Bill1976's picture
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Skinny calves.


Any tips on getting my calves bigger? I got a lot of work to do. I just saw a pic of me from behind and my thighs are big I was excited but when I looked down my calves look really skinny. My legs looked like a chicken drum stick with all the meat at the top and bone at the bottom. I’m going to hammer on them like crazy now. Would love tips. I have been going heavy low reps. What do you think about light weight high reps? That worked for my biceps.

johnmarshall12's picture

Lots and lots of seated calf raises! No pressure on the back and it isolates the calves very well!

Makwa's picture

Your calves are so used to doing work since everytime you walk you are pumping them up and they are very resistant to training since they are already used to doing a ton of work. Need to hit them with high volume multiple times per wk. EOD would be best. Need to make them feel like they are on fire and get that lactic acid burn going to stimulate growth. If they aren't on fire by the end of the set you just wasted that set. Typically going to have to use higher reps to get that burn going. Hit them ED if possible. They are used to alot of work so you have to continually overload them and not let up.

dextetherdog's picture

I know most of the guys like to do volume type of training for calfs, I however prefer to do heavier weight with 8-10 rep range with progressive overload approach. I do 2 exercises a week, seated on Monday and standing on Thursday. Works very good for me. Trying to increase the weight from week to week

herpjunkie111's picture

I would try getting more volume in, that's worked well for me. Hit high set numbers, think 6-10 range and 12-15 reps or higher - I've done up to 20, just make sure you push as far as possible past the burn. Also incorporate progressive loading. I'll usually do 6 heavy sets standing then another 4 sitting. Short breaks between sets, 40 sec to 1 minute tops.

Has worked for me very well, maybe it'll help you.

Greg's picture

Any tips on getting my calves bigger?

Most them there ranchers in Wyomin' are using tren.

tattoofreak's picture


333's picture

Lol must be a auto correct cause I put in calf and it auto corrected to calves

333's picture

Lmfao a chicken drumstick I don't have any advice I never do calves ever I was born I guess gifted with big calves when I was a kid I hated them they looked weird but now they are starting to look better with more size I put on

Bill1976's picture

I’m the opposite. I can get big thighs easily and do two sit-ups and have a six pack but my biceps were a challenge still a work in progress and getting better and my calves are hard to get bigger. I made some progress but it looks like it gonna have to work em harder. Change something up

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333's picture

Biceps are hard for me as well, I could also do 100 billion sit ups a day for the rest of my life and then on my death bed maybe see a slight ab or 2