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GLP-1 Agonists. Thoughts, experiences?


Liraglutide and especially Semaglutide. Pros/Cons? Research shows Semaglutide to be superior in appetite suppression, however I’ve read some don’t tolerate Semaglutide as well, curious how common that is and what were the main repetitive sides and if they subsided with time.

neeorg's picture

I’ve used Liraglutide and found it to be an ok appetite suppressant, wouldn’t say it’s the best I’ve used but it does work.

I didn’t notice any bad sides to it, and I used a brand name injection one too.

killroy's picture

Just ordered 5mg of Sema through a RC company, seeing how lean I can get … I’m starting at around 17%

Weeks 1-4 : .25mg ew
Weeks 7-10: .50mg ew
Weeks 11-14: TBD
Weeks 14+: TBD

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SuperBrish's picture

I used semaglutide once a week subQ and lost ~4% body fat in under 4 months. Dose was 1mg per week for first 2 months and then and still 2mg per week. It's allowing me to do a nice recomp while on TRT. Literally replacing fat with muscle atm, but I am still 17/18 ish BF% and plan to use semaglutide until I get down to 15%. It's expensive and can only be obtained through clinic or doc. Insurance won't cover it unless your diabetic. For clinic prices 2mg per week is about $300 a month. 1mg $150 per month.