This reminds me of when Gaspari Nutrition got popped way back for having traces of Tbol in their products. Any true natural tested athlete would be insane to ingest any supplement product in todays market. Just not worth the risk.
Exactly,it’s ALL about the money! I mean they put Martha Stewart in jail over money. You mess with the governments money they’ll lock you up and throw away the key.
the feds put Red Foxx from "Sanford and Son" in an early gave stressing over this bullshit.
Yes if the Government whats you they will get you and everything you have. Unless you are a politician then you get a slap on the wrist or find loopholes around taxes.
"The IRS filed liens on Foxx's property totaling $755,166.21, but contended that the entertainer owes considerably more because of penalties and accumulated interest on his unpaid taxes.
IRS spokeswoman Norma Lally said Foxx's outstanding tax debt to the IRS in 1983 stood at $88,091.31, meaning more than $600,000 of his current tax liability has accrued over the past four years."
This reminds me of when Gaspari Nutrition got popped way back for having traces of Tbol in their products. Any true natural tested athlete would be insane to ingest any supplement product in todays market. Just not worth the risk.
Crazy to see such an established brand playing these kinds of tricks. Natasha aughey who is a beauty was recently sponsored by them.
I was wondering why i wanted to snort this totalwar Preworkout and I've been sober for years
Dominick77Did it seriously affect you in that way???
No brother im being stupid.. Its has some okay pump to it tho
Dominick77I was about to say.....shit lol
Is the owner of Redon1 one if them? I didn’t see Redcon1 actually mentioned, that sucks because I like some of there products. Oh well
Aron singerman, PJ's old business partner owns redcon. Their trying to get both of them on super dmz.
lol thats going to be the least of their worries. Its the money embezzling that their really going to go down for hard.
Exactly,it’s ALL about the money! I mean they put Martha Stewart in jail over money. You mess with the governments money they’ll lock you up and throw away the key.
jayiskthe feds put Red Foxx from "Sanford and Son" in an early gave stressing over this bullshit.
Yes if the Government whats you they will get you and everything you have. Unless you are a politician then you get a slap on the wrist or find loopholes around taxes.
"The IRS filed liens on Foxx's property totaling $755,166.21, but contended that the entertainer owes considerably more because of penalties and accumulated interest on his unpaid taxes.
IRS spokeswoman Norma Lally said Foxx's outstanding tax debt to the IRS in 1983 stood at $88,091.31, meaning more than $600,000 of his current tax liability has accrued over the past four years."
So how will this affect Jason Genova? Top athlete at Blackstone
Dominick77lol he was gettin paid with whey and aminos haha
Damn that’s rough
Dominick77This also greatly affects their sponsored athletes, Brian Shaw being with RedCon for example will be losing a monthly check
Damn. Can’t say I didn’t see it coming.
His azz is always on youtube. You woukd think he would cover himself better Just another guy flaunting all his money in my opinion
Just watched a youtube of him leaning against his sportscar. Talking bs. Like 5 mins ago lmao.
They are fucked