XvBeast's picture
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The purpose of this group

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I created this group to help individuals 1 on 1 with their diets & training. this is to help everyone , newbs and advanced, and mainly people on cycle. I will also post some interesting topics about nutrition and training. every thread that is posted by me is backed up with research (legitimate University research). This is is a place for everyone, to help you all push ur self more.

everyone is welcome to post , please post ur status and the diet ur on here. I will try my best to help u.
I encourage people here to start Logs that u update every week to show other ur progress. preferably , the logs should be started with a cycle, people who are off cycle are welcome to also post

The logs should have ur status, body type, Age, Cycle experience, compounds running . if ur off cycle , say that ur off cycle. You are welcome to also add links to ur pics and progress

thank you and welcome

moparshawn's picture

just wanted to say hi to every one. i just found this group. and ill be try to learn all that i can..

remag's picture

I like it! Let the fun begin