Brozowski265's picture
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+ 2 Prayers and thoughts of recovery due to hurricane Ian victims

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I just wanted to throw a post out. Not just about recovering from our illness...but life on life terms with everyday life and what it might throw at us...
If you have time let's take a few minutes to send prayers and words up above to whoever we call our creator , to be with all the hurricane victims in the states.
After the aftermath of IAN.

Unity,service ,recovery
Together we are strong

RealizeRealLies's picture

Thanks man. It's so easy to get caught up in "my" mess and forget about others well being. Gentle reminder to slow down and have some gratitude

PropheticWookie's picture

It is true that our problems and personal confusion sometimes turn us into egoists and we forget about others who are around, who help and support.

PropheticWookie's picture

Brother, I wish everyone who suffered and survived, good health. To all the dead, a better world in heaven. A hurricane is always terrible, I mourn with you.