JTlean's picture
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Too much sugar?


So I've been on a bulking diet the past 3 weeks, increased calories to 4000-4300 a day. So far I've gained 5 lbs (granted some fat, but hey, I'm bulking). A good portion of my diet is very clean, lean meats, chicken, tuna, veggies, complex carbs, etc) BUT I also consume quite a bit of simple carbs from sources like fruit juices, yogurts, and protein shakes.. I track my diet and it comes out to almost 200 grams of sugar (a total of 500-600 carbs). Should this be a concern? I get a lot of my calories from these so I'm hesitant to cut back on them. Any advice?

Side note- I get a good portion of these simple sugars post workout

wallabokkie's picture

Hey mate I have come accross this a bit on this site. Why does everyone insist on bulking up. You can't flex fat. Why create more work for yourself by putting on fat and then having to go and get rid of it later. I am not giving you a hard time bro it is a trend that I have noticed on this site. OK now here is a reason why I feel you should try ad remain lean while still off season. You can actually see where you are gaining. Instead of getting a covering of fat and not seeing if you are just getting fatter or actually buildidng muscle. You burn calories while at rest, when training, walking sleeping and recovering. Basicaly your whole existence right. Now you burn calories just maintaining the fat stores that you have. Wouldn't it be better if those calories went towards the recovery process and assist in building muscle. Lets be real that is what we are all trying too do right. I suggest having a small surplus of protien than you require as well as good clean carbs. Definately drop the juices bro way too much sugar for you. If you need extra calories try MCT oil from coconut. It is a fat but it burns fat as it is used differently in the body. Eat heaps of veggies and salads. The biggest thing people need to do is get out of the mind set that the scales need to be going up for you to be getting bigger. Just think if you gained 7k of lean muscle during a cycle or 15kg of bulk weight during a cycle then had to cut back and still have made the same or even less gains. Way more work than needed bro.I don't bulk up I size up bro. Bulking should have died decades ago just like muscle confusion should have.Hope it help bro

JTlean's picture

When I say "bulking" my goal is not "weight" in the form of a lot of fat along with muscle. Granted with the surplus of calories and carbs, some fat is likely but I'm ok with that. I'm not trying to look like a model in a magazine ad. My goal is lean muscle, and weight and body fat percentage is a reference. While on a "bulking diet" some fat gain is permissible for me bc I'm naturally lean (never been over 12% BF) and I don't think it's possible for me to get "fat". I don't cycle bulking and cutting diets, in fact this is my first real clean Bulking diet, my goal is to put on lean muscle, minimal fat, for my upcoming season where I'll inevitably lose weight due to intense workouts, practices, running, games, and time constraints to get in necessary calories. I understand your point though, just trying to give you my perspective on my goals. Hope it makes some sense. Thanks for your input bro and it definitely makes sense what you're saying.

wallabokkie's picture

No problem mate. It's just the common frase for people to say I am bulking up meaning to me they are going too be putting on fat and muscle at the same time. I hope that you reach your goals mate. Take care and stay healthy.

JTlean's picture

Thanks for the advice, I will add more actual fruit to my diet and cut back a little on the fruit juices. Yes I eat Greek yogurt oikos but the kind I get has about 17g sugar in it. I eat about 3-4 a day . Should I switch to the all natural kind and sweeten it with honey or something? I used to be a big soft drink drinker with my meals, but I've cut them completely out. Hence why I'm drinking so much juice with my meals. I probably need to up my water and actual fruit intake

scootloko's picture

That all depends on your particular metabolism in my opinion bro. Its a good thing you are getting most of those simple carbs post workout though and keep in mind fructose (the sugar in fruit juice) isnt quite as bad as sucrose(table sugar). Personally Im southern and drink about a half gallon of sweat tea a day, it doesnt effect my bodyfat though cause I workout and eat pretty clean except for that. You didnt say how much you weigh but as long as your bodyfat is ok I wouldnt worry too much about it, especially while bulking. If most of that sugar is coming from fruit juice, yogurt, and protein drinks like you say then dont sweat it, put the honey buns down though lol.... Just my opinion

scootloko's picture

very true. i forget even 100% juice doesnt actually mean 100% these days lol

JTlean's picture

Thanks for the reply. I'm 5'11" 185lbs approximately 11% body fat. I have a high metabolism and putting on weight can sometimes be a struggle be im seeing good results the past few weeks. Almost all the simple carbs I consume are from fruit juice, yogurt, and protein shakes.