!! You could probably use a smaller one if you needed to. It's just what I had on hand.

juiceball8082's picture
