Macamax's picture
  • 12

+ 1 My 5 Day Split


Using Monday-Friday and Saturday and Sunday off days.
Monday: Legs
-Squats 4x8
-Leg Presses 4x25
-Leg Curl 3x12
-Leg Extension 3x12
-Calf Raises 3x100+ or until failure

Chest and Abs
-Bench Press
-Dumbbell Incline
-Dumbbell Flyes
Dumbbell Overhead pulls
Abs circuit (situps,crunches,twists, etc.)

Pull Downs
Dumbbell Rows

Military Press
Dumbbell Raises
Delt Rows
Arnold Press
Abs Circuit

Bis and Tris
Barbell Curls
hammer curls
ez bar curls
Tricep puchdowns
ez bar overhead extensions
tricep kickbacks

Gargoylebiceps.'s picture

Good workout did it last week for shits and gigs.upper body and arms were spent come Thursday-Friday.for this reason I would move a rest day after day three.also I did more ab work 4 times a week.still at my winter

All in all ,it did what it was supposed to.


stone68's picture

Interesting. Good workout

bolt781's picture

The way I go into a session is knowing what bodypart I am going to demolish. If I plan on doing more than 1 bodypart, so be it. That is the only thing set in stone.

Whether I'm going heavy as fk or light, I simply go till I am ruined. Different bodyparts take more of a beating meaning multiple upon multiple sets...while others cash out sooner. That is what I search for during lifting...bone aching pain. When I literally see stars...session complete.

I guess I got to the point where the normal set amount of reps and sets became too natural. I don't lift to feel natural. I lift to feel psychotic...ya that pretty much sums it up...

guitarplayer1's picture

11 sets of quads
3 sets of hams. =14 sets total

Bi's 10 sets
Tri's 10 sets = 20 sets total

Enough said

Owes a Review × 1
win3200's picture

I was going to try this exact split.

Macamax's picture

mhm yeah sure lol seems everyone else doesnt agree to it

win3200's picture

I think for something like this you would need to do 6 -7 sets 12 - 15 reps per set per body part, that's what I'm going to test out.

Macamax's picture

almost sounds just right for bulking, your own variant of volume training?

win3200's picture

disregard, I wasn't paying attention.

win3200's picture

whats your split

Makwa's picture

There is nothing wrong with the split and routine. It is a very good routine for someone with fairly limited experience in the gym. If you are still making gains with it then stick with it, but eventually you are going to have to add in more volume or progressive overload principles to keep the gains coming.

Macamax's picture

yeah i understand these terms and will adjust when needed

Makwa's picture
Makwa's picture

How long have you been seriously lifting for? Seems like a good program suited for someone fairly new to the gym but I can see plateauing very quickly for someone with a little gym time under their belt. Are you incorporating any progressive overload or just same weights/reps/ rest periods? Shouldn't take more than 1/2 hr to get through any of those routines.

Macamax's picture

It takes me about an hour to complete this routine, but have long rest periods of 1-2 minutes.
ive been seriously lifting about 4 years solid now. the 5 day split is new and maybe that's why i have everything scattered, I'm used to a 4 day split.

Catalyst's picture

You do the same thing every week? Same rep ranges, same order, same everything?

You do more sets on your biceps than you do on your quads. Look at the size of those two muscles. Which do you think needs more stimulation to grow?

This is where I think a lot of you guys get it wrong. I watch guys do this year after year, I've seen people do pretty much the same thing week in week out for four or five years. They still look pretty much the same.

It's good to have a framework to work to, butter his whole regimented same same same approach is not going to maximise results.

win3200's picture

How often do you switch things up?

Macamax's picture

What do you think would maximize results? HIT? GVT? What?

Catalyst's picture

^^^^ Exactly what I'm saying, +2 ^^^^^

Macamax's picture

not really set schedule, sometimes ill change up if im sore or if people are hogging what i inteded to use, sometimes ill just change the whole workout once i get to the gym

Panzer1488's picture

German volume training is rough

Pale's picture

It looks ok, but without the actual weights you are using it is incomplete. I also cannot help but notice you don't have pull ups of any sort listed anywhere.

Macamax's picture

I can add those, I feel my back day lacks for a reason or another, maybe this is what I need.

Panzer1488's picture

Seems good to me. Mine is similar. Actually I going to favorite this for a reference to something.