Gym and Bikes_bro's picture
Gym and Bikes_bro
  • 457

+ 6 That's my good girl. Sharpei I'm in love with

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She's now almost 4 years, she grew up so fast! I love when I got back from a mission, she's always soo happy to see me. Last photo is when we were taking bath yesterday Smile

Miczilla's picture

What a cutie! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

We both thanks! Smile

Saint gannett's picture

Beauty there!

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

Yeah, she is! :-))

press1's picture

Aah very cute dog buddy! What breed is that then?

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

Its Asian Shar-Pei brother Smile

PropheticWookie's picture

What a beautiful girl. Very sweet. Yes, a dog is a blessing. Mine is also waiting for me when I come back from a business trip and all the happiness of the world is on her face. A dog is a different world.

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

yeah buddy, what a feeling of being special can your dog buddy give you. We all love them. Smile

PropheticWookie's picture

I understand you very well, friend. What does she like to eat?

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

we eat both, Dog food and the meat. She has poultry intolerance, so as her Dad, she only eats red meat and fish :-)))

PropheticWookie's picture

We have an allergic girl. And she can't have a bird either. Apparently she loves cheese and rice in me. I really still like good coffee, but that's another story.

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

My Girl loves good cofee too. She won't even let me finish that and I have to keep at least one third for her, or she won't "speak" to me few hours. She preffers to have 12% fat milk and honey in it. She also likes bear foam.... Smile

press1's picture

Hahaha Thats funny ROFL

PropheticWookie's picture

Oooh. great. I like to choose coffee beans, I prefer dark roasts. I love espresso, the taste is so deep that it penetrates the soul. But I love cappuccino just as much as my wife. We love when a very dense foam. My wife still loves raff coffee, it's like a cappuccino only with cream.

press1's picture

I'm not sure if you know this mate, but coffee is extremely good for your Liver as it detoxifies it - same as Tea. So if you like running orals a few cups of coffee a day really helps things. I wish I liked it but find it too bitter Lol

PropheticWookie's picture

I also like tea, some Chinese, black or herbal. But more often I drink black tea, I add lemon and sweetener there. I like this combination of sweet, sour and tart tea.

PropheticWookie's picture

And you try it with cream, because cream gives him a pleasant feeling of creaminess and sweetness. You can add sugar or a sweetener. Again, many add fruit flavors.
Thanks for pointing out the health benefits of coffee.