Catalyst's picture
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Bulk - British style!

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Once I get my arm out of this poxy sling I'll be getting myself ready for a decent bulkier come October / November time depending on how recovery goes. This isn't anything pioneering, but will give you an idea of how I'd run this, quite a classical British way of running a test / deca cycle.

Wk 1-16 test e 750mg / wk (m w f)
Wk 1-16 test c 750mg / wk (m w f)
Wk 1-16 sust 750mg / wk (m w f)
Wk 1-14 deca 1g / wk (m w f)
Wk 1-16 mast e 400mg / wk (m w f)
Wk 1-18 proviron 50mg ed
Wk 19 - PCT
Oral (Bol or drol), 2wks on 2wks off. Dose depends on how lucky I get with the crap orals that dominate the market these days.......
TNE - preworkout

Mast and proviron purely for estro management. I'll have AI on hand as thus is borderline where I could need it, especially with the TNE. Caber also on hand, unlikely I'll need it unless the deca is over dosed.

Catalyst's picture

Scales tipped 265lbs this morning. A sloppy 265 mind you.

Rustyhooker's picture

Boom! Huge man. Keep Killin it

Catalyst's picture

Cycle binned for the time being. Too much personal stuff going on at the moment to make a cycle worthwhile.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Hope all is well.

Pale's picture

Nothing wrong with that brother, your family needs your attention first and foremost.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

What's your goal weight wise? Or just however much you can put on.

Catalyst's picture

A reasonably tight 275lbs. No more than 12% at that BF.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

You'll hit that for sure. Better widen the doorways in the house.

Catalyst's picture

Should do, to be honest 280 is possible. Size is going back on easily after surgery, only real area I've lost significant mass is off my traps. If I could be 265 on stage in 2015 I'd be happy.

levelup's picture

Do you run gh with your test at that dose?

Catalyst's picture

Early on I run ghrp6 to help push the food through. About 4 weeks before the end of cycle I switch back to standard gh.


You still run PCT i think ?

Any front loading planned with this venture......... i dont need to but i think you may benefit.... and the way i would do it would be to slin pin a ML into every muscle belly (head) so i would be certain all spots would be nice and soft and able to take the next set of pinning..... 6ml in delts 3ml in tris etc etc........ doing it this way will really accentuate the relatively short cycle instead of wasting the first 4wks waiting for the longs to fire up.

Refreshing to see no fkn silly shorts being used on what is classed as an all-out bulker :))

sic26's picture

This might be stupid question but you have pinned 6ml in Delts b4 I ask bcuz I did flutes 4 times so far first two was great then other two was pip like a mofo talk about tits lol I think its bcuz I changed oils


yeah....... 1ml in rear head.. 1ml in side head.. 1ml in front head............ both delts that adds up to 6ml bro.................... i can take 3ml in each head but i have no reason to do that anymore.

sic26's picture

Do u pin biceps did twice on first cycle now don't want to nervous all these veins

Catalyst's picture

Judging by my numbers this time I've stopped bouncing back like I used to. 12 months ago my off cycle test was around 780, great for my age, it's now less than 300. Time to put TRT on the table as much as it pains me to say that.

Like the idea you proposed with the shorts. You know my goal here from our PMs, maximising this cycle is going to be the deciding factor on the quality I can bring to the stage in 2015. Building pure mass is what I do best so I'm going to play to my strengths here.

Pale's picture

6 weeks since ending 6 weeks of pct meds and I am still only 413. Free Test was only 6.6 (6.8-21.5 is normal) So apparently I am not as recovered as I had hoped. So much for shaving off a couple weeks and stating early. I will check bloods again in six weeks..

Pale's picture

I just did bloods yesterday and am awaiting results. I feel you on the bounce back. I hope mine comes back good this time or I will be staring down TRT too..

Catalyst's picture

I know it's just because I'm about to turn 40........

Pale's picture

You got me beat, I am 3 weeks into 41.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

After reading what you said about letting Deca build up through the cycle I decided to drop my NPP kick and just kick with Prop. I haven't used nandrolone so I want to see what it alone can do.

Catalyst's picture

This one is now about to kick off. Shoulder is pretty much working, have flat benched up to 120kgs without issue, incline still a touch sore irrespective of weight. Starting point is 260lbs at just under 12%. Goal here is as much mass as possible, eat everything in sight and I'll carve up the extra lard later. I should come out of this around 275lbs+

irongame427's picture

Sounds like your recovery went smooth a butter. Good luck bro

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Nice! Don't hurt the shoulder again.

Catalyst's picture

No more heavy pressing and it should be fine.

Rustyhooker's picture

Take that crown!!

Roid Noid's picture

this cycle calls for 5ml pins.....I know some people dont like that much oil in one shot for fear of infection and I agree for most injection sites, but glutes will take 6 1/2ml like a champ....


i never go high pinning Mls...... i will pin every day to hit my weekly dose and use multiple sites..... 5ml in any of my bellies would make em look pregnant lol

Roid Noid's picture

quads, shoulders, pecs, all leave bumps. calves(never went above 3ml) and glutes dont leave anything visible unless I get some PIP. I went 14 weeks, 2 shots a week, no problems. But even if it did leave a bump it dont bother me, I cant take my shirt off anywhere but at home...

rolltide3's picture

Holy shit u pinned 3ml in your calves ouch I've went up to four in my glute and had no issue and four in my quad no problem

PIN_CUSHION's picture

4 ML is the most I've done. Damn, take you like 5 min to pin?

Roid Noid's picture

it does for me cause its an exercise just to reach them, by the time im done im sweating like i just did 30minutes cardio! I just pin as much as i can then let the pin hang out for a minute while rest, pin some more, rest! lol

PIN_CUSHION's picture

HAHA, tell me about it, it's a bitch to twist around there and I'm nowhere near your size. I still can't hit left glute on my own.

On a side note, I'll give you props, you take some "unorthodox" approaches, and aren't afraid to go against the norm. Not many around that would try some of the things you have. Talk about experience.

rolltide3's picture

I can't get either side of my glute anymore. First started I could do both of then

Roid Noid's picture

I ran a cycle, 13ml a week, 5ml pin will hold exactly 6 1/2ml, so it was just worked out well...

Rustyhooker's picture

Huge pins!

irongame427's picture

Wait a second, bostin loyd aka roid noid? Lol jk bro, but that was his cycle I think 13gs a week

Roid Noid's picture

no but he has posts in this section!...I dont remember exactly the doses but most of the oil came from balken primo-e, figure its 100mg/ml, so just running 800mg/w is 8ml

irongame427's picture

Hes not that xbeast guy is he? He's the same age and posted some big cycles, slin all that shit.

Roid Noid's picture


irongame427's picture

No shit. I was ready all those posts and thinking who the fuck is this guy. Shoulda known it was him. You guys really went easy on him and let him do his thing.


I actually banned him twice for acting like a fkn child in the general forums........... never known anybody kiss-ass has much to get back on lol....... i wouldnt even answer his PMs after that, he was just milking my cycles then passing them on through PM for karma hits.

irongame427's picture

Well I was gonna say I can't believe you put up with his bullshit but it sounds like you didn't lol. He's reckless. I honestly have my doubts that was actually him tho. In his videos he says he's never gone off test but if you read his reviews on here he does one about either Clomid or hcg and he says it raised my test from 350-850 in a month. And his post in this group about slin he was following someone on here's protocol but at that time he had Dave palumbo doing his diet/drugs/training. Idk pretty sure Dave would habe told him exactly what to do.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

You're right I never figured in the pharma dosing. I read that pharma is dosed that way because it's the only MG doses that those compounds can truly hold. I've heard there is no way to have 500mg/ml concentrated gear. Don't know if there's any truth to this.

Roid Noid's picture

well all i can say is that higher mg/ml gear has always seemed to work as expected.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Good to know, haven't ran big enough stacks to need it.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Jeebus, Sounds expensive.

Roid Noid's picture

somebody just posted and this came up on my tracking, I had forgot I even posted it. I never did run the HALO at the end.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Yea weird bump, someone asking an Anon account for some drol, lol..

Yea you definitely paid a pretty penny for that cycle. How was it? Were you taking the TNE multiple times throughout the day? I would like to try Primo one if I knew it was legit.

Roid Noid's picture

no TNE. good cycle but the balken primo was so hard to feel, really for me it was a waste of time to run. luckily I had other compounds in there that made it a decent run