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Which Type of Protein Powder do you use?


Which Type of Protein Powder do you use?

Whey Isolate Professional (Zero fat/lactose)
18% (12 votes)
Whey Protein Hydro (Fastest absorbing)
9% (6 votes)
Whey Isolate (80 to 90% pro content)
25% (16 votes)
Whey Protein Blend
11% (7 votes)
Micellar Casein
0% (0 votes)
Whey Concentrate (cheapest)
11% (7 votes)
No Way - I eat Real Food M'Fuker!!!
26% (17 votes)
Total votes: 65
11chuck88's picture

Right now im using hosstile iso h1 grass fed whey. Tastes good and doesn't foam which is a pet peeve of mine. I've also tried Seth feroces whey protein as well and liked it. But the best tasting protein I've ever had hands down was Jay cutlers marshmallow rice cereal flavor. Put that in some unsweetened almond milk, it'll get your hog whistlin!

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Musclemem's picture has Nutricost Grass Fed Whey Isolate as number one then Optimum Nutrition Gold then California gold. IsoPure was like fourth or fifth.

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ONESICK's picture

Whatever is cheap when I go for whey. I do a lot of a mix of food to various sources of protein. Can't really just pick one unless I'm being super serious about my diet.

press1's picture

If I wasn't lactose intolerant I would go for normal concentrate as you can get waaaayyy more flavours here in it and its about a third of the damn price of Isolate Pro!!! Lol

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ONESICK's picture

Yeah I'm a cheap MF lol.

mannip24's picture

My two go to protien powders

PRO7EIN SYNTHESIS great blend 34 grams in a scoop

Mre lite great tasting beef, chicken, salmon protien blend

Caeser's picture

I just eat steak + liver + biltong…as much as I can. Fish & chikn sprinkled in.

Musclemem's picture

Why doesn’t anyone ever speak on beef protein powder? I’m not saying that sarcastically but I would think it’s a much better protein. Whey protein on an empty stomach post workout is great. If not on an empty stomach then Casein is a good choice. Personally I been using Naked and Isopure but my thing is all protein powders are inflammatory and a while back I posted a thread looking for a powder that isn’t inflammatory. It’s almost impossible to find in my opinion. Do the benefits outweigh the negatives of inflammation. This shit will make your head spin if you are anal like me when researching. Should we use a plant based protein, egg protein, Whey or Casein or even some Collagen powder or are we all fools and should just eat high quality protein that’s highly digestible. Sorry for babbling on.

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

I do all of them + a tons of real high quality food. There's no other was to accomplish your goals. Nutrition is the key!

kcidnwoymtaenaci0y187's picture

Universal Gains - that I bought from GNC - gave me a "mild" heart attack at work in 2005. I was 24 years young!

2007, I began using Muscle Milk - back when they put tons of creatine in their products. That stuff gave me kidney stones!

In 2010, GNC began selling Optimal Nutrition. They had a Protein Complex that was PERFECT for my life - casein, whey AND fiber. It was $60 for a standard tub though!

2015, discovered eggs + oatmeal + banana + peanut butter...... Problems solved!

rtolleson's picture

Isopure strait with water

wanted's picture

I hope isopure has changed cause i tried it acouple years ago and holly hell it tasted horrible

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press1's picture

Going back about 25 years now Isopure was the big thing in the US when I was over, I got the Apple flavour from Powerhouse gym and mate it was the best thing I had ever tasted. First ever RTD shake I had that wasn't milk based but rather looked like fruit juice instead. However we still couldn't get it here for years after and when it did get imported it was nothing like the pre made stuff. Now of course everyone is making clear whey for cheap.

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UncleYoked's picture

Real food!
I'm a red meat and high cholesterol kind of guy

YouputyourDecainmyTest's picture

Protein powders tend to destroy my stomach. I'd rather eat 3lbs of chicken breast anyway XD

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wanted's picture

Those days are over for me. Give me acouple scoops of protein powder aday along with my meals.
Im more for convenience in my older years but still maintain good condition

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press1's picture

Well Damn - looks like the results are almost in! lol

Most surprising is the fact that Real food almost won, Isolate is probably the deserved winner though with it not being extortionately priced like the 97 version.

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Brozowski265's picture

Just ordered some oat powder from the protein factory
To put in with my jym oatmeal plant based whey

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Vmill4's picture

I've been using the brand Level's which is Grass fed whey protein. I get the cappuccino flavor and I like it more than all the big name brands.

bundlz's picture

If i use i use isolate the cheapest brand or a discount tub....but i get most of my proteins outta my food last time i drank a protein shake whas 2 weeks ago or so

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hogwild's picture

Been drinking Mealx by new world and their 3 protein bend. All delicious. Check em out on ebay. Under 10.00 a lb if you buy in bulk. Last order was 30lbs. ran almost all the way through it in 9 weeks. No nasty farts and no bloat. feel a slight pump when I drink one, usually put 3 scoops in a water bottle shake it up and slam it. usually 3 or 4 shakes a day before gym and at work.

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Bill1976's picture

Oh. Your were the kid from a Christmas story

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Jrihard89's picture

BEST tasting protein of any flavor! Know Seth and trust his stuff. He takes the third party testing seriously! Put some of that salted Carmel in some black coffee. Ohhhh momma it’s good! If I’m in a rush, I’ll sub my egg whites meal 1 for 50g of protein weighed out of this stuff.

Keto friendly too

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Shoopaahhh's picture

Does he run any good promos very often I’m wanting to give some of his supps a try

press1's picture

I've started to watch a lot of Seths videos lately, the one all about why he gave up gear is a really good one. I like the way he's so honest about what he use to run and how he would sit munching Adrol out of his desk draw LMAO But at the same time he now realises he needs to be responsible for his kids and families interests. It must have been extremely hard at his still relatively young age to give it up and lose so much size when his Freakish size and thickness was what he was known for - takes a strong minded man to do that.

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AlwaysGottaStiffy's picture

I got tired of mixing shit. I used to buy Muscletech nitro tech elite. Now I'm on a subscription for GNC 14oz bottles by the case. 40g of protein, 1g of sugar, 4g of carbs. 2 cases each month. More expensive but way more convenient to just open the fridge and drink.

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White Bolt's picture

i’m on the same boat as you. i go to sams club and get the fairlife RTD protein shakes. great macros and convenient. mixing up protein in shaker bottles throughout the day has become a thing of the past for me.

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Prsbrg1's picture

I use whatever is at costco warehouse and mix it with chia seeds

EliteDucky's picture

why chia seeds? more calories?

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Prsbrg1's picture

Omega 3 and extra protein

JJmarcone's picture

I gave up all processed shit last year. My "protein shakes" consist of 12oz whole milk with 4 raw eggs blended in. I'll drink between 1-3 of these shakes a day. Highly recommend

Prsbrg1's picture

Seems like that would be the cheapest and healthiest route to go

press1's picture

Dymatize has been on my to try list for a while now, always gets good reviews. I used ON Gold Standard for several years when I got back into training again and loved it, then Mypro and Bulk springed up who were half the price of the mainstream companies - now that has all changed and they are just as expensive or in some cases more. Sucralose and all those synthetic sweetners taste like shite don't they - just blank it out with 50g dextrose bud.

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HanginLow's picture

Great topic Press, Isolate crew (80-90%) here cuz I get farty on other types and Hydro tastes like shit

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press1's picture

Yeah Hydro is quite bitter tasting isn't it, it definitely needs Dextrose powder adding to it to sweeten it up plus I love my carbs with everything lol For years and years I found that every time after having protein shake I would feel nauseous for an hour afterwards and couldn't eat a bean. Started using Iso Pro 97% and all of a sudden this stopped happening - further down the line I realised I am slightly lactose intolerant esp with protein powders. Concentrate and blends I simply cannot use without feeling very sick. Mate how much have prices risen over the past 5 years??! I use to pay £21 for 1kg Unflavoured Iso Pro and now its £60 per Kilogram!!!! Utter madness. I can use Isolate too but just find the fat free one extremely light and I can eat a meal an hour later too.

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press1's picture

Literally bud with the 97% stuff its like drinking water with 60g protein in it! Lol I have the 90% Isolate version of what I drink but its thicker and it keeps me full for longer - I like to be able to eat properly fairly soon after training to get some strength and energy back in me. I'm naturally light with a fast metabolism so I'm not trying to stay full from protein shakes to lose bodyfat if you get me.

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HanginLow's picture

yeah the prices for quality protein powder are through the fucking roof everywhere man, its cheaper to just eat chicken these days

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Makwa's picture

I pretty much use them all depending on my needs. The clear isolate I probably use the most though since that is part of my intraworkout shake and post workout shake.The whey concentrate I really don't use much, if at all. Just an inferior product given the others available. Hydro and isolate are great for a quick slug of fast absorbing protein whenever you need that, like first thing in the morning. Casein good in evening before bed. I also have some blends of whey and casein which are good for a steady drip of protein in your system throughout the day.

press1's picture

I went through the Clear whey Isolate big time when it was first released here, went on a mission and tried all the flavours Myprotein did Lol I found the basic flavours were the most drinkable such as Apple, Orange and Pineapple. The other ones such as Cranberry & Raspberry, Tropical Dragonfruit tasted amazing at first but wow I soon got sick of them being extremely sweet. Which are your favourites?

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Makwa's picture

The clear isolates are the best to use when mixing with water. If using the regular whey isolates I have to mix with milk to make them palatable. Muscletech, JYM and Isopure all have pretty good clear isolate. JYM grape and Muscletech orange are probably my favorites though.