youngtricep98's picture
  • 148

Help on grip strength


my lift #'s are beginning to exceed my grip capacity

setting aside the option for wrist wraps
are their any workouts that you have found to benefit your grip strength?

Guysmiley's picture

Farmers walks and captains of crush grippers. Ironmind has a lot of other stuff that can help as well. Personally, I use straps when I am not targeting my grip, as in barbell rows or shrugs and even with deadlifts occasionally to ensure my grip isnt holding me back. You can also use the hook grip used in olympic weightlifting which I use from time to time on explosive lifts. And of course, always use chalk - you can barely put plates on the bar with sweaty palms.

youngtricep98's picture

haha! right on. thank you guys. ive been incorporating ALL of the options listed. straps are last resort.

wallabokkie's picture

Yeah beat yourself stupid every day. Not only will you have bigger stronger forearms but it's a work out with a happy ending. You can do that or start picking up heavy things and hold onto them increasing your grip strength and endurance.

wildaussie's picture

Yeah I reckon your right on that one dude.
I invested in a pair of those Weight Lifting Hook Wrist Straps. (They have like steel hooks) and you can grip pretty much anything. But it just did'nt seem right using them, like fake, could slip and then your fucked. Like some other dude said here, if you cannot lift it naturally, then go lighter and build up until you can.

fast48's picture

At squat rack or bench press.....backup to bar with weight. Palms facing back. Roll bar to fingertips....roll to palms like finger squeeze. Then wrist curl. Basically a standing wrist curl but extend fingers at bottom. Will make grip n forearms grow fast

shrapnel's picture

Chalk , And train forearms! DO NOT USE STRAPS. Once u succumb to weakness, how do you ever expect yourself to progress. if you cant grip it, you shouldnt lift it. Use chalk!

shrapnel's picture

Chalk will fix 90% of his problems id say. If going Straps versa Grips are hard to beat!

shrapnel's picture

Nothing worse than trying to lift with sweaty hands!

youngtricep98's picture

right on. thank you for your inputs. ill give each of them a try and ill look into the grippers as well.

K.Bear210's picture


Odin's Son's picture

I personally train forearms with bi's and tri's. I don't use wraps when lifting, but gymnastic chalk works wonders! I deadlift 465 bare handed with chalk. I like to wrist curl straight bar for grip and then finger to wrist curl DB's.

boots2asses12's picture

pull ups with a towel or rope