posted Tue, 08/13/2024 - 01:55
+ 6 AASdirect order TD
Have been using there Test Mix from promo and was very impressed with the overall quality of the product.
Was very curious to try the Test Acetate.
Not many sources carry this product.
Its sort of in between Test P & TNE.
This ester has less PIP than Prop but with a faster onset, so I think it could be also useful as a pre-training boost.
Ordered from:
- Bookmark
- 6
- 0
How is the Test Ace bro? Thanks
Awesome stuff so far.
Can feel the effects pretty fast.
Whats that compound on the far left?
This site is very interesting.. Whose been running their orals .?
Test A is definitely on my to-do list
Nice man you will love the test ace. I’m enjoying it myself and will certainly run again . Enjoy brother
First pin today & already liking it much more than Prop.
Gonna order more once I run out.
Thanks for the recommendation!
Awesome man glad to hear it. How much are you pinning each day. I’m down to my last bottle damn it lol
Let us know how the test ace is.