posted Wed, 01/15/2025 - 21:04
+ 9 AASDirect Janoshik test results Anavar 50mg
Blind test on the Oxandrolone 50mg caps.
Mast E 200mg/ml
Dosage appears to be spot on.
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Their Anavar did not impress me.
In all fairness, in my 14 years of experience, it was the first time I have run it.
I did not do a proper cycle as to be of most benefit.
My findings were that Anavar has specific usages in a lean environment for hardening on a calorie restricted diet that benefits from Masteron.
Personally, I find masteron, specifically the propionate ester, to be of great benefit for quality of life when dosed with moderate testosterone.
In my experience, masteron enanthate, conjoined with higher dosages of tesotosterone in a longer form create the possibility of increased hemocratic and blood pressure issues resulting in adverse effects associated with the compound.
Appreciate this. Your reward in heaven will be great.
Thank you for doing the lords work
I just got 2 bottle s of Var 50mg, along with a few other things, from this source and was considering testing, so i am glad you did it.
Good ones to test.....Thanks bro. +1
Good shit man. Definitely another source I'd like to try. Thanks for the testing homie.
Appreciate ya.