SlowBro's picture
  • 76

+ 6 tear drop development


hey guys i recently have received a few questions about how to develop the tear drop muscle of your quad. here are a few movements that have helped me out.

i want to be clear, these are more fluff (accessory) movements. these should not start your workout. you should always be starting legs with some heavy squats, hacks, or some sort of heavy compound movement. once you finish those adding some movements like these can help bring up your tear drop.

the first one is done on the leg press. i learned this one watching videos of John Medows. put your feet on the platform like you were going to do a calf press, toes on the platform, heels hanging off. then you perform a leg press with your feet in that position. you can only do short little 1/2 reps. but it will burn the hell out of your tear drop. i usually dont go super heavy on these (4-6 plates per side), and i am for somewhere between 12-20 reps. this one also makes a great second movement in a superset, since its hard to go super heavy on these, do some sort of a normal quad movement, heavy leg press, hacks, platform squats, lunges etc, then finish with these and you will really feel it in your tear drop.

the second movement is the v-squat machine (google it if your not sure what im talking about). when i do these i like to keep my feet lower on the platform and maybe 2-3 inches apart (your stance is close). do a normal set of 10-15 reps heavy, then once you reach close to failure, set the safety latch back on. this should limit your range of motion significantly to just like 3-5 inch short rep squats. hold the safety bar and complete another 10-15 reps of these short range of motion squats, they will fry your tear drops.

sissy squats are great for the tear drop as well, if your gym has a sissy squat apparatus make the most of it, if not youtube how to perform one. its kind of awkward to get used to, but its an awesome movement for developing leg separation and the tear drop.

lastly i do sets kind of like 21's on bicep curls on leg extensions, only i do 30's. i start with 10 top half range of motion reps, then 10 full range of motion, by that time you should be pretty fatigued, then i do just 10 bottom half partials. its the bottom half partials that will kill your tear drop. dont limit yourself to 10 if tear drop development is your biggest goal with these sets, go to absolute failure, then maybe on the last set do a drop set.

if you have any questions about the movements let me know im happy to try to explain them better. hope this all helps!

Trenagade's picture

Just did all this the other day, got me pretty sore lol.

Another exercise to try is if you actually have a sissy squat apparatus you can put it a few feet in front of a low cable pulley, facing away from the pulley. Then attach a rope to the low pulley and hold on to the rope while you get into the sissy squat.

Then hold the rope around your head or neck like you are going to do a cable crunch and do a sissy squat while the cable resistance is pulling you down and back. Keep the weight light and do as many as possible, once you fatigue you can put the rope down and continue to do body weight sissy squats.

I hope that made sense lol I will try to find a video, never seen anyone do it at my gym but I'm sure it's nothing new ;-P

SlowBro's picture

really glad you liked the exercises brother. i am jelous that you have a sissy squat apparatus, my home gym doesnt have one. i have used them while traveling etc, but i have never had regular access to one :(

they are sooo much better winging it without one.

XmadXscientist's picture

You guys might call me crazy but sumo deadlift blew my teardrops up. When I was younger I loved doing them and it got to a point where my medialis was overpowering my lateralis and pushing my kneecap to the outside.

MedDx's picture

Thumbs up. Good post. Smile

MedDx's picture

20-25 for me got me exploded. I stopped, which I should not have. I got!