tonico's picture
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Trying to up my Diet for bulking, failing...


Hi guys!

new to this platform, so cheers!
Also english is not my native language, mistakes may occur.

First my bodyfacts:
182cm heights
around 74kg weight
BF about 14%, I can upload a picture if needed?

So for my Diet:
up to now I eat in a IF diet from 10-18 oclock.
more like a low carb diet topping out at aroung 2200kcal a day.
100g - 150g carbs, on no training days on the lower end, training days the higher end
minimum 100g protein, i try to get 150g a day, not allways working out
rest in fats

I like my overall look of the body but i desperately try to get some mass up, to maybe 80+kg in more or less the same shape of my body. the reason why i am espacially here on this forum might be clear, thinking about running some geare (first time) at some given point, but i also think it's not now, because my diet is not working...

So hope to get some advice, on both topics, diet and advice for a good timing for gear.

so long! thanks!

tonico's picture

As requested from Robman, here is my new diet plan:
It was harder to hit the cals, but i will track it for now and will update it!

Regarding the training routine, for now i do PP/leg, so do i just keep this and aim for 4-5 days/wk training or switch to a standard 5x5 routine?

tonico's picture

Thanks guys, really appreciate your words and kicks in the ass!
As said in my last reply, i calculated about 2700cal, i will try to get this in as clean as possible and also will drop the IF thing. Thinking back it worked really well to loose weight, some say IF works also for bulking but yeah...dont know how to eat that much in about my first meal goes in right now, 490cal.

I read a lot about eating, but until now, better yesterday, i was more afraid about getting to fat from eating too much...I train 2-3 times a week.

Makwa's picture

Training 2-3x/wk isn't going to cut it if you are trying to build muscle. Yeah you will get fat if that is all you are training. You need to be constantly breaking down that muscle tissue with a workout so that extra food can go to work and repair it and make bigger and stronger muscles. Eat without giving that food anything to do and it just goes into fat storage. Simplified it a bit for you but I think you get the picture. You should be in the gym at least 5-6d/wk with some type of progressive overload routine if you want to have any hope of building some muscle.

tonico's picture

I read your post about progressive training.
Actually I use this for my training allready, but as posted above i train with PP/leg and for "only" 2-3d/wk.
We figured out that my diet is off to bulk, i will adjust this. Should i stick to my PP/leg plan and just do PP twice a week. If you have an idea which plan would better fit my current situtation i am open to it! 4 times going to train is possible for me, must be possible to not get fat i guess!

Robman040's picture

You gotta train more than two 2x a week
If you want to grow man. You should post up your diet or new proposed diet so everyone can take a look at it

tonico's picture

I did post my diet plan in a new post above!

1MR's picture

Bother you have to eat and I mean eat if you want to put on mass. Start eating every 2 1/2 to 3 hours start getting in 8 meals a day lagerist meal of the day first thing in the morning do that for 12 weeks train 5-6 times a week like your life depends on it I promise you that cycle will be your best ever? Don't think about start gear to you have max everything else out!

johnmarshall12's picture

150 Grams of carbs? lol Don't mean to laugh at you but that's ridiculous! You need to up everything protein, carbs etc! Eating is a full time job for pro bodybuilders bulking up! It can't be a sideline for you. Think over you're entire strategy and read some articles of BULKING UP!

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

Maks right..u need calories especially if your a hard gainer...take his advice and get those 3000 calories in eat eat bro...also I can say from experience that I couldn't put on serious mass till I was a little older than you...gaining weight was harder for me when I was younger

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Makwa's picture

Pretty easy to spot why you are failing. Get rid of this IF BS. You need to be eating something every few hours. Only time you shouldn't be eating is when you are sleeping. Only 100g of carbs, that should pretty much be what you have for your first meal in the morning. 100g of protein. That might suffice if you never get up off the couch. This is about as easy of a fix as it gets. Put down at least 6 meals/d min of 500 cals each meal and train like an animal in the gym and you will be 80+ kilos in a month. Wish everything was that simple.

tonico's picture

Thanks for the link!
I did a recalculation of my TDEE to around 2670cal, will track it down the next weeks and adjust.

@SAM: you are right, its a bad excuse to not get it done...

Faz's picture
Sam I Am's picture

Your going to have to learn to eat. 150 grams should be easy.

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