SL's picture
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Found this article and reminded me something that I had noticed significantly a while back when I was cutting. That whenever I would break on my diet and cheat. That I would all of the sudden aromatize horribly. I would be eating spot on, clean meals for weeks. Everything perfect. Then break and down a bag of reeses, chow down a pizza and a burger. So now if I do break and cheat, I do it in moderation and I dont get these estrogen fluctuations like before. As most of us know an increase bodyfat will increase aromatization. But so will your diet. Idk if its due to lipids present in the blood or what. I share this because at the time I didnt know and like most would do is increase their ai, but that wasnt the issue. My ai was dialed in, my diet caused the fluctuations. So take this into consideration if you experience this and dont jump straight to bumping the ai. Luckily I figured it out and didnt crash my e2 after. Just another way your diet is very important

META99's picture

Man this is interesting
Thank you
I think the takeaway is def look at Ones diet and it’s role on hormones

SL's picture

Definitely, diet so important on many levels

Halsey's picture

I've read many places that soy products have a pro estrogen effect on the body. Red meat is kinda hard to believe.

SL's picture

I read same thing phytoestrogens from plants can mimic estrogen. Red meat i think has to do with lipids in the blood thats why I believe it is from lipid concentration in blood causes increased aromatization. But i cant find anything to support this