juiceball8082's picture
  • 274

Nick Walker not competing


You guys see Nick pulled out of the Olympia?
Apparently he tore his hamstring. Sucks

press1's picture

Are we sure its not a cover up for a health problem? As amazing as he is to look at, I am very surprised he is still healthy enough to compete.

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n8whitie's picture

I saw a pic he posted of the back of his leg and it looks bad. Bruised from knee to butt.

MurderHornet2020's picture

I was thinking of you when I read this post damn.

wanted's picture

Ohh stop. He is one of those low dose professionals you guys talk about

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press1's picture

I've actually spoken to someone that knows him pretty well and what he runs is absolutely F'in Shocking pal, I mean how the human body can tolerate that amount of gear I do not know. How someone can train on that amount and fell well enough to eat even. Tolerance though I guess over many years and also the genetic ability to handle it. The guy has always been an absolute monster though, I use to follow his videos when he was unknown on the stage and they were very powerlifting orientated around deads and benching/squats and it was just insane what he was playing with. Then he started taking it 'Seriously' LOL Supposed to be a really nice guy by all accounts too

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bigred250's picture

500mg test max

DeeMan's picture

Ohh stop it. 10mg oral with 250mg test!
He's a big guy but damn. Size game has gone too far nowadays. I'm not too familiar with most of today's guys.

wanted's picture

Huge size and ALWAYS brings amazing conditioning

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juiceball8082's picture

Yeah he posted a video with the injury.

robb's picture

Yeah all bruised and swollen. Just a matter of days away too. He must be gutted.

juiceball8082's picture

I feel bad for him

robb's picture

I do a little bit. But i think hed of been lucky to get a top 5 place.
He has an ugly physique, like branch Warrens, to many quality physiques like Jacked, Samson and Derek lundford who i ecpect win. He could dominate if Jacked doesnt get his shit together. Jacked has the best physique, like flex wheelers.
I love O weekend.

DeeMan's picture

Yea he does have a physique like Branch Warren. Difference is Branch trained way more intense. I agree both with rugged ugly physiques. But good conditioning

wanted's picture

Maybe these tall open guys should go to classic and leave the short muscle guys for the open
Me personally like guys like ramon dino and then physique guys

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DeeMan's picture

You're an older man trapped in a youngsters body. Lol not fair. Those kids of yours keep you up to date too!

DeeMan's picture

Yeah you know more about all those guys than I do. I'm familiar with Lunsford and Walker and Samson. Just different times in bodybuilding man. I honestly miss the 90's guys even though I was younger. Now everyone is the size of a Marcus Rual