velichko's picture
  • 4

+ 2 Janoshik testing? No, thanks.


You ever googled Janoshik?
Janoshik is a genius, he tested HGH from one of the forum members without even receiving them. The guy is full of shit and confirmed scammer.

smallsmoothballsack's picture

I know this is an old post. But I sent in compounds to get Jano tested completely blind. Didn't tell them compounds or what strengths they should be or who they were from. Just unmarked samples. Tests came back legit and honest I'm my opinion.

Spool's picture

You did good man, I know a bunch of dudes appreciated those tests.

smallsmoothballsack's picture

Right on... wasn't looking for atta boys or sucking my own cock. Someone had bumped this post and it showed up so thought I'd comment my experience

toddater's picture

SIMEC doesn't accept samples anymore I think

Jockstrap's picture

Couple hours researching the internet and no way i trust em. Blood tests wont lie.

Janoshik's picture

How much of your research were reviews of my actual clients, if I may?

Lifted4life's picture

I am sure you can test any substance legitimately, but what would keep you from just agreeing to say positive numbers in exchange from these companies paying you well?

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scoobydoo's picture

Bloods are limited to certain compounds.

Lil-Beirut's picture

I was just talking with Janoshik about testing something I have, and the testing they offer or compare to are just known steroids and SARMs.

There is nothing else that they search for or identify.

This to me is unsatisfactory because just like with any drug, there can be clones that can pass a test as the real thing.

Not only that but it would be nice to know if there are any "other" chemicals in the vial just in case.

But that's not how the testing goes.

The test results goes: "basically what you have here is Test E"

This is not worth my money to be spent and leaves too much room for error and fuckery.

Janoshik's picture

Yes, if you order analysis for "anabolic steroids" only anabolic steroids are tested.

If you order an analysis for common SARMS, then only common SARMs are tested.

Do you get a glucose blood test expecting it to tell you your cholesterol?

"there can be clones that can pass a test as the real thing."

What do you mean? I don't understand.

Lil-Beirut's picture

Well don't take it personal... If I am going to pay to have a drug tested from the black market, I'd rather pay more money to have them test it for ALL drugs/prohormones/chemicals.

Not just steroids or SARMs. It's the potential for harm reduction we are talking about.

This isn't Amazon.

Janoshik's picture

And chemical analysis doesn't work like it does in CSI Las Vegas series, with all due respect.

Lil-Beirut's picture

Lol whatever then I'll pass until better independent 3rd party becomes available. There are other drug testing labs out there.

It's obvious that your testing is tailored to the vendors, rather than the consumer.

I can tell by how irritated you are getting. It's where your cheese is at. I find it curious than Janoshik has his own eroids account for a review website. If I had my own truly independent testing company, I'd stay out of all this banter for the purpose of integrity...

Janoshik's picture

Yeah, I should just let people spread nonsense and misinformation in relation to my business. Right.

Anyway, good luck and don't forget to keep us posted once you find a laboratory that will deliver your cholesterol results, doping pannel and drug test on top of your routine glucose screening, as that's apparently what you'd be expecting.

Janoshik's picture

Just admit whose alt account you are, just for the laughts.

And please, tell us what way do you devise to get a kickback on a blind sample, smart guy?

Rosschestzip's picture

What would free pictures do?

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press1's picture

If he does that will you sing 'BABY , BABY , BABY , oooooOOOhhhh

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Drol 250's picture

Ba boom you said it all right there

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Rosschestzip's picture

I know one that repeatedly posted some questionable test results and still sold that shit. I think there thought process was it showed that they were “honest” by not hiding bad test results. They weren’t horrible but like primo 200 coming up as like 180 mg primo if I remember correctly

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Big Tone36's picture

There's a SRC here that sends blind samples actually. Just number vial 1,2,3......

Banjokid2020's picture

Yep. I have seen one on here where it just says, Sample: then a number. And under batch and manufacture it says unknown. Now based off client janos will know who it is. But that's about as blind review from a source as you can get. I mean anything after that is just a leap of faith. Aside from bloodwork, that's about as comforting as you can get with a source.

Big Tone36's picture

Probably same one , GK is the only one on here who did 4 sets of testing every quarter of last year his testing is a Mile long on his page. I personally did bloods on the GH and compared it to brand name Pharmaceutical grade blood test I did at the same dose and it was spot on. He sent the GH in to jano and it tested that it was properly dosed, so I don't agree that jano is dishonest. Sure, people on the Internet forums will talk, every one has their own agenda. People have made these claims for years but me personally i think Jano does a good service to the community. Not sure why people complain about the price he charges, he can charge whatever he sees fit, you don't like it, don't buy it.

Banjokid2020's picture

Yep, he is who I was referring to. All his testing is one factor that lead me to pull the trigger on him. And then all the good reviews that came with it from members. Not saying janos is the end all be all, but just another factor to take into account. I def think it's a heck of a service to offer tho

Big Tone36's picture

Yes because it's very difficult to provide such a service in the first place. Now I'm no fool, I understand deception, and manipulation are everywhere in every industry, but you gotta do your own research and form your own conclusions. People say a lot but you must always ask yourself, why are they saying it.?

Banjokid2020's picture

You're spot on Tone. Glad to have this review site. Worth it's weight in gold as long as we do our part as members/users.

Rosschestzip's picture

How is 120$ a rip off? Doesn’t this kind of testing require like insanely expensive equipment. I mean idk, but I don’t think it’s a dude in his basement with a microscope. Especially when he’s analyzing concentration as well as compound and doing hgh also. I’m pretty sure that’s a high tech operation

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Janoshik's picture

You are absolutely correct, but the guy you are replying to is a 2 day old alt account specifically made for slandering me, so I don't think he will accept any reasonable arguments.

Makwa's picture

You would have to use a certified lab like Simec for that. Will run you about $400 a pop + the shipping cost to switzerland. Only takes about a week to get results once they get though.

Drexyl's picture

This is the way

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Janoshik's picture

SIMEC hasn't been accepting samples for years as far as I know. Am I wrong?

Thank you.

Makwa's picture

It has been years since I sent anything to them, so who knows now.

Lil-Beirut's picture

Thank you for that information... I might be willing to go that route with this stuff I have if they can really tell me the contents in it.

SeeOhShow's picture

What exactly is the problem here? I see a guy struggling to explain complex machinery in layman’s terms with very broken English.

Not defending him. I just don’t think that video does anything to prove your point. Perhaps you could explain what is so apparently fraudulent with his interview?

Before you try insulting me saying I’m a Jano fan, I’m well aware of how it all works as I’ve personally used these machines myself. I would just like to hear why it is you think that video is so damning.

scoobydoo's picture

What's wrong with that video?

scoobydoo's picture

If I was a source, I would want actual results. That way I would know if my raw source was legit or not. And I have seen some Janos results come almost 20% below listed potency. Posted by the source.

scoobydoo's picture

Dude, you know Chinese factories make counterfeit products of damn near every product out there,right? Name brand tools, cigarettes, electronics, factory car fobs. You name it. Years ago a Chinese factory made counterfeit baby formula. Babies died or were seriously ill, I can't remember exactly. So, I trust the dork over Chinese factories.

Rosschestzip's picture

BROOO STOP USING THAT EXAMPLE. across the whole internet everyone uses that one guys story about not recovering the HGH as proof. Find a new story

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press1's picture

There are different people at each stage of the process, just like there are in the narcotics trade. As the process goes on each person takes their slice and the profit margins increase and the risks in turn increase. The guys in China who manufacture the RAW do not have to deal with the public as they want to make and sell it on to the Labs. The Labs don't either, so they involve a source who's job it is to deal with them.

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Drexyl's picture

I could be wrong, and don’t want to get smacked for discussing anything prohibited, but I’d gamble to say almost all of the US labs are using the same base product. How many manufacturers of testosterone can there be? I think the difference is how many hands it passes through until it hits the source that does the rest. Same as any other product. This is why I trust sources that do their testing more than anything and it’s kept me doing pretty well. There the big name sources that are solid, there’s the smaller UGLs that are solid, then there’s, well, you know…

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press1's picture

I think the whole page discussion has gone a little off tangent now, it was originally about whether we believe Janos testing to be trustworthy or not and I think it is. I have often had particular batch numbers of gear that he got high or low readings for, and it has always gone along with how I found the product to be at the time. We are all entitled to our own opinions on here, if people don't like him then just don't use him.

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